"Kill Dominic Sicario," Luna Razia said to Jer six years into the deal. It was the first order and one that shocked Jer himself. Dominic Sicario was dangerous. He was bad, the kind of bad that even the universe was scared of.
Perhaps he was the better sibling because he may have been the devil, butpared to his sister, Awuor Sicario, Dominic was a beautiful unicorn. Even then he knew this was the worst of the worst.
But then again, he had made a deal and he needed to respect it. Perhaps this was the end of the road for him, but what else would Jer do? He was being pitted against the crazy if crazies.
"If he kills me, please don''t kill my parents, please," Jer pleaded and Razia scoffed at the man, they had trained him in the best of ways and yet the bastard stillcked in endless ways. Maybe it would have been better if she had chosen someone else?
"Every investment must yield profits on this side of the world, Jeremiah. If you won''t kill him, we will take the things you love the most, starting with your dear mother who just got herself a job as a professor in the human university.
"It would be a shame to lose her this early, seeing how her students love her. Don''t lose, Warner, or will lose more than you bargained," Razia warned and Jer sighed as he looked at the woman who was daring him with the impossible.
"Wait, Russel. We both know that Dominic is stronger than me. He could kill me and Awuor would just forgive him. It would be considered an ident, or a fate in a war that no one could save me from.
"Going after Dominic is a terrible idea, the worst even," Jer exined and Razia looked at him. She wondered whether the Sicairos were that strong. She wondered if Dominic was truly an easter bunnypared to her sister.
However, with the information they had gathered, Razia knew Jer wouldn''t be this terrified for nothing, perhaps Eni had really raised the craziest of families. Maybe this time, she would be the target, seeing as she was their backbone.
"Eni Sicario," Razia said as he looked at Jer.
"What?" Jer asked, clearly not understanding where this was heading.
Anyone with a mind could tell that Eni Sicario was the one target that could bring the world crumbling on its feet. She was the one woman who would result in centuries and centuries of war, no matter who the perpetrator of the war.
With her was the pain and power that came with being a Sicario and the mother of the white wolf. It was the rage that made things impossible and possible at the same time, yet Razia was making that suggestion.
If he killed Eni, he would be dead before he even managed to make shit happen. Everything and everyone he loved would be murdered in in sight and no one would ever step forward to save him or his family. This was a
"Look… I know my life means nothing to you, but surely you cannot point me in the direction of the one woman who could doom the entire realm! That family is full of crazies hiding under the cloak of power.
"There is Dominic, the dangerous beta, then there''s alpha Sicario, and there''s Awuor Hawi. Surely you can''t be that blind, Russel. They won''t rest if anything happens to their mother. Eni holds the damn family together, and you already know that!"
Jer was trying to argue sense with the woman, but she wasn''t listening. Well, she knew the dangers that existed, but then it was better than having to kill her own daughter, better than having to be the one who ruined her Rukiya.
"Now you''re making more sense. Eni is the backbone of that family. Now you find a way to take her out, and I will stop going after our parents. If Eni dies, you will have peace.
"My dealings will just be with you, and you alone. Tell me if you think that is a terrible idea. Your parents, or Eni Sicario. Either way, someone''s parents must die," Razia said before she left.
Razia just hoped that Eni would someday forgive her for what she had done. Life wasn''t exactly giving her that many options. She had a pack to help her daughter with and she had to make sure that Hawi crumbled so that she would never rise.
With Eni gone, the family would disintegrate and then everything would be back to normal and they would have thwarted the oracle, right?
Expectedly, the n was set in motion when the Russels cast a spell on Dom to make him go berserk, when his mother passed on. It was nned so well that everything would fall on the shoulders of the girl who didn''t know about her powers or herself.
It would be easier to me Hawi, and given how Razia had seen her Rukiya self-destruct because of her father, Razia hoped it would be the same for the Sicairos. It was a sad thing for her to do, but then she had to fight to save the one thing her Draffin sacrificed himself for.
"Okay," Jer agreed. He didn''t have that much of an option anyway.
Everything did go as they wished for, and even better, because they hadn''t expected that Awuor Hawi would be banished.
With the white wolf out there, alone and heartbroken, shattering with each passing day, Razia was sure they had averted the oracle. She could breathe easily and watch as the girl fell apart bit by bit.
Maybe that made her a monster but then her Rukiya was safe and unaffected by it all. So, when the white wolf''s protector showed up, the Russels weren''t bothered in the least. They knew that nothing would ever bring back the spirit of the defeated wolf.
They had seen Hawi fight battles and they knew that her defeat would affect her in the worst of ways, so theyid low and watched from a distance.
What they hadn''t expected was for Rukiya Greyson to be the one who reached out to Hawi, and even bonded with the white wolf in the name of a blood oath. Blood oaths were permanent and could only be broken when one of the oath makers died.
The worst part of it all was when Rukiya had genuinely fallen in love with Hawi. It was then that the warlocks knew that there was no waiting for Razia anymore.
The oath had been made and their hearts were bound by love, the most powerful thing, stronger than even magic in itself. They had lost the war and the only way for them to get back on track was to make sure that
Rukiya was dead, seeing as Hawi couldn''t ever die.
"I believe you know what you need to do, Razia," Atticus reminded his baby sister who was defeatedly watching in the distance. She couldn''t believe that twenty-five years of fighting the oracle had proven that they wouldn''t ever win.
"My Rukiya, Atticus," Razia said to her brother in the hope that she would change his mind, but even she knew it wasn''t possible. They all knew what the stakes were when they went in.
So many years may have passed but the truth remained the same. The white wolf was a danger to them.
"She must die, Razia."
"I know. I''ll see to it," Razia said dejectedly.