Well today we had a setback at practice. Sir Adrian was injured and I doubt he will be playing in the Game. Goodwin has gotten a little too good at dline now. He is hard to stop and he blew passed Sir “Tiny” Gander (Offensive Lineman) on his way to steamrolling Sir Adrian from his backside.
Who the hell knows without an x-ray what is wrong with him. I don’t think its too serious as he can still move all the fingers, elbow and wrist. He sure as Hell can’t throw right now though.
Hugo had been practicing with the 2nd team and knew all the plays as he subbed for both us. He should be alright but it isn’t ideal. I actually like Hugo (who I have never been able to place the Sir ahead of) he has a lot of passion for the game but he leaves a lot lacking in every other department.
Height, Speed, Agility, Strength, Arm Strength, you name a physical football characteristic and he is lacking in it.
He had been like another coach on the field for me though. He has such a love of the game that’s infectious and reminds me of why I love it so much. He would come to me all the time trying to get pointers. Guys like that you can’t help but root for but I need this game competitive with marketable QB’s and Hugo was by no means marketable.
He was short as I have mentioned but it wasn’t just that. He was already balding at 25 and had multiple missing teeth. Luckily there were no tv cameras yet but being tall was going to get my team a lot of publicity. A team of Giants or a Team of Hugos which do you see as making the game more likely to succeed.
I had chosen my team on the size in the middle (line) speed on the outsides (receivers, running backs, and secondary players) philosophy. All the players that had made it into the top players had fit that scheme but Adrian’s team had ended up with most of the remaining Knights. Knights sticking together and all that. I was afraid my Henry’s Hero’s were going to walk away with this one, which was not ideal.
After practice was over I went to work on the Stadium. I had been heavily involved with engineering but that was over pretty much. We were just doing finishing work really.
I couldn’t believe how well it had gone. Bolt had turned out to be a Godsend and was really sinking into his role of Jobsite Boss well.
I had been surveying the construction site for I don’t know how long when I ran into him.
“I got everything covered Bossman” Bolt said. All my A&B employees now call me that.
“Alright then I guess I would just be in your way now”
Look how much can change in one month. He was in control and didn’t want me stepping on his toes which I could respect.
We now had over a hundred and fifty full time employees and some hundred or so temps with some experience at A&B. I even had convinced some 5 dozen sets of parents to let their son apprentice for free. I paid for lunch but otherwise they didn’t cost a dime. They were also untrained and usually about as bright as a Sharpie but they were free and unlike slave labor they actually wanted to be there.
My house construction division had paid almost all the labor costs of A&B over the last month including the Stadium. I had hardly any out of pocket salary expenditures from the project. The nails and all the brackets set me back a fortune but it was worth it in the end.
The brackets made assembly so much faster and allowed more uniform lumber to be used. It made it easier to mass produce pieces.
Lego had been steadily improving on his fear of heights but I had given him a management job so there was little of that normally. I however want all my employees to better themselves (even if I have to take the “themselves” part out). I told him he has to do anything he would ask an employee to do.
After I left the stadium I went to the Pad to check on the plate armor pads. She was just getting the first set started.
“I hoped to have at least three done.” I said frowning
“No I can’t sir. I can get the two done by Wednesday but I am backed up in orders from everything from nails to hammers.”
I had started selling my tools but only to merchants that would take them out of London to sell them. I made it clear to them that if I found these hammers (they all had serial numbers and my A&B logo on them) back in London I would never sell to them again.
I wanted a building revolution to take place I just didn’t want it to compete with my own. I could have my cake and eat it too. At least for a few years anyway.
“You’re slipping Lilly. Grumpy could get 3 done by Wednesday and then boast about being held back by sickness.”
She complained and let out a set of obscenities that would cause the devil to call out foul.
The rivalry between them had grown legendary. Grumpy had now begun to make some of the tools I had originally had him make (and I always thought patents were stupid when I was downloading music). Open disputes have now broken out and there has been bloodshed. One argument resulted in her throwing an Iron ingot that hit him and cut his lip.
Needless to say I would have three sets by Wednesday though heated insults were hurled my way.
I knew now I had to go see King Henry. The game was supposed to be held on Wednesday but I really needed a few more days. I had another idea to run by him to hopefully make it more acceptable to an already impatient King. If you discover this tale on Amazon, be aware that it has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. Please report it.
I found him in the throne room.
“Hello Sir Arthur I see that monstrous building of yours is done.”
“Not quite your majesty as I still need to do some finish work. It will be done by the day of the game however.”
“Good man Good man. I grow weary of the wait. I want to see this Football game of yours.”
“Actually that is why I came your majesty. I need a few more days to prepare my men . Sir Adrian was lost to injury and will not be able to play QB and could use a few more days to prepare his substitute.”
“What! I have waited long enough for this day Sir Arthur. Why should I wait a moment longer?” He shouted pounding his armrest.
“We still have Sir Hugo your majesty, but I need a few extra days to prepare him but I came with another proposal your Majesty.”
He visibly calmed and then chuckled “Why am I not surprised? Continue.”
