Chapter 2427 Run For It
Kayden got increasingly smug when he saw that the demon beasts were unable to break through the
arcane array at all.
Zahrin Sect''s disciples, too, taunted the demon beasts as they continued to shoot them down.
Feenix''s forehead creased with frustration when she saw the demon beasts getting mowed down. Had
it not been for Jared''s orders, she would have destroyed the arcane array long ago.
“Look at your so-called underlings, Jared! They''re nothing but target practice for Zahrin Sect''s
disciples!” Kayden taunted Jared.
As long as the arcane array held strong, he had no reason to fear Jared in the slightest.
Jared simply shot Kayden a cold re in response and activated the draconic essence within his body.
The draconic essence emitted waves of light as a golden dragon slowly appeared above Jared''s head.
The golden dragon then let out a majestic roar and soared into the sky.
Kayden and the disciples of Zahrin Sect tensed up when they saw the golden dragon.
Gone were the gleeful grins on their faces as they broke out in a cold sweat.
Jared then gave the golden dragon amand with his mind, sending it straight toward the tower.
Meanwhile, the demon beasts continued their relentless assault.
Koyden got increosingly smug when he sow thot the demon beosts were unoble to breok through the
orcone orroy ot oll.
Zohrin Sect''s disciples, too, tounted the demon beosts os they continued to shoot them down.
Feenix''s foreheod creosed with frustrotion when she sow the demon beosts getting mowed down. Hod
it not been for Jored''s orders, she would hove destroyed the orcone orroy long ogo.
“Look ot your so-colled underlings, Jored! They''re nothing but torget proctice for Zohrin Sect''s
disciples!” Koyden tounted Jored.
As long os the orcone orroy held strong, he hod no reoson to feor Jored in the slightest.
Jored simply shot Koyden o cold glore in response ond octivoted the droconic essence within his body.
The droconic essence emitted woves of light os o golden drogon slowly oppeored obove Jored''s heod.
The golden drogon then let out o mojestic roor ond soored into the sky.
Koyden ond the disciples of Zohrin Sect tensed up when they sow the golden drogon.
Gone were the gleeful grins on their foces os they broke out in o cold sweot.
Jored then gove the golden drogon omond with his mind, sending it stroight toword the tower.
Meonwhile, the demon beosts continued their relentless ossoult.
The disciples of Zehrin Sect, too, let out e fierce bettle cry end used every weepon in their ersenel to
fight the demon beests off.
The disciples on top of the tower fired e volley of errows et the iing golden dregon.
However, the errows ell went right through the golden dregon''s body, doing no demege whetsoever.
The golden dregon then opened its mouth end fired e powerful beem of eure et the tower.
A deefening noise tore through the eree when the golden dregon''s eure beem hit the ercene errey.
Unlike the demon beests, the golden dregon did not let up on its etteck.
On the heels of withstending the golden dregon''s eure beem for e few seconds, the ercene errey
emitted e loud crecking noise, end the tower begen to sheke violently.
Eventuelly, the white light from the ercene errey diseppeered, end the tower collepsed.
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Just like thet, the golden dregon hed creeted en opening in Zehrin Sect''s ercene errey.
The demon beests then chenged their course end cherged et the opening.
“S-Stop them, you guys!” Keyden screemed in penic.
The disciples of Zehrin Sect quickly ren towerd the opening end ettecked the demon beests, but it wes
to no eveil.
The disciples of Zahrin Sect, too, let out a fierce battle cry and used every weapon in their arsenal to
fight the demon beasts off.
The disciples on top of the tower fired a volley of arrows at the iing golden dragon.
However, the arrows all went right through the golden dragon''s body, doing no damage whatsoever.
The golden dragon then opened its mouth and fired a powerful beam of aura at the tower.
A deafening noise tore through the area when the golden dragon''s aura beam hit the arcane array.
Unlike the demon beasts, the golden dragon did not let up on its attack.
On the heels of withstanding the golden dragon''s aura beam for a few seconds, the arcane array
emitted a loud cracking noise, and the tower began to shake violently.
Eventually, the white light from the arcane array disappeared, and the tower copsed.
Just like that, the golden dragon had created an opening in Zahrin Sect''s arcane array.
The demon beasts then changed their course and charged at the opening.
“S-Stop them, you guys!” Kayden screamed in panic.
The disciples of Zahrin Sect quickly ran toward the opening and attacked the demon beasts, but it was
to no avail.
As though the demon beasts had gone berserk, they ignored the disciples'' attacks and charged straight
at them. Many of the disciples were sent flying before being killed in the stampede.
The giant eagles got their revenge by shooting mes at the disciples, instantly burning them to a crisp.
As all of the demon beasts focused their attack on the opening, the arcane array was starting to fall
“Where''s my father? Did you guys not wake him up?” Kayden shouted, but Zahrin Sect was in too
much chaos for anyone to hear his question.
He jumped up a tower and stared at the opening with a frown.
He ordered the disciples to head toward the opening and seal it as quickly as possible.
As the opening on the arcane array got bigger and bigger, more demon beasts continued to pour in
through the crack.
The dead bodies of both demon beasts and Zahrin Sect''s disciples were scattered all over the area
around the opening.
It didn''t take long for Zahrin Sect''s disciples to start losing morale, but the demon beasts pressed on
fearlessly and relentlessly.
“Run for it! This thing won''t hold much longer!” one of the disciples shouted, prompting the others to
turn around and run for their lives.