<span>I got home past dinner time. I was surprised to see that my father and mother were still in the dining room.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Finally,” my dad said. “Where were you, Weston?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Training with my team,” I said. Sitting close to them at the table. They had left some food for me. Though cold it was still good. “My Jounin is Kurenai.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Yes, we talked to her about picking you,” his father said. “Because she is a master of Genjutsu we thought you could learn from her best.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Cool,” I said while studying them. I knew there was more they wanted to discuss. I waited on my father expectantly. He studied me for a bit. Looking me up and down. When he made some sort of decision he eyed my mother. She frowned but nodded.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“We have decided…” my father said. “It is time that you understand the full strength of our n.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Oook,” I said slowly. “What’s there to know?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“What do you know about the Watanabe?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Umm I know we have been around since the founding of the Vige,” I said. “I know you have the Hokage’s ear.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“And why do you think that we have the Hokage’s ear?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“No idea.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Because we supply a very specific type of ninja to the vige,” my father admitted. I looked at him, confused. He frowned trying to look for the correct words. “What do you know of the elements?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Earth, water, fire, wind, lightning?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Yes. Those are the standard elements that most all shinobis have 1 or 2 of. And you know your friend Shikamaru? How his n has specialists that control the rare Shadow Element. And your friend Ino can control the Mind? Those aren’t of the 5 main elements or abination of them. You understand that correct?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Yeah.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“We too have a special element we control. Not one that just anyone can call upon,” his father said. “We control the Lust element.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“The what?” I asked. Unsure I heard him correctly.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Lust, sex, carnal pleasure,” his father rified. “We are able to use this element. Why do you think our n symbol is a heart?” I noticed the pink hearts on my pants leg. My father and mother had hearts imprinted on their clothes as well.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Are you serious?” I asked.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Very,” father said. “This is a vige of ninjas. How many people do you know on missions outside the vige?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“My sisters.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Anyone else?” I shook my head. “Your sisters were trained in the lust arts and currently use that as means to gather information from other ns.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“As in they sleep with people?” I asked, slowly seeing where he was going.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“If they must. The Lust element is unique to us, mostly. With it we are able to do all sorts of amazing things that assist in seduction, infiltration, and if we must the bedroom,” father said.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Okay… so will I get training on it?” I asked.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“First we must awaken your Chikyugi.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Chikyugi? Globes?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Yes. You know the Uchiha and Hyuga ns? How they have powers in their eyes?” Father asked. I nodded. “We have power in our…” he looked down to my groin.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“My balls?!” I couldn’t help but blurt. “How? What?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Yes, you must awaken the Chikyugi. With it you will be able to have unsurpassed power with the Lust Element.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Do-do my sisters have this?” I asked.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Yes,” father admitted. “Unlike…gonads. Theirs awakens in their ovaries.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">My hands went to my head. I had never heard anything like this. But honestly it made some kind of sense. In the real world spies received the most information when sleeping with the enemy. Of course there would be ninjas trained to do it. I was simply amazed that there was an element rted to it, and I could potentially use it.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“What do I have to do?” I asked.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Follow me,” father said. Standing up my mother walked around the table hugging me.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Good luck, son,” she whispered.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Uhhh thanks,” I said. Following father out of the room we were quickly out of the house. “I’ve heard the Uchiha awaken their eyes in life or death situations. Will this be the same?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Simr,” father whispered. “Another thing you should know about the Watanabe is we have a main and a branch house. Much like the Hyuga. The main house is led by those that have awoken the Chikyugi. The branch house is run by those who were unable to.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Really? So my cousins? I have cousins?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Kind of. I was an only child. The branch house is very distant cousins,” he said. “They live here.” He pointed at arge building. The back of the building that I knew well.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“The Konoha Brothel?!” I asked amazed.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Yes. Our blood can’t all attain the Chikyugi. They are still able to call upon the Lust Element though,” father said. “It is run by our family. But that is kept very secret. The Hokage is one of only a few that know that information. So you will tell no one.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">I nodded as we walked in the back door. Apparently we were expected. Women of all shapes and sizes bowed as we entered. Lining the path in front of us I couldn’t help but blush under the gaze of all the women.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">Father continued walking us until we came to a back room. An older woman sat at a short table. She bowed low as we entered. Father sat in front of her, bowing slightly.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Thank you for honoring us with your presence, Master Watanabe,” the older woman said, sitting up straight.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“The honor is mine,” father said. “Tsumugi, allow me to introduce you to my son, Weston.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Young master Watanabe. Such an honor,” she said, nodding at me.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Uh yeah,” I said. “Thanks for having me.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">Tsumugi chuckled. “You seem a little lost.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“That is an understatement,” I said.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“It is very simple,” Tsumugi said. “You will be choosing someone to take their virginity.” I received a quest as soon as she said the words.
