The Publishing n (Books 1 - 6)
This is the publishing n as it stands. I will try to keep this up to date, and expand it as more information bes avable.
Abbreviations used below:<ul><li> = MDP</li><li>Royal Road = RR</li><li>Kindle Unlimited = KU</li></ul>
DATES: [Those after May are subject to slight alertation.]
<strong>Book Title</strong><strong>Chapters</strong><strong>Removal from RR & Patreon</strong><strong>Audio on MDP</strong><strong>KU</strong><strong>Audio on Audible</strong> Mageling 1-40 Feb-28 Mar-15 Mar-15 Apr-19 Mage 41-70 Apr-4 Apr-19 Apr-19 May-24 Binding 71-103 May-9 May-24 May-24 Jun-28 Bound 104-135 Jun-13 Jun-28 Jun-28 Aug-2 Fusing 136-172 Jul-18 Aug-2 Aug-2 Sep-6 Fused 173-199 Aug-22 Sep-6 Sep-6 Oct-11
Why is the Audiobooking out on MDP''s website first?<ul><li>Amazon takes 60% of the sale price of audiobooks.</li><li>Any book sold on MDP does not have that majority taken off the top.</li><li>So, we are offering it on MDP for 1 month to allow those who want to support the story more, to be able to do so at the same or lower price.</li></ul>
Why not only sell on MDP?<ul><li>Audible is the core market for audiobooks, and we would end up with fewer listeners and readers in the end, if we didn''t sell there.</li><li>Thus, 1 month on MDP, then on to Audible.</li></ul>
Are these published books just the chapters that will be pulled down?<ul><li>By andrge? Yes, with deep edits done, and the content feathered to address some issues raised.</li><li>There are also small sections added where they were needed to make for smoother beginnings and endings to each book.</li></ul>
If there is anything else you want to know, please ask! I''ll try to add it here, going forward.
Thank you for joining me on this adventure!