CH.438 Truths about Amilie
<span style="font-weight:400">Back on HomeBase, I had a busy day of work to catch up on everything that I’d missed while I was away.
<span style="font-weight:400">… Makes me miss the times when it was just Alice, Lua, Ria, Agunan, Wilma, Einar, Eline and I. Things were easier back then.
<span style="font-weight:400">But growing operations mean more management work, and I just have to do it.
<span style="font-weight:400">I also had to prepare some stuff for Larkos and Kikumi. Mainly a floating wheelchair for both of them, because while HomeBase had some water channels they could use, this ce wasn’t perfect when it came to epting water creatures.
<span style="font-weight:400">And it isn’t like HomeBase is bad. You can get to most ces by the water channels, but still. This isn’t an underwater ce and you can’t get everywhere by swimming.
<span style="font-weight:400">The two also got some new clothing and skin moisturizing bracelets.
<span style="font-weight:400">And they get to take part in magic lessons, so I was able to learn the attributes they have.
<span style="font-weight:400">Larkos has water, which is by far the mostmon attribute with mer-folk. From what I’ve learned, around 40% of the merfolk have water as their attribute.
<span style="font-weight:400">Compare that to humans, where about 20% have water attribute, and you can see the difference. In case you were wondering, for regr humans, earth is the mostmon attribute at about 23%. Followed by fire at 21%. Then water, then wind with around 19%. Then light at around 14%. Andstly dark at about 10%.
<span style="font-weight:400">And I know what you might be asking. ‘But that is 107% of people. Where do the 8% who have no attribute fit in?’
<span style="font-weight:400">And yes, you can ask that. But the answer is simple. Some people have two attributes. Or three. Or even four, but that is extremely rare because of the opposing attributes problem.
<span style="font-weight:400">But enough about stupid attributes that I can manipte with my cards. Let’s get back to Larkos and Kikumi. Kikumi has the Dark attribute. And yes, I did make sure both of them would get lessons in those types of magics. Larkos might even return to the Nixie n and go on to learn that Water Kraken spell.
<span style="font-weight:400">And Kikumi … Well, considering the number of Dark Spellcasters I have, and not to mention Alice, I think she will be set to be one of the greatest mages the Nixie n has ever seen. As long as she puts in the work and gets some level up help.
<span style="font-weight:400">Outside of that, I began looking into the ‘zombie’ project Amilie has in the dungeon. Not like I was trying to make zombies, I can easily do that with Call of the Haunted. But more like I was trying to figure out what Amilie was actually trying to do.
<span style="font-weight:400">And I do think I figured it out, thanks to Thssa and Rain. Well, Rain just delivered the info to me and didn’t really take part in the investigation, but whatever.
<span style="font-weight:400">Thssa had skimmed the memories of the water spirit who had blessed Amilie, and it confirmed my suspicions that Amilie was using the dungeon to put both mana and miasma into the spirit.
<span style="font-weight:400">From what little memories the spirit has from the time before it was corrupted into a sprite, Amilie was trying to turn the greater spirit into an artificial superior spirit. But that failed because the miasma corrupted him.
<span style="font-weight:400">That made me figure out what Amilie was doing with the corpses of the mer-folk. She was trying to do more than just resurrect the dead, she was trying to force an evolution.
<span style="font-weight:400">It honestly isn’t that far from what I can do with my cards. With Polymerization, I can basically make someone evolve right then and there. Sure ites with the dual personality problem, but that is a small price to pay.
<span style="font-weight:400">So yeah. I think Amilie was trying tobine multiple mer-folk into one new being that would be superior to regr mer-folk. Honestly speaking, I want to say just how stupid and idiotic that is, but since I could easily do that myself, I really can’t.
<span style="font-weight:400">I mean, one Polymerization with multiple willing, or mind controlled, test subjects, and I could have it done. Sure I have the ‘go back’ button that is De-Fusion, so it isn’t quite the same, but still.
<span style="font-weight:400">I feel like everything Amilie did is trying to make me challenge my view of myself.
<span style="font-weight:400">I mean, I use Level Up! to cheat the level system. Sure Amilie, from what I know, didn’t do that, but trying to super boost a spirit is almost the same.
<span style="font-weight:400">And the entirebining many into one just automatically makes me think of Alice and how I basically forced her to be who she is today. … I know she literally asked me to do it, but I should have defused her immediately after the fight. And now that option is beyond me.
<span style="font-weight:400">I shook my head to get my thoughts right. I really shouldn’t be focusing on pessimistic bullshit. I’m not Amilie, I know that. And I have to stopparing the things we do.
<span style="font-weight:400">Because at the end of the day, there are two very big differences between us.