“We push the game to Saturday and then we start a Flag Football Tournament Wednesday with all the nobles who are attending as well as yourself. If they wish it of course.”
“Huh? What is Flag Football? Do you play with a flag instead of a ball?”
“Close your majesty. Actually a flag is tied to either side of your waist and players no longer tackle you to the ground they grab one of the flags to do so. Once the flag of the ball carrier is removed the play is over. It is the version for any person who doesn’t play it professionally but still wants to try it. It also helps someone understand the game better.”
He stroked his chin. “I like it, Sir Arthur. I want to be a QB of course.”
“Of course your majesty. I will make the arrangements.” Something says I am going to have to take a dive.
“Actually your majesty, I brought you a gift to prepare for the upcoming battle.” I motioned for Agatha to bring out the Helmet and Football.
“For me?” He asked, taking the football “How marvelous it is. It is made of leather and hollow yet it is firm.” He then took the Helmet and admired it in the light. “Sir Arthur it might have been worth you taking so much of the Royal Treasury just for this.”
I cringed. It had turned into more than I think he bargained for but I had already begun to pay it back as the advance luxury boxes sold out. He hopefully would get paid back in full soon.
“In a short time your majesty, my stadium, and the game it represents, will bring many fold more silver to your Royal Treasury.”
“I look forward to that day. As well as for more of that delightful fried rabbit.”
“I am heading to the Inn as we speak, your majesty. If you want, you may send a servant down and I will have it ready when he gets there.”
“You have convinced me of it Sir Arthur”
Doubt it took much convincing.
“While on the subject after the game I will require another piece of land this time nearby. I wish to build another restaurant, your majesty. I will purchase it of course. I might require another loan for the amount but it will be repaid of course. This way I can serve your food to you fresher, your majesty.”
It was also near the training grounds and the Kings Knights and his important guests would need some good eats. Good market for it in other words
“Of course as soon as you repay your loan I will see to it.”
“Oh I expect to repay that debt after this game, your majesty.””
“What? How is that amount to be repaid in one event.”
“People doubted I could build a stadium to house 10,000 people in a month. I can do many things most men would deem impossible”
I didn''t mention he had been a doubter himself when he finally learned of the scale of the project. That was unwise for one''s health.
“I have grown to trust your word Sir Arthur.” Good.
After bidding my leave I left and when I made it to the Inn I told them to prepare the Kings usual. Then I went to find Claire.
“I’ve got good news.” I said after finding her.
“My daughter is to be expecting then?”
“What? No...” At least I think not “We are starting another Rump Roast this time only a restaurant with no inn. It will be closer to the Stadium and Tower. The King agreed to a piece of land. I’m going to start building it after the stadium is built and the first game is over.”
“Oh, who should run it though Sir Arthur.”
“You will. You started this one up well enough. You will start training your replacement here now and by the time it is built they should be ready to take your place. I leave it up to you to decide who but I will have to sign off on her or him (safe bet her as there were no men working at the inn except Hamen). Also get Hamen to train up a new cook to take over here. I want him at the new location.” Once I made sure she got it I continued.
“Now, do you know everything you must do to prepare the concessions for the game which is to be held on Saturday now?” I had estimated what the demand for each item would be based on price.
“Saturday? Well at least that gives us more time to prepare.”
“Yes and no. I expect that the Nobles will still want their concessions for the Flag Football Tournament that will still be held on Wednesday . Think of it as a practice run.” That didn’t seem to help convince her.
“There will be a demand for any of our higher priced items and of course plenty of the hooch, shine I mean. The word has already made its rounds causing every Noble man under the age of 50 to want to drink his weight in the stuff. Make sure the price is doubled due to unforeseen demand and our limited supply.”
“More silver for me I guess.” I had arranged that she gets part of all profit as compensation for her service.
“Yes, I expect the game of Football to make us all a lot of silver” and I did.
The modern pro football scene made billions and it was competing against numerous other sports. Tournies hadn’t even taken hold here yet. I was literally the only game in town.
I decided since it was late I would just crash in my room, that I left open for myself and special guests, after I grabbed a bite to eat that is. Honestly it was more likely because I hadn’t felt safe at the Tower since the assassination attempt.
I will always wonder if I shouldn’t have just crashed there that night and lent Stephen a room. If I had, maybe that guy would still be alive.
“Ah the piece of shit got what was coming to him.”
“Oh my” Claire said startled as I was still at the bar when my weakness occurred.
“Sorry, I was miles away”
Once I ate my Rabbit Stew and then downed my beer I headed to my room. I was surrounded by four girls at once. “Oh I will remove your clothes for you sir.”
“No dammit. I’d love to but it wouldn’t be right with you making money from me now.”
That of course made them more ravenous. They said that was why they had to do it. They were starting to undress me in the hall. I only got them off by telling them this counted as touching a customer and I would fire them all if they didn’t stop.
Still I had to take inventory of all my garments to make sure they were all still there. I stripped down to my boxers (I had those specially made here) and just fell straight on the bed and passed out from exhaustion.