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Dark Eye-protection
MillionNovel > To Prey Upon: Dark fantasy slice of life > Chapter 14: They Have Pimped My Ork

Chapter 14: They Have Pimped My Ork

    Grey and the ‘team’ were ushered to the guard house right by the wall. There he had to wait for the Guild representative for the debrief. The women stared daggers into him, likely not all too pleased with being left in the same room with him. On the other hand, Yena was acting way too familiar. She kept trying to get closer to Grey and he had to keep changing the spot he stood at.

    Finally, the representative showed up. But he too didn’t seem all too pleased.

    “Orks? What the fuck are orks doing here?!” He shouted at the two guards who had nothing to do with this.

    The men did a double take at the group gathered, and on the second look, their faces contorted into an unpleasant shape. There was a green skin within this ragtag group.

    “Sorry! It sort of slipped past.” , “We didn’t bother the ladies with our prying looks since… well…” The other guard alluded to their state of undress.

    A whole lot of women began to voice their grievances at the same time.

    “Wait, wait! One at a time!”

    The representative tried deliberately to take charge of the situation, but chaos ensued regardless. From what Grey had gathered they were complaining about him. Grey shook his head in disappointment, he tried to do the right thing and this was his supposed reward.

    Soon, the very catalyst of this situation – Grey, was asked to leave the room. And it took ages for him to be called back.

    Later Grey was asked back into the room then he noticed the state the representative was left in. He looked completely drained and was rubbing his eyebrows with his thumbs, likely to tame the throbbing headache. This was one of those rare moments Grey could sympathise with another human.

    “So the three orks are your captives?” The representative asked.

    Grey simply nodded.

    “So it is like that. Unfortunately, we can’t have orks inside the city. They are no better than monsters.”

    Grey had expected this. “You want me to kill them?”

    “Well...” The representative shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Dispose of is a better word. I could ask the guards to do it but are you okay with giving us a hand?”

    “I am.” Grey had no attachment to his orks except for one.

    The hints of tension left the representative’s stern face and it mellowed a bit.

    “The half-ork, she is a special case isn’t she?” He tapped his fingers on the desk.

    Grey wasn’t too sure of what the man was implying.

    “We can’t just kill her. She is a half-human after all. But running free in the city is also not an option.” He rubbed his chin in thought. “She seemed to take an odd liking to you. What if we put her under your supervision? A perfect job for a peacekeeper.”

    Awesome, more work for Grey. But having her permitted in the city was good news.

    “It works for me.” Grey rubbed at his sore wounds raring to get this done with.

    “Well, then come tomorrow to The Guild for both the reward and half-ork. We still have some questions for her.”

    As Grey turned to leave the representative coughed into his hand unpleasantly.

    “Oh and the two. Don’t do it here. The guards had already embarrassed themselves by letting the orks past the gates. Somewhere discretely in the forest where the corpses would get eaten by monsters, yes?”

    This worked perfectly for Grey so he simply just nodded leaving the representative smiling to himself.

    Grey had reacquired his orks from two guards who were all too happy to release the two savage women back to his care, and back to the forest he went.

    The orks followed him obediently. Their lack of need to flee or strike Grey from behind was odd in a way. Then they were finally in the woods the orks had this resigned look on their faces as if they knew of their fate already. Grey found their lack of will to fight and struggle very uncharacteristic for an ork. He wondered if he broke them or something.

    “Seeing human city was nice.” “It was fun.” The two blurred out right before dropping to their knees and pressing their heads next to Greys feat.

    Was this an attempted apology or their way of begging for their lives? Anyways, it felt distasteful.

    “So just to be clear about this, I’m not killing you.”

    The pair looked at Grey with confusion on their faces.

    “I have no reason to do so. No, to kill you would be a mistake. It is because I want to work with you.”

    While waiting for the representative Grey concocted a plan. He had to adjust it slightly but in the end, it worked.

    “I want to make a trade. You see, I want human mages. And in return, I can trade things you want, yes?”

    “Mages? Why?” The ork questioned.

    “Why else, to eat them,” Grey spoke bluntly. “Make no mistake, I am no ally to humans.”