<span style="font-weight:400">One, I test my experiments in the Factory first.
<span style="font-weight:400">And two, I always get permission from people before I permanently mess with their bodies.
<span style="font-weight:400">… other than when I resurrect people. But that is literally life and death, so I don’t think it counts.
<span style="font-weight:400">And to get my brain off of this existential crisis, I decided to to open some packs to get my mind off of things.
<span style="font-weight:400">I have two sets I haven’t fullypleted, and , so those are the two I’ll go for. I’ll start with diator''s Assault, as I’ve only opened 15 packs of it thus far. It isn’t really the fault of the set, I was just obsessed with getting my Rainbow Dragon and Vennominaga.
<span style="font-weight:400">… well, it also kind of is, because diator''s Assault just doesn’t have any ‘high impact’ cards that I’d really want. Sure some of the Evil Heroes would be interesting to have, but they are no Rainbow Dragon.
<span style="font-weight:400">But that is neither here nor there. Let’s do 20 packs of diator''s Assault and see what we get. And maybe 10 packs of Phantom Darkness afterwards.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 1
<span style="font-weight:400">Swiftstrike Armor, Alien Hypno, "A" Cell Incubator, Release from Stone, Swing of Memories, An Unfortunate Report, diator Beast''s Battle Halberd, Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword, Cloudian - Cirrostratus
<span style="font-weight:400">Okay. Starting off with a new Cloudian. And Cirrostratus isn’t bad at all. All themons I already had, so next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 2
<span style="font-weight:400">Test Ape, Natural Disaster, No Entry!!, Swiftstrike Armor, diator Beast Bestiari, Infinity Dark, Double-Edged Sword Technique, Swing of Memories, diator Beast''s Respite
<span style="font-weight:400">Infinity Dark is new, but it is also a mediocre Gemini. Everything else I already had.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 3
<span style="font-weight:400">Ancient Gear Knight, Cloudian - Smoke Ball, Infinity Dark, diator Beast''s Battle Halberd, Parry, Swing of Memories, Natural Disaster, diator Beast Alexander, Cell Explosion Virus
<span style="font-weight:400">diator Beast Alexander, nice. Sure it might just be a beater, but it looks cool. And I really like that wing armor he is wearing, so I might have to look into that. I could make myself something simr.
<span style="font-weight:400">And the others are stuff I already had, so next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 4
<span style="font-weight:400">"A" Cell Incubator, diator Beast Dimacari, diator Beast Bestiari, Swiftstrike Armor, Swing of Memories, Disarm, Interdimensional Warp, Contact Out, diator Beast''s Respite
<span style="font-weight:400">Disarm is new and spell negation is good, so that is nice. Also, if I do make some sort of mechanical wings, diator Beast''s Respite might be a good thing to use as a base.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 5
<span style="font-weight:400">diator Beast Hoplomus, diator Beast Secutor, diator''s Return, Foolish Revival, An Unfortunate Report, Interdimensional Warp, Cloudian - Turbulence, Superalloy Beast Raptinus, Cloudian - Acid Cloud
<span style="font-weight:400">Superalloy Beast Raptinus is new, and it is alright. Not only is it decent Gemini support, but it also looks kind of cool.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 6
<span style="font-weight:400">Natural Disaster, Cloudian - Turbulence, diator Beast''s Battle dius, Swing of Memories, Ancient Gear Knight, diator Beast Hoplomus, diator Beast''s Battle Halberd, Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword, Cell Explosion Virus
<span style="font-weight:400">These are all repeats, so next.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 7
<span style="font-weight:400">Superalloy Beast Raptinus, diator Beast''s Battle dius, Super Double Summon, Alien Hypno, Spirit of the Six Samurai, "A" Cell Incubator, Swing of Memories, diator Beast Dimacari, diator Beast Laquari
<span style="font-weight:400">All repeats, next.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 8
<span style="font-weight:400">Lucky Cloud, Summon Cloud, Double-Edged Sword Technique, Contact Out, diator Beast''s Battle Halberd, Detonator Circle "A", Alien Hypno, Expressroid, Defensive Tactics
<span style="font-weight:400">Two new cards this time. Expressroid and Defensive Tactics. Expressroid is a train, so if I ever want to make train tracks and trains, it will be nice for that. Actually, maybe I should make a miniature rail set thingy. It could be something cool to have in one of the halls where I host events.
