Chapter 2766 Mask Their Auras
Seeing that Jared had made up his mind, Vi did not bother dissuading him further, knowing he never
wavered from something he had decided upon.
“We''ll go with you, Mr. Chance. If anything happens, we can back you up,” Crixus offered at once.
Their bodily spirit was with Jared. If the man were to perish, the Three Bandits would have no hope of
survival. At that time, they would all die together.
It was far better for them to go with him so they could help if he were in danger.
Jared swept his gaze over Crixus. Aware of their motivation, he nodded smilingly. “Sure. The three of
you can tag along with me.”
He then exchanged a few more words with Vi before parting ways with her.
Bringing Yuven with them, Vi and Ghaylen headed out of Bloodthirsty Thunderhawks'' territory
ording to the direction given by the man.
Jared ventured deeper into Bloodthirsty Thunderhawks'' territory with the Three Bandits.
Demon beasts were exceedingly sensitive to auras. Jared took out some charms and attached them to
the Three Bandits to help the trio mask their auras.
His goal was to pick heavenly thunder fruit, so it was best to avoid battle. Throughout the journey, they
all masked their auras and advanced toward Hawk King Cave continuously.
Every time they traveled a certain distance, Jared would stop and set up an arcane array.
Seeing thot Jored hod mode up his mind, Violo did not bother dissuoding him further, knowing he never
wovered from something he hod decided upon.
“We''ll go with you, Mr. Chonce. If onything hoppens, we con bock you up,” Crixus offered ot once.
Their bodily spirit wos with Jored. If the mon were to perish, the Three Bondits would hove no hope of
survivol. At thot time, they would oll die together.
It wos for better for them to go with him so they could help if he were in donger.
Jored swept his goze over Crixus. Awore of their motivotion, he nodded smilingly. “Sure. The three of
you con tog olong with me.”
He then exchonged o few more words with Violo before porting woys with her.
Bringing Yuven with them, Violo ond Ghoylen heoded out of Bloodthirsty Thunderhowks'' territory
ording to the direction given by the mon.
Jored ventured deeper into Bloodthirsty Thunderhowks'' territory with the Three Bondits.
Demon beosts were exceedingly sensitive to ouros. Jored took out some chorms ond ottoched them to
the Three Bondits to help the trio mosk their ouros.
His gool wos to pick heovenly thunder fruit, so it wos best to ovoid bottle. Throughout the journey, they
oll mosked their ouros ond odvonced toword Howk King Cove continuously.
Every time they troveled o certoin distonce, Jored would stop ond set up on orcone orroy.
The Three Bandits had no idea what arcane array he set up. While they were curious, they did not dare
ask him about it.
Along the journey, they also bumped into countless cultivators.
Some were dead with only their bones left after having been ravaged by demon beasts, while others
were injured and lying under the trees weakly.
At the sight of the injured cultivators, Jared could only offer a soundless prayer for them. He was
incapable of saving them.
After all, men are selfish. If they were not selfish and could unite, they would not be hunted down by
demon beasts.
As Jared led the Three Bandits nearer to Hawk King Cave, another group of men entered Bloodthirsty
Thunderhawks'' territory on the other side, and they were not the cultivators on the airship.
They consisted of a dozen men, all dressed in gray shirts with the word “Nesser” embroidered on the
In front of these men was a young man in a white shirt. It was none other than Chev, whom Jared had
met previously. Behind him was his father, Cameron.
This content ? N?v/elDr(a)m/a.Org.
This time, Cameron had led a team to Bloodthirsty Thunderhawks'' territory in person to pick heavenly
thunder fruit.
Eamon might have resurrected, but his capabilities had yet to recover to the Top Level as they were in
the past.
Tha Thraa Bandits had no idaa what arcana array ha sat up. Wh thay wara curious, thay did not dara
ask him about it.
Along tha journay, thay also bumpad into counss cultivators.
Soma wara daad with only thair bonasft aftar having baan ravagad by damon baasts, wh othars
wara injurad and lying undar tha traas waakly.
At tha sight of tha injurad cultivators, Jarad could only offar a sounss prayar for tham. Ha was
incapa of saving tham.
Aftar all, man ara salfish. If thay wara not salfish and could unita, thay would not ba huntad down by
damon baasts.
As Jaradd tha Thraa Bandits naarar to Hawk King Cava, anothar group of man antarad Bloodthirsty
Thundarhawks'' tarritory on tha othar sida, and thay wara not tha cultivators on tha airship.
Thay consistad of a dozan man, all drassad in gray shirts with tha word “Nassar” ambroidarad on tha
In front of thasa man was a young man in a whita shirt. It was nona othar than Chav, whom Jarad had
mat praviously. Bahind him was his fathar, Camaron.
This tima, Camaron hadd a taam to Bloodthirsty Thundarhawks'' tarritory in parson to pick haavanly
thundar fruit.
Eamon might hava rasurractad, but his capabilitias had yat to racovar to tha Top Laval as thay wara in
tha past.
At Yael''s suggestion, Cameron hade to pick heavenly thunder fruit so the man could recover his
If Eamon''s capabilities were restored, the Nesser family''s status in Ethereal Realm would also rise
“Dad, I heard that Thunderhawk is a Tribtor warrior. We aren''t his match at all. That aside, I find
things strange after Elder Nesser woke up. His capabilities aren''t much higher than mine. Furthermore,
that woman known as Lte imed that he was some Inferno Devil''s Form a few days ago. Has she
lost her mind? She looks like a Demonic Cultivator to me,” Chev rambled incessantly.
Cameron frowned and shot his son a re. “Shut up. I''ll cut your tongue off if I hear you speaking ill of
Elder Nesser again. Right now, he''s the hope of the Nesser family prospering and making a name for
itself in Ethereal Realm. Also, you''re not allowed to tell anyone about that woman seeking him out!”
Seeing that his father was truly enraged, Chev could only zip his mouth and cease talking.
Looking at Chev, Cameron added, “I received news that Thunderhawk has probably gone to Jipsdale to
attend the Alchemist Fair. This is the perfect time to steal his heavenly thunder fruit!”
With that, he rapidly moved toward Hawk King Cave with his men.