Eske''s heart raced as he fumbled for his phone, trying not to wake up Nona, who was sleeping soundly on his chest. He could hear Chloe''s stoic voice starting the countdown: ''Greetings, citizens of the world. I''m Chloe, speaking on behalf of Pi timeline. Don''t be afraid.''; they had one hour from now on.
''It''s time?''; Nona woke moaning and rubbing her eyes.
''Five more minutes? For cuddles?''; Eske hid his face between Nona''s neck and shoulder.
''I will take forever to move out of bed with this huge paunch. Fuck, I feel like a whale!''; Nona complained, kicking the blankets backwards with her feet.
''Are you alright?''; Eske asked, noticing she was grumpy. Nona got out of bed, holding her lower back. She was clearly getting to the stage where she was uncomfortable with her body. ''Baby, do you need anything...? Are you okay?''
''I would be better with some coffee, a little mug of coffee, but no, some tyrant ruler seduced me and has forbidden me to have some.''; she complained, stretching her back. ''I miss coffee so much...''
''Come on, love, it is for the baby.''; he stood out of bed and hugged her from behind: ''I promise as soon as she comes out, safe and clean, I will buy you all the coffee you want.''; he whispered, kissing her neck. ''Black coffee, mocha coffee, with cream or ice cream, maybe some cinnamon...''
''You don''t need to seduce me. You already got me knocked up. But keep talking. I like it, sexy coffee talk. But now, seriously, I don''t believe I''m allowed to drink while breastfeeding.''
''Will ask Robert, deal? Just to be sure, there is no need to torture you for nothing.''
''Baby, you know I''m joking, sort of... I''m not actually mad at you. I''m just..., cranky.''
''You''re allowed, but I''m not taking my chances.''; he kissed her: ''Be extra careful this time. You come back to me, and safe, even if cranky and grumpy. I''m not asking. You come back to me.''; Eske whispered as he kissed her hand. ''And wow, you are glowing today.''
Nona stepped back and stood at the window, smirking: ''I''m a glowing whale!''; as she finished her sentence simultaneously, her oversized t-shirt disappeared into black dusk and was replaced by a translucent draped coat that billowed behind her and silver metallic leggings that shone in the light. In her hand was a white metallic boomerang-shaped board, which she grasped tightly, slipping under her feet as she took flight.
Eske started to get ready too. He quickly made the bed and had a cup of coffee while buttoning his shirt. He had been through this so many times that his movements were methodical and precise. Eske had seen the end of the world more times than he could count. It no longer left any impression on him. Just a typical day at the office.
He added a black tie to his ensemble and smoothed out the creases in his suit. It was his habit to dress formally, even in the face of impending doom. It made him look good and gave him a sense of calm and control, a small semblance of order in the chaos. Eske was unfazed by the disappearing timeline. It was a feeling he had grown accustomed to over the years. He had travelled through countless timelines, some thriving and full of life while others fading away into nothingness. It was all part of the job.
The storm outside was growing stronger, the winds howling and the rain lashing against the windows. But Eske remained with his mind focused on the task at hand. And couldn''t hide his devilish smile whenever he heard Nona''s screams from the beyond, unravelling the very end of times.
As he gazed from the opened window through the empty streets, he could confirm that this world was on its last legs. The buildings were crumbling, and the sky was dark and ominous. The winds began to pick up, whipping through the streets with a ferocity that he had so many times seen before. The ground trembled beneath his feet, and he could hear the distant rumble of thunder.
The storm grew stronger, and soon it was all around him. The rain pounded down in sheets, the winds howled, and the lightning flashed across the sky. He knew he only had a little time before the timeline collapsed.If you spot this tale on Amazon, know that it has been stolen. Report the violation.
Eske had seen the world''s end many times before and learned to appreciate its beauty. The pattern in chaos and irrational forms and shape as dancing under Nona''s hollers. He had done his job, and now it was Nona''s playground. Unfortunately, he never had the chance to see the very end.
