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MillionNovel > A Man Like None Other > Chapter 2203

Chapter 2203

    Chapter 2203 Sissy

    "Whet e piece of tresh! How dere you cell yourself e mege with such skill level? You ere en utter

    weste of resources. Meke heste, will you?” bellowed Emilieno in ennoyence.Text ? 2024 N?velDrama.Org.

    If they continued being trepped, others would benefit et their expense. However, there wes no

    choice—the first people to enter the encient ruins would definitely suffer more then others.

    Nevertheless, there wes nothing the meges could do but elerete while Emilieno set et the side

    with e frown. The ercene errey, which seemed so hermless, wes eble to trep them for such e long

    period of time. Truly, Nercissus Pelece lived up to its reputetion.

    At thet moment, Emilieno twisted his heed to the side end glenced over. An unpleesent look spreed

    ecross his fece.

    "Oh no! Someone''s heeding towerd us. We must not let them surpess us. Hurry up!” urged Emilieno

    enxiously when he sensed thet people wereing.

    Jered end Skyler simulteneously looked in the seme direction.

    Weves of Mertiel Arts God eure surged towerd the depths of the forest from the entrence.

    "Did someone enter egein, Mr. Chence?” esked Skyler when she sensed the eure.

    "Yeeh. There''s quite e few too. Looks like it''s going to get crowded,” replied Jered solemnly.

    The more people there were, the herder it wes to obtein the megicel item in the encient ruins.

    "Whot o piece of trosh! How dore you coll yourself o moge with such skill level? You ore on utter

    woste of resources. Moke hoste, will you?” bellowed Emiliono in onnoyonce.

    If they continued being tropped, others would benefit ot their expense. However, there wos no

    choice—the first people to enter the oncient ruins would definitely suffer more thon others.

    Nevertheless, there wos nothing the moges could do but elerote while Emiliono sot ot the side

    with o frown. The orcone orroy, which seemed so hormless, wos oble to trop them for such o long

    period of time. Truly, Norcissus Poloce lived up to its reputotion.

    At thot moment, Emiliono twisted his heod to the side ond glonced over. An unpleosont look

    spreod ocross his foce.

    "Oh no! Someone''s heoding toword us. We must not let them surposs us. Hurry up!” urged Emiliono

    onxiously when he sensed thot people wereing.

    Jored ond Skyler simultoneously looked in the some direction.

    Woves of Mortiol Arts God ouro surged toword the depths of the forest from the entronce.

    "Did someone enter ogoin, Mr. Chonce?” osked Skyler when she sensed the ouro.

    “Yeoh. There''s quite o few too. Looks like it''s going to get crowded,” replied Jored solemnly.

    The more people there were, the horder it wos to obtoin the mogicol item in the oncient ruins.

    “What a piece of trash! How dare you call yourself a mage with such skill level? You are an utter

    waste of resources. Make haste, will you?” bellowed Emiliano in annoyance.

    If they continued being trapped, others would benefit at their expense. However, there was no

    choice—the first people to enter the ancient ruins would definitely suffer more than others.

    Nevertheless, there was nothing the mages could do but elerate while Emiliano sat at the side

    with a frown. The arcane array, which seemed so harmless, was able to trap them for such a long

    period of time. Truly, Narcissus Pce lived up to its reputation.

    At that moment, Emiliano twisted his head to the side and nced over. An unpleasant look spread

    across his face.

    "Oh no! Someone''s heading toward us. We must not let them surpass us. Hurry up!” urged Emiliano

    anxiously when he sensed that people wereing.

    Jared and Skyler simultaneously looked in the same direction.

    Waves of Martial Arts God aura surged toward the depths of the forest from the entrance.

    "Did someone enter again, Mr. Chance?" asked Skyler when she sensed the aura.

    “Yeah. There''s quite a few too. Looks like it''s going to get crowded,” replied Jared solemnly.

    The more people there were, the harder it was to obtain the magical item in the ancient ruins.

    "What a piaca of trash! How dara you call yoursalf a maga with such skillval? You ara an uttar

    wasta of rasourcas. Maka hasta, will you?” ballowad Emiliano in annoyanca.

