Chapter 1687 Seasoning
When Yuan returned to the Primal Expanse, Yingzi was there to greet him with a teleport stone given to her by Long Yejun.
Without uttering a word, Yingzi handed the teleport stone to him.
After attaining Moderate Void Understanding, Yuan could see the more intricate details within the teleport stone, even able to tell the direction it would take him. He shattered the teleport stone the next moment and entered the rift created by it.
When they emerged from the rift, Yuan and Yingzi appeared at the Endless Arena, but it had a vastly different atmosphere and was no longer as empty as their previous visits. The once-empty tform is now filled with human figures and beasts, with mountains of food in every direction.
Since Yuan was still in his human form, his scent quickly spread, attracting the attention of those around him.
They stared at him in silence for a few moments before someone shouted, "It''s the Primal Monarch''s descendant!" News of Yuan''s true identity had long spread throughout the Divine Dragon Sanctuary. Some were upset, even angry, that they had been deceived by a human, but the majority of them didn''t mind it and became more impressed by his feats in the past two years.
The beings near Yuan respectfully greeted him, regardless of their feelings toward him, as he was the Primal Monarch''s descendant, which ranked even above the Dragon God''s descendants.
"Oh, you''ve arrived." Long Yejun appeared shortly after their arrival.
"Follow me. I''ll bring you to our spot."
Yuan and Yingzi followed him to another area where the other Dragon Monarchs were present. However, not all seven of the Dragon Monarchs were present.
Besides the Hellfire Dragon and Eternal Frost Dragon, the rest were there.
"Hello, everyone. Sorry to make you wait."
"It''s fine. We just finished setting up the ce." Long Yejun said.
"There''s still two weeks left before the Dragon God Festival. Enjoy yourself until then!" Long Yejun''s voice rippled throughout the Endless Arena. Everyone started stuffing their mouths with food the very next moment.
Yuan also started eating the food that had been prepared using beings that only existed in the Primal Expanse.
Although the food had natural vors, itcked any seasoning, so it was verycklusterpared to the food in the human world.
Realizing this, Yuan said to them, "You guys like the meat skewers, right? How about I prepare this food in the same way?"
"What? You can do that?" Long Yejun''s eyes widened.
"Please do!" Long Meihui eximed, her eyes flickering with excitement.
Yuan nodded and retrieved several bottles of seasoning. "One of the most significant contributors to the excellence of human food is how we apply our seasoning—how we season our food."
He showed them the bottles and continued, "We call this seasoning. If we apply it to the food, it will give the food a specific taste. If we mix them together, it will create a unique vor, and different mixtures have different results."
Yuan sprinkled some salt on his food and handed it to Long Yejun.
"This is one of the mostmonly used seasonings. Salt."
When Long Yejun bit into the meat, his eyes widened with surprise. "What the! This food is now several times tastier!" "L-let me try!" Long Meihui and the others shouted.
Yuan sprinkled some salt onto their food.
"I can''t believe those tiny sand-like things could enhance the vors so much!"
"This one is called ck pepper, anothermonly used seasoning." Yuan handed them more food.
"What a stark difference!"
"And this is what happens when I mix them together."
Yuan added salt, ck pepper, and garlic powder to the next sample.
Long Yejun and the others trembled with satisfaction when they ate the food.
"I used to underestimate humans, but the fact is, they possess knowledge we could never fathom…" The Baneful Dragon muttered.
"I''ve known that since I learned how to cksmith from one." Refined Obsidian Dragonmented.
Yuan then said, "By the way, we typically season our food before cooking it."
"Speaking of cooking, we also learned that from humans. Before, we would consume our food raw." Long Yejun said.
Yingzi gently tugged on Yuan''s robes and asked, "How about the vor of meat skewers? What kind of seasoning do you put on them?"
"Many people have their own special mix, but the majority of them contain cumin, salt, and chili." Yuan tried to replicate the seasoning of the meat skewers in his possession and handed them to Yingzi.
"It''s missing some vors, but it''s very close," she said after tasting it.
"There are hundreds of different seasonings out there, but I only have some of them," Yuan said.
Yuan took out all of the seasoning in his possession to let the others use them as they pleased.
Long Yejun and the others had a st testing out everybination, but their peacested only for a few minutes.
Suddenly, a rift appeared right next to Yuan, and even before the figure emerged, their tyrannical presence poured through the rift, saturating the surroundings with an overwhelming and oppressive force.
"My, my. How can you have a feast without me?" Long Wu Qing spoke as she walked out of the rift. However, she looked a little different from before. While most of her features remained the same, she was much taller and more mature-looking, resembling that of a peerless woman.
"Because we knew you''d show up regardless." Long Yejun spoke with a nervous smile.
Long Wu Qing looked at the bottle of salt in his hand and inquired, "What is that white stuff in your hand?"
"Seasoning. Humans use them to enhance the vor of their food." Yuan gave her a brief exnation.
"Interesting," she showed a thrilled smile. "Show me how to use it."
"Ummm… I don''t mind, but can you do something about your presence? It''s terrifying everyone." Yuan said.
Everyone at the Endless Arena had instinctively halted their movements since Long Wu Qing''s appearance and hadn''t moved a muscle since then. Some even tried running away, but their bodies were stiff from fear.