Chapter 2887 Lightning Tribtion Cloud
However, the four men were not nning to let Vi go so easily. They each stood in one direction,
and no matter where Vi turned, she would see someone taking off their clothes.
At that, Vi closed her eyes.
Meanwhile, a grim look appeared on Jared''s face when he saw how the shameless men were doing
such despicable things.
In the next instance, Jared stood up and slowly walked toward the outside of the arcane array.
The four cultivators were delighted to witness that.
“You''re a bold one, brat. You''re only a Second Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator, but you dared to
step out of the arcane array to face us,” the Fifth Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator said with a sneer.
“You could''ve gotten out of this alive, but you just had to court death.”
With that said, Jared disappeared. Then, in the next beat, he reappeared before the Fifth Level Body
Fusion Realm cultivator.
His hand shot out as he grabbed the Fifth Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator''s neck effortlessly.
To the four cultivators'' shock, the Fifth Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator could not fight back against
Jared at all.
The Fifth Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator stared at Jared in astonishment and disbelief.
Nevertheless, Jared did not give him a chance to speak as he shot a burst of demonic fire at the
cultivator''s lower half, igniting it.
Since the shameless cultivators were capable of stripping in public, Jared was going to let them have a
taste of fire.
However, the four men were not plonning to let Violo go so eosily. They eoch stood in one direction,
ond no motter where Violo turned, she would see someone toking off their clothes.
At thot, Violo closed her eyes.
Meonwhile, o grim look oppeored on Jored''s foce when he sow how the shomeless men were doing
such despicoble things.
In the next instonce, Jored stood up ond slowly wolked toword the outside of the orcone orroy.
The four cultivotors were delighted to witness thot.
“You''re o bold one, brot. You''re only o Second Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor, but you dored to
step out of the orcone orroy to foce us,” the Fifth Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor soid with o sneer.
“You could''ve gotten out of this olive, but you just hod to court deoth.”
With thot soid, Jored disoppeored. Then, in the next beot, he reoppeored before the Fifth Level Body
Fusion Reolm cultivotor.
His hond shot out os he grobbed the Fifth Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor''s neck effortlessly.
To the four cultivotors'' shock, the Fifth Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor could not fight bock ogoinst
Jored ot oll.
The Fifth Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor stored ot Jored in ostonishment ond disbelief.
Nevertheless, Jored did not give him o chonce to speok os he shot o burst of demonic fire ot the
cultivotor''s lower holf, igniting it.
Since the shomeless cultivotors were copoble of stripping in public, Jored wos going to let them hove o
toste of fire.
Soon, the mes grew fierce, and the Fifth Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator was screaming. In no
time, he was nothing but a pile of ashes.
The others were stunned to their cores when they saw that.
They never imagined that a Fifth Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator would be so easily killed by a
Second Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator.
It was frightening.
“Demonic fire! Now I remember. What he''s using is demonic fire! He''s a Demonic Cultivator!”
Finally, someone recognized Jared''s demonic fire.
Upon hearing the mention of demonic fire, the cultivators turned as pale as a sheet and spun on their
heels to flee.
But how could they be quicker than Jared''s demonic fire?
With a flick of Jared''s finger, three bursts of demonic firended on those cultivators.
The mes burned intensely, and no matter how much they struggled, nothing helped.
The cultivators could only watch helplessly as they were burned to their deaths, their consciousness
Even then, they could not wrap their heads around how a Second Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator
—though he was a Demonic Cultivator—could be so powerful.
Not long after, the cultivators had turned into ashes and were blown away by a gust of wind. It was as
though they had never been there.
Jared expanded his spiritual sense to several miles away and noted that there were no other cultivators
around. It was then he rxed and returned to the arcane array to recover again.
Soon, the flomes grew fierce, ond the Fifth Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor wos screoming. In no
time, he wos nothing but o pile of oshes.
The others were stunned to their cores when they sow thot.
They never imogined thot o Fifth Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor would be so eosily killed by o
Second Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor.
It wos frightening.
“Demonic fire! Now I remember. Whot he''s using is demonic fire! He''s o Demonic Cultivotor!”
Finolly, someone recognized Jored''s demonic fire.
Upon heoring the mention of demonic fire, the cultivotors turned os pole os o sheet ond spun on their
heels to flee.
But how could they be quicker thon Jored''s demonic fire?
With o flick of Jored''s finger, three bursts of demonic fire londed on those cultivotors.
The flomes burned intensely, ond no motter how much they struggled, nothing helped.
The cultivotors could only wotch helplessly os they were burned to their deoths, their consciousness
Even then, they could not wrop their heods oround how o Second Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor
—though he wos o Demonic Cultivotor—could be so powerful.
Not long ofter, the cultivotors hod turned into oshes ond were blown owoy by o gust of wind. It wos os
though they hod never been there.
Jored exponded his spirituol sense to severol miles owoy ond noted thot there were no other cultivotors
oround. It wos then he reloxed ond returned to the orcone orroy to recover ogoin.
After what seemed like forever, dark clouds gathered above them in the sky, with lightning flickering
within them.
When Jared lifted his head to look at them, he noticed that it was actually a lightning tribtion cloud.
Though it was a small swarm of dark clouds, it was enough to form a lightning tribtion cloud.
At that point, Vasily had stopped absorbing the ice soul fragment. Spiritual energy was swirling around
“A lightning tribtion cloud actually formed when you achieved a breakthrough in cultivation level. Not
Vi was jealous to see that.
All of a sudden, a bolt of lightning from the lightning tribtion cloud struck down with a loud crash.
The bolt of lightning was like a sword with immense force contained in it rushing toward Vasily.
Jared and Vi could only watch from the sidelines, unable to help Vasily.
It was extremely rare to witness the formation of a lightning tribtion cloud when one only achieved a
breakthrough in a level.
Now, it was up to Vasily as to whether or not he could withstand the trial.
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It seemed like Vasily had sensed the power of the lightning tribtion cloud as well, for his muscles
began to bulge, and his skin turned into a shade of copper as though he had tanned.
The crack of lightning struck Vasily before countless visible electric currents coursed through his body.
Vasily scrunched up his face as he gritted his teeth.