Chapter 572: The Fall of ris Prime (2)
"It seems that your conspiracy has seeded again?" Darth Lilim walked into themand center and said mockingly.
Sev''rance Tann crossed her legs, and said indifferently: "In the textbooks of the Chiss Military Academy, almost every page is filled with such words as "Prevention, n Before Action, and Know Yourself and Your Enemy." Therefore, When an orthodox Chiss Commander suddenly attacks you desperately, then there must be other ns behind it."
She casually picked up a cup of coffee next to her and took a sip, "Of course, I''m not so rigid. It''s just that the Jedi Knight opposite can''t even detect such a simple trick, so he is really terrible. "
"Did you read the Art of War that the Master sent us before?" Darth Lilim said.
"It''s a very interesting book. Although it''s very old, those Cold Weapon Battles Tens of Thousands of Years ago are basically of no reference value, but the Military thinking revealed in it is straight to the essence, which is not bad." Sev''rance Tann said again she took a sip of coffee, "Get ready, it''s time for him to put all his eggs in one basket."
"I''ve yed with this little guy twice, and I''ve had enough. Now I''m not interested in a lost dog, you can handle it yourself. Ah yes, if he falls into the Dark Side, remember to call me." Darth Lilim waved her hand, went to the table beside her, took a piece of fruit, shook it in front of Tann, twisted her waist like a water snake, and swung away.
The Wookiees Ind Chain Defense Line consists of five Ind Bases, of which Rwaawrrkoo Ind has been captured, and the Defenders of Chendrrl Ind are fighting fiercely with the invading Droid Army, so the remaining three Ind Bases support the Wookiees.
In fact, ording to the previous battle loss ratio between Chendrrl Ind and Rwaawrrkoo Ind, Sev''rance Tann''s Droid Army simply didn''t have enough Troops to capture the entire Ind Line of Defense, and failure was her only ending.
The Command Centers of the Army of the Republic and the Wookiees are both set up on Rwookawarrump Ind, thergest ind, where the position is rtively backward and the defense is the most stringent. The secondrgest ind, mitcuk Ind, is a very important Supply Center, and the other ind, mitcuk Ind, is a front-line base with arge number of fortifications, just like Rwaawrrkoo Ind and Chendrrl Ind.
However, at this moment, when the Droid Army still has 40,000 to 50,000 units staying on Rwaawrrkoo Ind, and thousands of other units are fighting fiercely on Chendrrl Ind, and their main force is still defending the Ind as the Base, they can still attack at the same time. How is it possible to divide the troops to attack the remaining three Inds? !
"Where is the Separatist Transport Ships?!" Jor Drakas grabbed the Officer Mittl of the Mytaranor Sector and shouted loudly.
"They are transporting the Droid Army on Rwaawrrkoo Ind... We have already put all their Transport Ships under surveince, and none of them has escaped our sight!" the Officer said with a sad face.
"How is the battle on the three Inds? How many Troopsunched the sneak attack?" Jor Drakas asked back.
"The number is notrge, about 500 units per ind, but they are all medium-sized Armored Units." The Communication Soldier said, projecting the video image of the battlefield on the screen.
I only saw hundreds of Round Four-legged Combat Machines more than 3 meters long climbing up the almost vertical cliffs at the steepest part of the cliffs on the seaside of the three inds.
It is DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid!!
These Combat Machines are about 3.05 meters in diameter and 1.98 meters in height. Their bodies are hemispherical, with four Mechanical Legs below them, and a long Turbser Cannon at the mouth, giving them powerful firepower.
Moreover, the Armor of these DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droids is all sealed, which makes their defense stronger and allows them to wade forward at the same time.
It is an Amphibious Combat Model!
Although the number of DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droids attacking those Inds was small, they crawled directly on the vertical cliffs, and the defensive firepower set up by the Wookiees could not hit them at all, and at this time all the Air Power of the Wookiees was on the ground and the Main Army was besieging Sev''rance Tann!
Although the name is called a Dwarf Spider, it may sound awkward, but because of its low center of gravity, strong firepower, and thick armor, thisbat machine is actually a very practical and powerfulbat machine. And their biggest feature is that they can move on any terrain, even on vertical walls, they can still climb.
After these DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droids attacked the three Inds from the direction of the cliff, their goals were very clear, and they rushed directly to the Communication Base Station at the highest point of the inds!
"Their target is the Communication Base Station!! Block them quickly!!" Jor Drakas was shocked and said loudly.
ris Prime revolves around the Gas Giant ris, so the Hyperspace Communication on the Moon will be affected by the Maic Field of the Gas Giant. Not only that, but the only inds on the Moon haveplex terrain and dense jungles, which also caused a great impact on Hyperspace Communication.
So the Wookiees on the ris Prime built fiverge Communication Base Stations to assist in Hyperspace Communication. Once these five Communication Stations are destroyed, the Republic Army on the entire Moon will be deaf!
However, it was already toote! At this time, the small number of Troops still on the ind had no way to stop these DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droids that didn''t care about other things, but kept firing at the Communication Base Stations!
"Asshole!!! How did they get there!!" Joel Drakas was almost going crazy.
At this time, he saw that the ce where a DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droidnded in the video was destroyed by Artillery Fire. It fell from the cliff into the sea, but soon it climbed up from the water.
Seeing this, Jor Drakas understood everything in an instant, "It''s those Diamond-ss Cruisers!! Those DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droids are passing from the Diamond-ss Cruisers!! When the Droid Armyunched an attack on the two inds, they rushed forward and the Diamond-Cruisers were not empty at all, but full of Combat Machines! Then when passing through the ocean, they dropped these Combat Machines directly into the sea, and then let them crawl across the seabed by themselves!!"
"We should retreat immediately! If the Communication Base Stations are destroyed and the Hyperspace Communication between the Troops is lost, it is impossible for us to capture this Ind!" Officer Mittl said immediately.
"Retreat! Now!" Jor Drakas immediately made up his mind, but at this moment, he suddenly thought of a very terrifying possibility!
He was originally an outlier among the Twi''leks, with pale skin, but now his face became paler again, "Wait a minute! If these DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droids are Amphibious Models that can wade through water...then... ..."
With a plop, he fell to the ground.
In the Command Center on the ind, Sev''rance Tann had a cruel smile on her face, "The Force has already told me about your fears, little Jedi... that''s right... It seems that you have understood, my tactics..."
[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: The DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droids are shown in the Geonosisary Battle, but this is a General Model. It also has three variants, the Amphibious Model, the Heavy Model, and the Advanced Model, with great differences in appearance. ]