    The confusion only deepened within the orks. “Like ork, you eat humans?”

    Grey nodded vigorously. “Yes, but I want only mages. Oh! And make them women.”

    Something clicked within the orks their expressions changed. “Yes, chief.”

    “Oh, and your camp and the other orks… I am sorry.” Grey lied giving his best smile.

    “Chief this is the ork way.” , “Strong must take.”

    “Good, so let''s meet up here again and make a good trade.”

    The orks nodded with fire in their eyes.

    Grey wasn’t too sure if they had bought into his faked sincerity. And anyway, he wasn’t an idiot to think that orks would just forgive him, not after what he had made them do. He didn''t expect them to. He fully expected to be ambushed here later when they will meet again. That would work too, since he could kill them all, find their new camp and hopefully get his hands on their fresh human captives. This time, however, he had no intention of setting the captives free. That was a mistake he learned to regret.


    Grey was taking a good long nap back in his lair… Or not, the scorched marks left by the shaman refused to close, and there was this burning sensation still. The sleep was not the best this time. He shifted and turned around his mattress always landing on a sore spot.

    Judging by the sweet smell coming from the corridor the half-elf was finally back from doing who knows what.

    “Those wounds? What had happened?” She asked with worry showing on her face.

    “Nothing you need to concern yourself with.” Grey turned on his other side for the umpteenth time.

    “This, this looks like a Withering disease! Are you Okay?”

    Was she concerned about him? It was unlikely she-devil possessed such qualities. Regardless, she knew something he didn’t, so…

    “You know of this Withering Curse?” He asked remembering the shaman whispering the name of the spell.

    “Yes, and why are you so calm? You need to get treated. Like right now.”

    Grey sighted at the ignorance of this elf.This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.

    “Healing potions don’t work on me. And these wounds are shallow, a good rest and they will close up.”

    “Of course, a potion wouldn''t do shit, It’s a curse magic we are talking about! Resting won’t help either. You need to get a priest to lift a curse first.”

    “A priest?”

    “Yes, the one from the church. Their cleansing spells are expensive tough, let me get the money.”

    So the priests were a type of a mage, a specialisation; Grey had surmised. Meaning, that the she-devil knew about this church full of mages and by choice didn’t tell him.

    “I will eat this priest, no need to pay.” Grey voiced out his genius idea.

    “What?! Believe me, then I say that you don’t want to mess with the holy church.”

    “Are they as powerful as the mages from The University?”

    “Their power is on par with nations and kings.”

    So it was another organisation Grey couldn’t touch. He hated this penchant the mages have, always forming groups, bands or other large communities. But then, maybe it was just a human trait, after all Grey found humans as the individuals the weakest of all the sapient races.

    Grey stood up and stretched his sore muscles. “Okay then, but first I have to get my things from The Guild.”

    “No problem, it’s on the way anyways.” The elf picked a large pouch of money, her facial expression shifted to that shit-eating grin she often donned on her face. “You are collecting a quest reward aren’t you?” She dropped the pouch back. “So that’s where you… but when what kind of monster did that to you?”

    Grey knew he can’t dance around the subject. If she wanted to know something she will find it out one way or the other. “It was an ork shaman.”

    The curiosity evaporated from her eyes as if it never were there. “Oh, it makes sense then. Are you okay to walk? I could get the reward and just call the priest here.”

    “Yeah, like I am letting you to get my reward. I am going!”

    In no time at all Grey found himself in an already all too familiar guild reception desk. Seeing Grey the receptionist excused herself to fetch The Guild representative himself. It appears that there was a theme going and the representatives were some sort of big shots here.

    It was the same man he had met in the guard house. He dropped a large sack of cold coins on the desk, the threads were barely able to hold the weight. A small chest would have been a better option, but Grey couldn’t fault the representative for this small mistake. Grey liked his business approach, little chatter and straight to business. He grabbed for the sack…

    “That’s the best I could get. You must understand that the valuables in the camp had owners, so your share was only a token finders fee. But…” He stressed “The Guild recognised your achievements. Exterminating ork camp is no small feat. That was one hell of amazing work you did there. So, I hope you find the end sum acceptable.”

