The 1980s were the age of computers, Pac-man, MTV and especially Back to the Future. Robert and Eske arrived in 1982, a few months apart from each other. They met at the exact same apartment and continued their lives as it was 1961 with perks. Eske finally finished his degree in Mathematical Physics, even though he was still not sure how he pulled it off. And it left him with more questions than answers. As for Robert, he started to work as GP, General Practitioner. in a clinic down the street. Their lives were pretty much the same but with no Nona. And with Robert, going out late at night and returning with his shirt collar smudged in red lipstick.
''Eske! Dinner! Buddy! Are you coming or what?''; Robert entered the dark room to find Eske curled in bed watching TV. ''Eske? Are you listening?''
''I''m not hungry, '' he answered, looking blankly at the screen.
Robert sighed loudly and sat next to him. They stared into the screen for a moment until Robert broke the silence: ''You can''t stay like this.''
''Like what? I''m just watching a movie.''
''What movie?''
''Back to the Future.''
‘Again?’ Robert turned off the television, which caused Eske to lie on his back, staring at the ceiling. ''I don''t want to have the talk again.''
''Buddy, I don''t get you. You have a degree now, and girls are crazy about you. You even have friends, don’t you? What the fuck are you doing?''
''You wouldn''t understand.''
''Come on now,'' Robert said, turning around and putting both hands behind his head. He looked over at Eske''s face, which seemed so far away. His eyes were unfocused as if nobody was at home up there. ''You think I never fell in love and had to drop everything behind me for the next jump? Do you know how many jumps I have done since I remember? Well, I don''t know, buddy, it gets to a point you stop counting.''
''How do you do it?'' Eske asked. ''Because I can''t. I tried. I fucking miss her.''
''What about this map of yours? Do you think I want to jump for the rest of my life? Not knowing when I will land? Have you thought that maybe others would like to settle down, build a family, a place and time to call home?''; Robert shook his head slowly. ''I know you think it is love. I know it is hurting you. But it has been three years, and you are closed in your room now for a month. It''s not love. It''s an obsession.''
Eske didn''t answer, just listening to his friend. ''I know how first love feels, but... I never met someone that ended up with their first love. Your story shouldn''t be about a boy that fell in love with a girl. Your story should be the story of a boy who could hear numbers.''; he tapped Eske''s shoulder. ''Now come on, dinner is getting cold.''
It took two weeks before Eske decided to leave his room and another for Robert to convince him to seek help. Professional help and Eske accepted. The appointment was in the clinic where Robert worked. He set him up with a psychiatrist he knew. And there he was, sitting down on an uncomfortable designed leather couch inside an office decorated with a wide range of plants. Many, many plants. Who has so many plants?
The doctor looked at him behind her framed glasses, large white blouse and black pencil skirt. ''Great, do you remember when you are from?''; she asked casually.If you discover this tale on Amazon, be aware that it has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. Please report it.
''Beg your pardon?''
''You don''t remember me at all, don''t you? Is okay, I think I have one of those faces.''; she removed her glasses as if it was easier to remember her face framed by bright red hair: ''Penny? Penelope Bonheur, from Professor Whiterabbit''s classes? Nothing?''
''How..., do..., are you?''; Eske asked. ‘As I said, I don’t.’
She laughed and put her glasses back on. ''There are many of us, you know? Well, I can start with what Bobby told me, or you can give me your story first-hand.''
''1929, the year I was born. I don’t think I have siblings or cousins. What else, I like books, movies, video games are fun too.''
''Guess the tattoo is from...''; she didn''t have the heart to finish the sentence.
''Yeah, don''t like to talk about it. Is just a bad tattoo, nothing else.''
''What do you like to talk about?''
Eske shrugged: ''Not even I know.''; he leaned forward, elbows on knees.
Penelope nodded and waited patiently for him to continue.
''I''m not depressed.''; he whispered softly. ''But I feel angry.''
''I am still to meet a time traveller who isn''t. Some don''t even remember the year they were born. Some don''t have friends. There are those who don''t even jump into the same country. There are perks to being a traveller. We see it all. We don''t age after a while. We see many versions of the world. Same people with different lives. But we are like boats without anchors. It sucks. Doesn''t it?''
''I''m not depressed.''
''I didn''t say you were. You did. Why?''
''Isn''t it what it looks like?''
''Sleepless night, lack of appetite, no motivation, loss of interest and hyperfocus.'' She kept tapping her pen against her clipboard. ''You''re having trouble sleeping. What happened? Is it her? The cleaning lady?''
''Nona. Her name is Nona.'' Eske answered, watching Penny as she carefully wrote things down in her notes.
''And you''ve got nothing to hide here.''; she smiled sweetly. ''So why did you decide to visit me?''
''I don''t know.''; he replied, looking at his feet. ''I just want the pain to go away. It is not just about Nona. It is everything. I lost everything. It is not the war or the camp. I don''t remember my dad''s or my mum''s face. I don''t remember if I had friends as a kid. I only have two memories of that time. And whenever I have something, it is like it is taken away. I don''t know what to do.''
''Why do you think you need professional help? My help.''
''Because I don''t know what else to try. I don''t know what I am supposed to do.''
Penny took her glass off, stood up and walked towards the window. ''I think I might know someone who can help you. I don''t think Bobby is right on this one.''
''Who?''; Eske asked.
''Promise me you won''t say anything to Bobby.''
''Who the fuck is Bobby?''
''Robert. Bobby, for short. It is sort of obvious. He told me you were some sort of genius, don''t really look like one.''
''That''s stupid.''; Eske frowned.
''It wasn''t a question.''; she raised an eyebrow. ''Before I tell you anything, you have to promise me three things.''
''Fine, but it doesn''t sound very professional.''; Eske shrugged again and folded his arms. ''Three promises.''
''First, I want you to be Bobby’s best man, no matter what.''
''Okay.''; Eske mumbled and rolled his eyes.
''Second, you''ll be the godfather of my children. No questions ask!''
''I''m sorry, Penny, Penelope, this doesn''t make any sense. What, who, why? I have no idea what you are talking about.''; he shook his head.
''Congratulations, you''re an official Time Traveller, where and when nothing makes sense.''; she smiled. ''She works two blocks down here. It''s a place you can loan movie tapes.''; she said while pointing out the window in that direction.
''How..., you mean..., how?''; Eske was speechless. He couldn''t believe it.
''He didn''t want to tell you. I thought it was a bad idea. I think this still can be the story of the boy who could hear numbers and fell in love with that one girl. I believe Mr Eske Schrodinger that you can have it all.''; she winked at him, then walked away.
''Wait, wait!''; Eske was glued to the couch. He couldn''t move. He couldn''t believe it. ''Wait! Wait, Penny!''; he yelled out loud for her.
Penny looked over her shoulder and asked: ''Yes?''
''What is the third promise?''; Eske asked nervously.
''Give us a map as a wedding gift.''; she smiled. ''I''m leaving now. I hope she is your muse and not just a cheap distraction. We all need a place to call home, I guess you too.''