<span style="font-weight:400">Defensive Tactics is also pretty good. Sure it is just Waboku with extra steps, but that doesn’t make it bad.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 9
<span style="font-weight:400">diator Beast Secutor, Fog Control, Foolish Revival, diator Beast Bestiari, Interdimensional Warp, Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword, Truckroid, Evil HERO Dark Gaia, Cunning of the Six Samurai
<span style="font-weight:400">Ooh! Dark Gaia! Nice! It looks a bit too demonic for my liking, but other than that, it is great. I’ll probably summon it when I next go to y with the dragons.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 10
<span style="font-weight:400">Double-Edged Sword Technique, Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword, diator Beast Secutor, Cloudian - Turbulence, Over Limit, Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror, Alien Hypno, Infinity Dark, Evil HERO Infernal Gainer
<span style="font-weight:400">Infernal Gainer is new. And it is alright. Normally it is kind of worthless, because one special summon, but I have unlimited normal summons, so summoning Infernal Gainer so I can tribute it for a monster to be able to double attack is a legitimate option.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 11
<span style="font-weight:400">Light-Imprisoning Mirror, Superalloy Beast Raptinus, Witch Doctor of Sparta, Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword, Cloudian - Nimbusman, Ancient Gear Knight, Interdimensional Warp, Cloudian - Turbulence, Cell Explosion Virus
<span style="font-weight:400">Already had Nimbusman, but having a second isn’t bad.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 12
<span style="font-weight:400">diator Beast Hoplomus, Chambein of the Six Samurai, Disarm, "A" Cell Incubator, Cloudian - Ghost Fog, Test Ape, Parry, Natural Disaster, Dark Fusion
<span style="font-weight:400">Dark Fusion is great to have, because I need it to summon Evil Hero fusions.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 13
<span style="font-weight:400">Infinity Dark, Superalloy Beast Raptinus, Swiftstrike Armor, Detonator Circle "A", Alien Hypno, diator Beast Hoplomus, No Entry!!, Gambler of Legend, Cloudian - Acid Cloud
<span style="font-weight:400">Nothing new here, next.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 14
<span style="font-weight:400">Natural Disaster, An Unfortunate Report, diator Beast Dimacari, Cloudian Squall, Infinity Dark, diator Beast Secutor, Fog Control, Elemental HERO Chaos Neos, Expressroid
<span style="font-weight:400">Okay. A new Neos fusion. And it is one of the triple fusions. … Sadly Chaos Neos is awful. I mean really. Who designed the effect? Why is it coin flip based? For how difficult Chaos Neos is to summon, you really should get to choose the effect you want.
<span style="font-weight:400">But it is a ghost rare, so I’ll take it. Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 15
<span style="font-weight:400">Spirit of the Six Samurai, Ancient Gear Knight, Cloudian - Poison Cloud, diator Beast Hoplomus, Test Ape, diator''s Return, Alien Hypno, Fog Control, diator Beast Murmillo
<span style="font-weight:400">Nothing new, next.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 16
<span style="font-weight:400">Cloudian - Nimbusman, Summon Cloud, Contact Out, Release from Stone, Fog Control, Witch Doctor of Sparta, No Entry!!, Chambein of the Six Samurai, Colosseum - Cage of the diator Beasts
<span style="font-weight:400">Okay. Got the d Beast field spell. Honestly speaking, I didn’t even remember that they had one.
<span style="font-weight:400">And it is … decent, I suppose. A bit too slow to stack up, but it isn’t bad. And honestly, I like my Solidarity-like cards. They are just fun for casual y.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 17
<span style="font-weight:400">Parry, Cloudian - Smoke Ball, Cloudian - Poison Cloud, Stealthroid, Cloudian - Ghost Fog, Super Double Summon, Infinity Dark, diator Beast Alexander, diator Beast''s Battle Manica
<span style="font-weight:400">Battle Manica is okay. Battle destruction immunity is good and it returns to the hand after being sent to the GY when a d Beast returns to the deck. … though that second effect is on all d Beast equips.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 18
<span style="font-weight:400">diator''s Return, diator Beast Hoplomus, Stealthroid, Double-Edged Sword Technique, Lucky Cloud, Light-Imprisoning Mirror, Rain Storm, Detonator Circle "A", diator Beast Spartacus
<span style="font-weight:400">Nothing new here, next.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 19
<span style="font-weight:400">Detonator Circle "A", Interdimensional Warp, Cloudian Squall, Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror, Disarm, Spirit of the Six Samurai, diator Beast Dimacari, Stealthroid, Cell Explosion Virus
<span style="font-weight:400">Nothing new here, next.
<span style="font-weight:400">GLAS 20
<span style="font-weight:400">Parry, Spirit of the Six Samurai, Infinity Dark, Gambler of Legend, An Unfortunate Report, Truckroid, Swiftstrike Armor, Cloudian Squall, diator Beast''s Respite
<span style="font-weight:400">And nothing new here. Still I got some good stuff from those 20 packs. Dark Fusion and Dark Gaia are probably the best, but Chaos Neos is the highest rarity.