    Grey didn’t want to argue about small details. He didn’t care much about the money, but the recognition felt somewhat nice. A warm fuzzy feeling, the one absent at the time he had saved the captives.

    He picked up the heavy sack and handed it to the greedy half-elf, if she likes it so much, she can carry it.

    “Oh, and since you are the peacekeeper and saved some high-born ladies, there will be a reward from the nobles. I don’t deal with that, so just see them then you can. That’s what they told me anyways.” The representative brushed it off nonchalantly.

    Grey knew that the half-elf would rub her greedy fingers together if she didn’t have a sack to carry, she was practically salivating at the mention of a second reward.

    Grey stood there for a moment, reevaluating the representative. After all, he was quite chatty.

    “Is there anything else?” the representative asked as if he had expected Grey to be on his way already.

    “There is my other stuff?”

    “Hugh?” The representative looked genuinely confused. “Did you leave anything at the camp?”

    “The ork!” Grey hated to remind him.

    “Oh, that one. Yes.” He seemed reluctant. “Come.” He motioned to follow.

    Grey followed the not-so-business-like-anymore representative and she-elf followed Grey curiously.

    In a small room was an ork. She looked different, Grey couldn’t recognise her at all. First, there was a lack of grime and dirt on her green skin, it even was shiny now. Her once black unkempt hair now was neatly braided into a long ponytail. She even wore proper human clothes, a short linen skirt and a vest on her chest. It was cheap clothing but it was a huge upgrade from her tattered hides. It was obvious that someone tried their best to bring the human characteristics out of this half-ork, but the wild side could only be hidden so much.

    The ork looked at Grey with a burning gaze, two unblinking yellow eyes locked unto him. She was slouching on the chair with her legs spread wide and her vest was half undone.

    Was it even the same ork? Grey sniffed at the air. Yes, still smelled the same. A distinct smell of the forest mixed with something sour and sweet. And then there was perfume humans would use, it felt like a waste on her, after all her natural fragrance was so much better. All in all, she seemed extremely edible.

    “Chief!” The ork stood up glaring at the two men guarding her.

    Ups, Grey didn’t even notice the guards. One of them had a swollen nose and freshly dried blood on his tunic.

    “She is a piece of work! Good luck with her.” One of the Guards spoke.

    “I think she just doesn’t like you.” Guard number two added.

    “We taught her about the rules but she didn’t seem to care or listen. She ain''t ready, but I guess it’s your problem now. If she messes up it’s on you now buddy.” The representative sounded apologetic.

    “Come.” Grey motioned to the ork to follow.

    It was clear the elf wanted to say something so Grey gave a chance for her to speak. But she never spoke a thing, not until they left the Guild.

    “What''s that?!” She pointed at the.

    “A half-ork. Half human and a half ork.” He illuminated the ignorant elf.

    “I know that. But why is she with you?”

    “He is my chief. Who are you?” The half-ork asked crossly perfectly imitating the tone the elf was giving.

    “Oh! It speaks! Is it because you are half-human?”

    “All orks can speak. I just speak better than most.” She said proudly.

    Grey was confused. Were orks normally mute or something?


    “So what?” Grey asked in turn.

    “So, why is she with us?”

    “Why not?”

    The she-devil gave Grey a frustrated look. “What are you plotting?!”

    How dare she, the she-devil, accuse him of such things. “Let’s just get over this and go to that church of yours.”

    “With a fucking ork?!” she blew her lid off.

    Something was wrong with the elf, gold usually soothed her, but not this time. Grey snatched the money from her hands. She didn’t earn it anyways.

    “You got a problem?” He asked.

    The elf mellowed straight away. “No!” She paused and then added in a whisper. “But the church might.”

    Grey shrugged. The elf might be bluffing to get on his nerves and if not he will just wave his peacekeeper’s badge, that must have some power on its own.

    Grey was receiving more and more looks as he was getting further into the city. This tended to happen then he strayed further from beastkin parts of the city.

    The church was a white building made out entirely of polished stone blocks. It wasn’t as large as The Guild, but it was definitely more opulent. The walls were decorated with engravings and sculptures chiselled from the same stone. A huge open archway led to the inner part of the domed structure.

