Eske exhaled a cloud of smoke before replying, ''I''m just thinking... what if I have somehow guided us to this point without none of even realizing it? What if I had to build a plan all along for something bigger, and we''re simply playing our parts in it?''
Vihann raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the idea. ''You told me, Boss, I was recruited before our timeline even existed. And I still haven''t recruited you.''
''Alice''s timeline still exists. We never had any reason to download it. A timeline where he died at 19 and could just jump back.''
As they continued to discuss the possibility, Marie Sue found Nancy Santo''s contact information and handed it to Eske.
He dialled the number, and after a few rings, Nancy picked up. ''Hello?'' she asked.
''Nancy.'' said Eske, his voice calm as always despite the circumstances. ''It''s me.''
''Mr. Schrodinger, it''s been a while.'' she said, her voice steady and professional. She sounded older than when last they spoke.
''Nancy, I need to know if you''re still on the same timeline we met, and I have a few questions about my apartment that WTL purchased.'' Eske replied, trying to keep his voice calm despite the gravity of the situation.
After another moment of silence, Nancy answered with a sigh. ''Yes, Mr Schrodinger. This is the exact timeline from which we closed our deal. I have been monitoring the transactions related to your apartment closely, as per your instructions. At this moment, the apartment is rented to a Mr Whiterabbit.''
Eske''s heart raced as he listened to Nancy''s words, realizing the implications of her statement. ''What further instructions did I give you?''
''Yes, Mr Schrodinger.'' Nancy confirmed. ''As you requested, I removed every single door from the apartment. It was a rather unusual request, but I ensured it was done. I''m currently waiting for further instructions.''
Eske''s mind raced, trying to comprehend the information Nancy had just shared. He turned to Marie Sue and Vihann, who were watching him intently, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. ''Thank you, Nancy. I''ll be in touch with you.'' Eske said, hanging up the call. He shared the details of the conversation with Marie Sue and Vihann, who were both equally surprised by the revelation.
''So, this Mr Whiterabbit, Day, has rented the apartment, and there are no doors in it.'' Marie Sue said, trying to process the information. "And you''ve been planning all of this, even though it didn''t happen yet?''
''No doors means he can''t jump into another timeline.'' Eske explained, looking at Marie Sue and Vihann with a smile. ''But Nona can jump at any time.''
Marie Sue nodded slowly, taking in the new information. ''She doesn''t need doors. She is not trapped. He is.''This story has been unlawfully obtained without the author''s consent. Report any appearances on Amazon.
Vihann leaned back in his chair, his expression a mixture of admiration and disbelief. ''So, you''ve not only trapped Day, but you''ve also made sure that Nona can still move freely through time. This is an incredibly intricate plan.''
Eske took another drag from his cigarette, the smoke swirling around him as he exhaled. ''It seems that way. I don''t know how I did it or how I knew what to do, but it''s clear that I''ve been manipulating events across multiple timelines to bring us to this point. Or at least, to bring me to this point.''
Marie Sue looked confused. She stared at the floor, deep in thought. ''If Nona can still jump through time, we need to figure out where she is and when she''ll be there. Otherwise, we''ll be looking for her forever.'' Eske nodded in agreement. His eyes focused on the whiteboard with its complex web of timelines and events. ''I think I know where she is.''
Eske jumped back where everything started. At a time, he fell down the rabbit hole and came back with all the answers he was looking for.
The cool morning air was invigorating as he started his stroll towards the nearby lake. The sound of his footsteps echoed in the quiet streets as he made his way through the neighbourhood he knew too well.
As he approached the lake, he could see the ducks swimming peacefully in the calm waters. The sight filled him with a sense of peace, and he slowed down his pace to take in the beauty of his surroundings. The sun was now fully up, and its rays danced across the water, creating a shimmering effect. And as he saw the ducks swimming around the lack he recalled what once Nona told him:
''Couple of years ago, when I lived one block away, over there.''; she said, pointing to a street opposite from where they stay now. ''I used to come here before and after work. I didn''t like to go home.''
Nona''s mind was on its own timeline, and he missed all the hints and clues she had given him over the years they had been together.
Eske turned his head to where Nona pointed back then. Where she said she lived at the time and started to walk. He knew these streets better than the palm of his hand.
Standing by the lake, the peaceful scene around him contrasted sharply with the turmoil brewing inside Eske. His heart pounded as he prepared to take action. Ducks paddled serenely in the water, unaware of the darkness that enveloped the man nearby.
Reaching down to his holster, Eske''s fingers wrapped around the grip of his Colt .45 revolver, the cool steel sending a shiver down his spine. He pulled the weapon out and cradled it in his hands, admiring the craftsmanship and deadly potential it held.
He flipped open the cylinder, revealing the empty chambers, hungry for ammunition. One by one, he fed the gun its diet of .45 calibre bullets, the metallic clicks ringing out with each round that slid into place. The revolver''s chambers were now full. Eske snapped the cylinder closed with a flick of his wrist, feeling the weight of the gun and the power it possessed.
Taking a deep breath, he gripped the Colt .45 firmly, his finger resting lightly on the trigger. With every fibre of his being, he knew he was ready to face whatever lay ahead. The serene beauty of the lake now masked by the shadows of his intentions, Eske steeled himself for the violent storm that was about to unfold.
Just as Eske was fully prepared to proceed, his attention was suddenly yanked away by a voice that cut through the air: ‘We need to talk.’
He looked up to find a boy standing before him, his striking grey hair and yellow-golden eyes seeming to pierce through Eske''s very soul. The boy''s gaze was unflinching as he stared at the gun in Eske''s hands, his eyes betraying a wisdom that belied his youthful appearance.
Eske''s grip on the Colt .45 tightened, and his finger twitched on the trigger. He felt a combination of annoyance and curiosity as he studied the boy, his mind racing with questions about this unexpected intruder. ‘Who are you?’ he growled, his voice low and threatening.