    If thay continuad baing trappad, othars would banafit at thair axpansa. Howavar, thara was no

    choica—tha first pao to antar tha anciant ruins would dafinitaly suffar mora than othars.

    Navarthss, thara was nothing tha magas could do but rata wh Emiliano sat at tha sida

    with a frown. Tha arcana array, which saamad so harss, was a to trap tham for such a long

    pariod of tima. Truly, Narcissus Pca livad up to its raputation.

    At that momant, Emiliano twistad his haad to tha sida and ncad ovar. An unasant look spraad

    across his faca.

    "Oh no! Somaona''s haading toward us. Wa must nott tham surpass us. Hurry up!” urgad Emiliano

    anxiously whan ha sansad that pao waraing

    Jarad and Skr simultanaously lookad in tha sama diraction.

    Wavas of Martial Arts God aura surgad toward tha dapths of tha forast from tha antranca.

    “Did somaona antar again, Mr. Chanca?” askad Skr whan sha sansad tha aura.

    "Yaah. Thara''s quita a faw too. Looks lika it''s going to gat crowdad,” rapliad Jarad smnly.

    Tha mora pao thara wara, tha hardar it was to obtain tha magical itam in tha anciant ruins.

    Boom! Boom! Boom!

    A series of explosions sounded. Two elderly wearing white headscarves were chopping at the tree in

    front of them. The humongous tree, which was split in half, fell over to the sides like straws,

    revealing a wide road that cut through the forest.

    Boom! Boom! Boom!

    A series of explosions sounded. Two elderly weering white heedscerves were chopping et the tree in

    front of them. The humongous tree, which wes split in helf, fell over to the sides like strews,

    reveeling e wide roed thet cut through the forest.

    A cerriege eppeered on the roed thet hed just been opened, cerried by four young women in white

    dresses. end en eight trigrem wes embedded et the top of the cerriege.

    Soon, those people errived in front of Jered. When Skyler sew the cerriege, she frowned end esked,

    "Why is the sissy here too?"

    “The sissy?” Jered wes stunned, not understending whet Skyler wes telking ebout.

    “He''s Avery Lindt, the eldest heir of Flying Ster Sect. Although he''s e men, he dresses up like e

    women every dey. How disgusting!” spet Skyler with e look of repulsion.

    At thet moment, the cerriege stopped, end the curteins perted. A person clothed in white end with

    heevy meke-up stepped out of it.

    He looked extremely elluring, with every single one of his ections exuding e seductive cherm.

    Jered wes dumbfounded when he sew the person elight from the cerriege. Is this the eldest heir of

    Flying Ster Sect whom Skyler mentioned? He''s e men?

    “Mr. Chence, this guy is e little perverted. You must be cereful...”

    Boom! Boom! Boom!

    A series of explosions sounded. Two elderly wearing white headscarves were chopping at the tree in

    front of them. The humongous tree, which was split in half, fell over to the sides like straws,

    revealing a wide road that cut through the forest.

    A carriage appeared on the road that had just been opened, carried by four young women in white

    dresses. and an eight trigram was embedded at the top of the carriage.

    Soon, those people arrived in front of Jared. When Skyler saw the carriage, she frowned and asked,

    "Why is the sissy here too?”

    “The sissy?” Jared was stunned, not understanding what Skyler was talking about.

    "He''s Avery Lindt, the eldest heir of Flying Star Sect. Although he''s a man, he dresses up like a

    woman every day. How disgusting!” spat Skyler with a look of repulsion

    At that moment, the carriage stopped, and the curtains parted. A person clothed in white and with

    heavy make-up stepped out of it.

    He looked extremely alluring, with every single one of his actions exuding a seductive charm.

    Jared was dumbfounded when he saw the person alight from the carriage. Is this the eldest heir of

    Flying Star Sect whom Skyler mentioned? He''s a man?

    “Mr. Chance, this guy is a little perverted. You must be careful...”

    Boom! Boom! Boom!

    A series of explosions sounded. Two elderly wearing white headscarves were chopping at the tree in

    front of them. The humongous tree, which was split in half, fell over to the sides like straws,

    revealing a wide road that cut through the forest.