<span style="font-weight:400">Let’s do ten packs of Phantom Darkness. Of course looking for Yubel, but the set does have some other nice cards as well.
<span style="font-weight:400">PTDN 1
<span style="font-weight:400">Double Tag Team, Neo-Spacian Twinkle Moss, The Calctor, Fine, Gemini Trap Hole, Acidic Downpour, All-Out Attacks, Rainbow Path, Gigant
<span style="font-weight:400">I have all of these, so next.
<span style="font-weight:400">PTDN 2
<span style="font-weight:400">diator Beast Darius, Regenerating Rose, Alchemy Cycle, Samsara Lotus, Rainbow Veil, Rainbow Path, Cybeic Zone, Double Tag Team, Lonefire Blossom
<span style="font-weight:400">Lonefire Blossom is new, and it is alright. Not really for me, but in the regr TCG, it is really nice.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next.
<span style="font-weight:400">PTDN 3
<span style="font-weight:400">Neo-Spacian Twinkle Moss, ck Veloci, Wind Effigy, Sea Ko, diator Proving Ground, Instant Neo Space, Destiny HERO - Departed, Darknight Parshath, Fires of Doomsday
<span style="font-weight:400">Okay. I got an ultra rare, but sadly it is one I already had. I might use Card Trader on itter, depending on how I feel.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">PTDN 4
<span style="font-weight:400">Dark World Grimoire, Instant Neo Space, Gemini Lancer, diator Beast Andal, Imprisoned Queen Archfiend, The Calctor, Sea Ko, Cyber Ouroboros, Future Samurai
<span style="font-weight:400">Nothing new here, next.
<span style="font-weight:400">PTDN 5
<span style="font-weight:400">Transmigration Break, Fire Trooper, Instant Neo Space, Double Tag Team, All-Out Attacks, The Calctor, Alchemy Cycle, Mirage Tube, Dark-Eyes Illusionist
<span style="font-weight:400">Dark-Eyes Illusionist is new, but it is kind of bad. … well actually, it is a flip monster, so I can set it on someone. And for that, its effect is actually pretty nice. So yeah, it is a good card.
<span style="font-weight:400">Next pack.
<span style="font-weight:400">PTDN 6
<span style="font-weight:400">diator Beast Andal, ck Veloci, Imprisoned Queen Archfiend, Blue Thunder T-45, Rainbow Veil, Fire Trooper, Alchemy Cycle, Earth Effigy, Future Samurai
<span style="font-weight:400">Nothing new here, next.
<span style="font-weight:400">PTDN 7
<span style="font-weight:400">Samsara Lotus, Rainbow Veil, diator Beast Darius, Blue Thunder T-45, Acidic Downpour, Dark World Grimoire, Chain Material, Sea Ko, Rainbow Life
<span style="font-weight:400">Again, nothing new. Next.
<span style="font-weight:400">PTDN 8
<span style="font-weight:400">Maic Mosquito, Earth Effigy, Rainbow Path, Gemini Lancer, Antean Pikeman, Sinister Seeds, Imprisoned Queen Archfiend, Destiny HERO - Dunker, Lonefire Blossom
<span style="font-weight:400">Sinister Seeds is new, but I’m not sure it is worth it. Like, it isn’t bad because tokens, but it is a bit too specific.
<span style="font-weight:400">But it is new, so I’ll take it. Next.
<span style="font-weight:400">PTDN 9
<span style="font-weight:400">Cyber Ouroboros, Alchemy Cycle, Imprisoned Queen Archfiend, Double Tag Team, Instant Neo Space, Vicious w, Armored Cybern, Antean Pikeman, Deepsea Macrotrema
<span style="font-weight:400">Nothing new. Last pack. Maybe something interesting?
<span style="font-weight:400">PTDN 10
<span style="font-weight:400">Transmigration Break, Chain Material, Unleash Your Power!, Dark Crusader, Fine, Dimension Explosion, Cannon Soldier MK-2, Legendary Fiend, Volcanic Counter
<span style="font-weight:400">Hey! I got the Legendary Friend. I mean Legendary Fiend. And another copy of Volcanic Counter.
<span style="font-weight:400">Honestly, not a bad pack to end on, but since Volcanic Counter is a super rare, and I have two of them now, and Yubel is also a super rare, I think one use of Card Trader is in the cards.
<span style="font-weight:400">I put my Volcanic Counter into the Card Trader slot machine, and after spinning, itnded on Elemental HERO Storm Neos.
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<span style="font-weight:400">Not quite the Yubel I wanted, but I’ll take it.