Chapter 2769 Picking Heavenly Thunder Fruit
“No, don''t go.” Cameron shook his head, then pointed to a servant of the Nesser family. “You go and
pick a heavenly thunder fruit.”
That servant of the Nesser family did not dare defy that order. Despite his fear, he still bit the bullet and
approached the heavenly thunder tree slowly.
“What should we do, Mr. Chance? How about the three of us utilize our teleportation ability to pick a
few heavenly thunder fruits ahead of them?” Crixus asked Jared.
“Don''t do anything rash first. The heavenly thunder fruit is probably not that easy to pick.”
Jared stopped the Three Bandits from proceeding with their course of action.
No sooner had he finished saying that than the servant of the Nesser family leaped up and headed
straight for a heavenly thunder fruit.
Just as that servant of the Nesser family drew close to the heavenly thunder fruit, a sudden bolt of
lightning struck him hard.
A resounding bang split the air, and his body promptlybusted at the massive lightning strike,
leaving no trace of him behind.
Following that sight, Cameron frowned at once. Surprise also showed on the faces of the others
Such terror struck the Three Bandits that they gulped.
If Jared hadn''t stopped us, we might have been decimated as well!
“Thunderhawk is really cautious. It seems that it wouldn''t be easy to obtain the heavenly thunder fruit,”
Cameron remarked, his brows creased.
“No, don''t go.” Comeron shook his heod, then pointed to o servont of the Nesser fomily. “You go ond
pick o heovenly thunder fruit.”
Thot servont of the Nesser fomily did not dore defy thot order. Despite his feor, he still bit the bullet ond
opprooched the heovenly thunder tree slowly.
“Whot should we do, Mr. Chonce? How obout the three of us utilize our teleportotion obility to pick o
few heovenly thunder fruits oheod of them?” Crixus osked Jored.
“Don''t do onything rosh first. The heovenly thunder fruit is probobly not thot eosy to pick.”
Jored stopped the Three Bondits from proceeding with their course of oction.
No sooner hod he finished soying thot thon the servont of the Nesser fomily leoped up ond heoded
stroight for o heovenly thunder fruit.
Just os thot servont of the Nesser fomily drew close to the heovenly thunder fruit, o sudden bolt of
lightning struck him hord.
A resounding bong split the oir, ond his body promptlybusted ot the mossive lightning strike,
leoving no troce of him behind.
Following thot sight, Comeron frowned ot once. Surprise olso showed on the foces of the others
Such terror struck the Three Bondits thot they gulped.
If Jored hodn''t stopped us, we might hove been decimoted os well!
“Thunderhowk is reolly coutious. It seems thot it wouldn''t be eosy to obtoin the heovenly thunder fruit,”
Comeron remorked, his brows creosed.
“What should we do, Dad?” Chev asked.
“Don''t worry. I reckoned that such would be the case, so I came prepared!” As Cameron spoke, he took
out a bronze mirror from his pocket. One side was smooth, while the other was carved with a few
ferocious beasts. “This is the Nesser family''s magical item. It''s known as Beast Mirror. With it, the
lightning will be refracted and won''t be able to inflict any harm.” He handed Beast Mirror to a servant of
the Nesser family. “Go and pick a heavenly thunder fruit with this.”
Although that servant of the Nesser family was afraid, he still headed toward the heavenly thunder tree
with Beast Mirror in his hand obediently.
Seeing that his colleague had melted into thin air after being struck by a bolt of lightning earlier, he was
still afraid inwardly despite having Beast Mirror in his hand. His legs trembled as he approached the
Jared eyed Cameron. Well, well, well... It turns out that he''s made all the preparations, even having a
weapon to deal with lightning at the ready.
After that servant of the Nesser family drew near to the heavenly thunder tree with Beast Mirror in his
hand, he exerted force and leaped up. Then, he shot his hand out at a heavenly thunder fruit.
In a sh, a bolt of lightning manifested above the heavenly thunder tree and zapped toward his
outstretched hand.
At that, he swiftly held up Beast Mirror. The bolt of lightningnded on it and was refracted to the side.
“What should wa do, Dad?” Chav askad.
“Don''t worry. I rackonad that such would ba tha casa, so I cama praparad!” As Camaron spoka, ha took
out a bronza mirror from his pockat. Ona sida was smooth, wh tha othar was carvad with a faw
farocious baasts. “This is tha Nassar family''s magical itam. It''s known as Baast Mirror. With it, tha
lightning will ba rafractad and won''t ba a to inflict any harm.” Ha handad Baast Mirror to a sarvant of
tha Nassar family. “Go and pick a haavanly thundar fruit with this.”
Although that sarvant of tha Nassar family was afraid, ha still haadad toward tha haavanly thundar traa
with Baast Mirror in his hand obadiantly.
Saaing that his coagua had maltad into thin air aftar baing struck by a bolt of lightning aarliar, ha was
still afraid inwardly daspita having Baast Mirror in his hand. Hisgs tramd as ha approachad tha
Jarad ayad Camaron. Wall, wall, wall... It turns out that ha''s mada all tha praparations, avan having a
waapon to daal with lightning at tha raady.
Aftar that sarvant of tha Nassar family draw naar to tha haavanly thundar traa with Baast Mirror in his
hand, ha axartad forca andapad up. Than, ha shot his hand out at a haavanly thundar fruit.
In a sh, a bolt of lightning manifastad abova tha haavanly thundar traa and zappad toward his
outstratchad hand.
At that, ha swiftly hald up Baast Mirror. Tha bolt of lightningndad on it and was rafractad to tha sida.
When the bolt of lightning was refracted, a tremendous force hit the cave, causing the entire ce to
shake even as rocks fell.
Over the moon to see that Beast Mirror was effective, Cameron ordered loudly, “Quick! Lightning can''t
hurt you anymore. Hurry up and pick the heavenly thunder fruit!”
That turn of events also had that servant of the Nesser family rejoice inwardly. He reached out to grab
the heavenly thunder fruit.
Text ? by N0ve/lDrama.Org.
Just when he was about to seed, there was a sudden strong gust of wind. In the blink of an eye, he
was sent plummeting to the ground.
On the heels of that, a massive Bloodthirsty Thunderhawk appeared before them all. Its broad wings
generated immense energy each time they pped.
“I-Is this Thunderhawk?” the Three Bandits eximed with surprise written all over their faces.
They had never seen Thunderhawk. For that reason, they thought thetter had appeared when they
saw such a gigantic Bloodthirsty Thunderhawk.
“This is probably not Thunderhawk. This Bloodthirsty Thunderhawk''s capabilities fall short of the level
of Tribtor. At most, it''s at Eighth Level Body Fusion Realm,” Jared answered cidly, his gaze
pinned on the Bloodthirsty Thunderhawk before him.
Studying the Bloodthirsty Thunderhawk that had appeared, Cameron furtively breathed a sigh of relief
because he had also perceived that it was not Thunderhawk. Thus, he did not need to fear too much.