You wake up lying on your side atop a leaf-covered forest floor. The sun has set and darkness is gradually falling around you, like a soft veil.
You don''t remember how you got here. What were you doing before? Who was with you? You lift your head, look around at the endless sea of trees that surrounds you. Panic sets in, as you realize you have no sense of direction and very little time till it''s dark. Even if someone is searching for you, how will they see you in the dark?
"Hello?", you call out, in case someone is nearby. Your feeble voice can''t be heard far. You try again, louder. You end up screaming, your palms are sweating.
The flight instinct is the only one rising in you at the sight of the darkening forest. It seems you aren''t somebody who is experienced with such situations.
Even if you were, would you remember it? Who are you, anyways? Your mind is drawing a total blank. You rise to your feet slowly, your muscles feel a little sore, maybe from lying on the forest floor.
You decide you have to try to get out of the forest.
You look around, trying to discern towards which direction the forest looks thinner but you can''t tell any difference. You start walking.
The more you walk, the more confused you get, the density of the trees make you take a lot of turns and you end up completely disoriented. You could be even going in circles. After a while, you realize it would make much more sense to try to find a way out in the morning. Perhaps you should find shelter and wait.
But you are the adventurous type, you wouldn''t cower in a hollow just because it''s dark. You pick up your pace and keep striding through the woods.
The moon has come out and is shedding some light onto the trees and the undergrowth around you, although sometimes the swaying shadows confuse you more than they help you. You are getting tired sooner that you would have expected... why were your muscles feeling so sore when you woke up on the forest floor? You feel the need to rest for a while.
You sit on the root of a large tree and look around you, wondering how you ever could have gotten here... Were you on an adventure? Were you kidnapped?
As you place your hands on your knees, you notice a few bruise marks on your wrists. You touch them and wince a bit. They are mild but fresh.
You imagine that somebody probably tied you up and brought you here. Which means it was never your intention to come to this forest. It could also mean that perhaps the only person or people you meet in this forest is/are your former kidnapper/s.
As this thought crosses your head, you see a light in the distance. You hide behind the tree you were sitting on and try to discern who''s there. Someone is holding a flashlight and calling a name: "Edyna!"Support creative writers by reading their stories on Royal Road, not stolen versions.
Is this your name? You watch them carefully.
The man comes closer to where you are, though he still can''t see you.
"Edyna! I can help you! Please, let''s come out of this forest together!", he shouts. "I want only what''s best for you!"
Your instinct tells you that this man doesn''t mean you harm. You hesitantly move away from the tree into the light.
He looks at you, surprised. He yells your name excitedly and runs to you to hug you. "My dear sister! I thought I had lost you!"
"Are you really my brother?", you ask.
"What are you saying? Of course, Edyna, I have looked everywhere for you! I thought you would have been lost by now... I tried to keep you from coming here..."
There is fear in his eyes, he sounds desperate.
"You wanted to come to this forest so much... After you wore that old ring you found in our basement, you were acting so weird... I wish I had known how to help you... Please come home... leave this forest be. Whatever is here, it''s not for us. That ring is a relic, but never to wear, only to tell stories about."
He sees you''re reluctant: "We have to go. It''s for the best. Even if it seems hard for you now, whatever brought you here only means you harm."
"Can we go home?"
"Of course we can! Let''s go right away, we can talk later! You can feel the dark energies gathering by the moment in this forest..."
He grabs your hand and you wince as he touches the bruises. "How did these happen?", you ask.
"The bruises? I''m sorry Edyna, you have to understand, I had to keep you away from this place... For decades now, no one who came to this forest on a full moon came back. I had to hold on to you as best I could. I couldn''t heal your soul, so I tried to keep you physically away. I tied you up at home but you escaped. You don''t remember that?"
You shake your head, stunned by what you are hearing.
"It''s a pity, Edyna, but I will find the way to make you better. I have to. You''re my only sister."
Your eyes tear up as you hear the genuine concern and sadness in his voice. Though you hold no memory of him, this man couldn''t be more interested in your well-being.
He seems to know his way well around the forest and soon you see the trees thinning and more of the sky is visible between the tree foliage.
You hear an odd rustling of leaves behind you. You turn your head but your brother replies sternly: "Don''t even look. There are terrible forces in this forest. We have to get out of it."
You catch only a glimpse of what seems like a glimmering alien being with tentacles spawning from the outline of the moon, shaping effortlessly among a rustle of leaves. A strong wind hits you, pushing you towards the forest. You feel the urge to go back and meet the alien being.
Your brother grabs your hand, turns you around harshly and looks you intensely in the eyes. "I won''t lose you again. We have to move! Now!"
You are dazed and reluctant to make a decision. He grabs you from the waist and carries you until you''re out of the forest.
The brights street lights of the highway get you out of your daze and you can move and think more clearly again. Looking at the highway immediately brings into your mind some scenes that would belong to a normal person''s life... are these your memories, coming back at last? This feels warmer, more natural.
Your gaze goes back towards the forest; the urge to return is still there. But somewhere inside you, you know it probably isn''t right for you.
"Don''t worry, Edyna, I will take care of you." Your brother looks at you warmly. You get in your car and drive home.
You don''t feel certain about many things, but being out of the forest surely is good news. It will get better with time. You hope.
-The End-