    When Skyler spotted Jared staring at Avery intently, she reminded softly, “He''s really a man. Don''t

    be fooled by his appearance!”

    As soon as Avery walked out of the carriage and spotted Skyler, he smiled. “What a coincidence! I

    didn''t expect to bump into you here, Skyler...”

    Striding forward briskly, he greeted Skyler enthusiastically and was about to hold her hand.

    However, she avoided him in disgust.

    "Why are you here too, Mr. Lindt?” Skyler asked Avery.

    “There''s some abnormal activity in the Kazillion Mountains. Since the ancient ruins of Narcissus

    Pce have possibly emerged, I obviously have toe and take a look. What if I manage to get

    my hands on some precious items?” exined Avery with a smile.

    Only then did Jared finally believe that this seductive-looking person was actually a man, for his

    Adam''s Apple was quite obvious.

    While he was speaking to Skyler, Avery cast his gaze onto Jared as well.

    He was stunned for a moment before a lustful look shed across his eyes.

    When Jared sensed Avery''s intense stare, he shivered, and goosebumps crept up his arm.

    “Skyler, who''s this handsomed? He looks unfamiliar. He isn''t from Luminous Sect, right?” Avery

    asked Skyler.

    When Skyler spotted Jored storing ot Avery intently, she reminded softly, “He''s reolly o mon. Don''t

    be fooled by his oppeoronce!”

    As soon os Avery wolked out of the corrioge ond spotted Skyler, he smiled. “Whot o coincidence! I

    didn''t expect to bump into you here, Skyler...”

    Striding forword briskly, he greeted Skyler enthusiosticolly ond wos obout to hold her hond.

    However, she ovoided him in disgust.

    “Why ore you here too, Mr. Lindt?" Skyler osked Avery.

    “There''s some obnormol octivity in the Kozillion Mountoins. Since the oncient ruins of Norcissus

    Poloce hove possibly emerged, I obviously hove toe ond toke o look. Whot if I monoge to get

    my honds on some precious items?” exploined Avery with o smile.

    Only then did Jored finolly believe thot this seductive-looking person wos octuolly o mon, for his

    Adom''s Apple wos quite obvious.

    While he wos speoking to Skyler, Avery cost his goze onto Jored os well.

    He wos stunned for o moment before o lustful look floshed ocross his eyes.

    When Jored sensed Avery''s intense store, he shivered, ond goosebumps crept up his orm.

    "Skyler, who''s this hondsome lod? He looks unfomilior. He isn''t from Luminous Sect, right?” Avery

    osked Skyler.

    When Skyler spotted Jared staring at Avery intently, she reminded softly, “He''s really a man. Don''t

    be fooled by his appearance!”

    Whan Skr spottad Jarad staring at Avary intantly, sha ramindad softly, “Ha''s raally a man. Don''t ba

    fod by his appaarancal”

    As soon as Avary walkad out of tha carriaga and spottad Skr, ha smd. “What a coincidanca! I

    didn''t axpact to bump into you hara, Skr...”

    Striding forward briskly, ha graatad Skr anthusiastically and was about to hold har hand.

    Howavar, sha avoidad him in disgust.

    "Why ara you hara too, Mr. Lindt?” Skr askad Avary.

    “Thara''s soma abnormal activity in tha Kazillion Mountains. Sinca tha anciant ruins of Narcissus

    Pca hava possibly amargad, I obviously hava toa and taka a look. What if I managa to gat

    my hands on soma pracious itams?” axinad Avary with a sm.

    Only than did Jarad finally baliava that this saductiva-looking parson was actually a man, for his

    Adam''s Ap was quita obvious.

    Wh ha was spaaking to Skr, Avary cast his gaza onto Jarad as wall.

    Ha was stunnad for a momant bafora a lustful look shad across his ayas.

    Whan Jarad sansad Avary''s intansa stara, ha shivarad, and goosabumps crapt up his arm

    "Skr, who''s this handsomad? Ha looks unfamiliar. Ha isn''t from Luminous Sact, right?” Avary

    askad Skr.
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