    Grey stepped in trying to sniff the priest out. Only to be yelled at.

    “What!? A monster and an ork! Guards, guards!” The man screamed his arms flailing in the air.

    Grey showed him his badge but the man kept shouting his face red.

    “Blasphemy! Begone you demon!”

    The guards surrounded Grey and company. Grey waved his badge in their faces. The guards looked conflicted, fighting some sort of internal battle.

    “Isn’t it stolen?” One man warranted.

    “It''s real!” Grey roared.

    “Hold on. Hold on! I can explain.” The half-elf jumped between Grey and the guards. “This is a misunderstanding.”

    “Speak then!” A guard urged.

    After some explaining mixed in with lies and half-truths, Grey was allowed to see the priest. The ork was ordered to wait outside and was watched by the guards while Grey was led into a small room. Aside from two benches by the wall facing each other, it was empty and quite dark. One could easily confuse it for a holding cell. He was told to wait for the priest there and so he did.

    Grey couldn’t do much except for feeling uncomfortable; It felt like a trap. A cramped room with sturdy stone walls he had no chance to break, two guards positioned outside. But also he felt excited, the whole place smelled like dinner. All kinds of smells found their way to his nostrils; telling him that multiple mages were working in this building.

    It didn’t take that long and a petite woman entered the small room. Her eyes went wide and she stopped in her tracks, but only for a moment. Grey took a good look at her.

    Her face was covered by a thin white veil. Blonde hair flowed from the white cap. She wore a white light dress, which was so thin it was almost seethrough. It clung to her shapely form leaving little to the imagination. Her feet were bare but even then there were no signs of dirt on them. And quite clearly she had some sort of magic abilities.

    ‘So this is a priest.’ Grey made a mental note.

    She put on a neutral smile, something she must have learned to do as a habit. Grey knew she was faking it, humans never smiled like this to him.

    “Hello, I am Mellisa. What is your name.” She bowed slightly while trying to maintain eye contact.


    “May the gods be with you, Grey.”

    Grey wasn’t well versed in such human pleasantries so he decided to go straight to the point.

    “I’ve been told I’m cursed.” Grey showed the burn marks on his arms. “They don’t want to heal.”

    “Oh my, this does sound like a curse. Any idea what it might be?”

    “Withering Touch.”

    “Simple but a nasty curse. No need to worry, I will lift it now.”

    Her hands began to glow illuminating the room. Grey tensed up slightly, he didn’t like magic being cast on him.

    “It won’t hurt. You won’t feel a thing.” She spoke softly.

    “May the gods cleanse this soul, Lift Curse.”

    The light flowed from her hands to Grey surrounding his body.

    She had lied, it felt a bit fuzzy on his skin and then it disappeared. Grey felt his mana core draining but before he could panic it stopped and the wounds began to heal visibly.

    “Look at that.” The priest sounded surprised.

    “Is that it?” Grey asked just to be sure.

    The woman nodded putting on her neutral smile back on. Grey stood up from the bench and turned to leave.

    “Grey?” She asked before he could do so. “Just what exactly are you?”

    He looked at her unsure of what she was asking.

    “You aren’t a usual beastkin are you?”

    Grey really didn’t like this question.

    “No, I am better.” He replied keeping his animosity tame.

    The priest clearly had more questions but he didn’t want to stay here any longer than necessary. He went out looking for the she-devil. He found her outside, the gold sack looked significantly smaller. It was clear this church was ripping people off. There was no way such a small spell needed to cost so much.

    Seeing Grey returning, the guards, who were meant to watch the ork, spat on the ground and made an unpleasant grimace.

    “We’re not welcome here. Let’s go.” The she-elf urged.

    Grey took a second look at the church. He felt annoyance welling up inside. It was like a turtle, full of delicious meat inside but protected by a hard shell. He wondered if he ever will be able to crack it and taste the flesh of these succulent priests. But then, maybe he could just lure one or two out. That would make things easier.

    “Come on!”

    The she-devil interrupted his important plotting and he slapped her on the head lightly. The guards unsheathed their weapons directing them at Grey. Yeah, the half-elf was right, he wasn’t welcome here.
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