Eske would try to stay as long as he could. Yet, without doors, it would be impossible to go back home for him. So, that''s it! Time to move on.
Eske walked towards the first door on his way, pulled his WTL card out of his inner pocket and slid it on the door''s gap, his steps steady and sure.
And then, just as suddenly as it had started, the storm stopped. The world around him was silent, and Eske could feel the timeline collapsing in on itself.
Eske took one last look around, then turned and walked through the door. The timeline disappeared behind him, and he was left standing at gate number nine in WTL: .159265359, Earth - 3.14.
Eske stepped through the gateway, the hustle and bustle of the HQ building hitting him like a wave. He looked around, taking in the chaos of people rushing to and fro, dragging suitcases and bags behind them. Time travellers from all around the cosmos, returning home. Most of them from .245863150, now eliminated. The noise of chatter and announcements echoed throughout the terminal, making it hard to hear oneself think.
He walked through the crowds, trying to keep his head down and avoid bumping into anyone. The scents of fast food and coffee mixed together, creating a strange and slightly unpleasant aroma. Eske felt a pang of hunger, but he had no time to lose and walked hastily to the control floor.
As he made his way towards the departure gates, he couldn''t help but observe the people around him. He saw businessmen and women rushed by, talking on phones and tapping away on laptops. Couples held hands and walked together, lost in their own little world.
Eske felt a sense of wonder and awe at the diversity of people and cultures he and Nona had gathered around them. He couldn''t help but marvel at the fact that they were all amassed in one place, headed off to different destinations around the cosmos time. He knew most of their stories, hopes and dreams and when they were going.
As he approached gate 4, he saw it decorated with balloons, ribbons, and a banner saying Welcome Ava. Nobody was expecting her. His report has been clear that Ava forfeited her citizenship to their timeline. But one soul didn''t lose hope.
''Marie Sue?''
The short chubby woman turned with a wide round smile. She was holding a basket with goodies. All are decorated with golden ribbons and pamphlets with basic instructions, guides, how-tos and advice on how to live in this timeline. ''Mr Schrodinger!''; after all these years, she still couldn''t find in herself to call him Eske.
''What are you doing?''
''Maybe..., maybe she changed her mind.''; Marie Sue lowered her face when answering. ''Would be rude not to greet her.''
''Marie Sue, she is gone.''
''I know, but sometimes Nona gets late too. And maybe Ava slipped to a door by accident. Maybe, she jumped earlier and got lost. Maybe...''
''She is gone. We tried Marie Sue, you know that we tried. Everyone tried.''
''You should have killed the cat.''; she said, moping: ''Was the cat even cute?''; Eske took his phone and showed Tyche to Marie Sue: ''Ah, such a cutie. Damn it! He is adorable.''
''She, her name is Tyche.''
''So, nobody will come from the gates? Are you sure?''; Marie Sue asked with her last drop of hope.
''I''m sorry.''; he put his phone back into his pocket: ''Are you coming to the control room, or are you done for the day?''
''Is my day off actually, but you need me?''
''No, go home. Have a nice rest, and see you later.''
Eske continued walking down the hallways, his hands deep inside his pockets, inspecting all his surroundings. Everything went as smoothly as they had planned. Well, almost. The new Schrodinger family member was utterly arbitrary but very much welcomed. No mission is easy, but everything has been done well enough. Nona will return safely, and they could spend the last month of her pregnancy without the stress of a mission in another timeline.
Eske took the elevator to the HQ Control room, where his team was based, and all magic happened. As soon the elevator doors opened, he could feel it, like a wave crashing against him.
He saw all his control room personnel stand up, applauding. He bowed, confused and finally understood. Ava Garcia did not disappear. Her T-DNA raised to 4.1%. While he stood there looking at the screen displaying Ava''s face and numbers, Eske realised he had no explanation or logical reason to answer his own question.