<table style="border:medium;border-copse:copse">
<col width="386"></colgroup>
<tr style="height:16.5pt">
<td style="border-left-width:2.25pt;border-left-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-top-style:solid">
<span style="font-weight:700;vertical-align:baseline">Naruto Quest 2
<tr style="height:15.75pt">
<td style="border-left-width:2.25pt;border-left-style:solid;border-right-style:solid">
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">Awaken the Chikyugi byying with a virgin.
<tr style="height:15.75pt">
<td style="border-left-width:2.25pt;border-left-style:solid;border-right-style:solid"></td>
<tr style="height:15.75pt">
<td style="border-left-width:2.25pt;border-left-style:solid;border-right-style:solid">
<span style="font-weight:700;vertical-align:baseline">Rewards:
<tr style="height:16.5pt">
<td style="border-left-width:2.25pt;border-left-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-bottom-style:solid">
<span style="font-weight:700;vertical-align:baseline">Chikyugi
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">I read the new quest a few times. Still lost as my father and Tsumugi discussed finances and some drama in the city. I was still trying to wrap my head around the possibility of having magic balls.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Are you ready young master?” Tsumugi asked when they finished talking.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“I think so,” I said. “Is there a possibility that I don’t have the Chikyugi?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">Father frowned but nodded slightly. “It has been known to happen. But I have all the confidence in you, son. The Chikyugi only awakens during certain conditions. If both involved are virgins. You have been with no one, correct?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">I shook my head. This body hadn’t at least.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Then you will be fine,” father said as he stood. “Are they ready?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">Tsumugi nodded as she led the way down a different hallway. This one wasn’t lined with women, but the room after it was. There was a line of 6 girls.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">All stood at attention on the other side of the room. They appeared to range in age from 15 to 18. Down the line they were sorted shortest to tallest.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“These are our most promising girls,” Tsumugi said. “They will be a perfect partner for the young master.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Yes, I can see that,” father said, eyeing them up and down. “Son, this is a very important moment for you. Right now you will be choosing your own personal maid and partner. Someone to take care of your every need.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“What?” I asked. “I thought it was a one time thing.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">Father chuckled. “No, when awakening the Chikyugi it brings great power, but also a great curse. You will be more dependent onpanionship until you have a hold of your…urges.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“W-why are we doing this now exactly?” I asked. “Should it not wait?” I sure as shit wasn’t a virgin in mystugh, but I still felt a little awkward going to a brothel and choosing a random girl. Especially if I was to be her first. I hadn’t even been my wife’s first.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“No, now that you are officially a Genin we must begin your training to take over the n. Knowing how to use the Chikyugi is a big part of that.” I ground my teeth. Beginning to sweat as I realized this was really happening.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“What about mom? Was she chosen during this thing for you?”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“No, your mother is from the Yamaha n, you know that. Our head maid, Mika was who I picked for awakening the Chikyugi.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">An image of the very mature, and petite Mika went through my mind. She had been like a mother to me all my life. “Does mother know this?” I asked, my eyes wide.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Of course. All the maids are my concubines,” father said like it was no big deal. “You will understand soon. The Chikyugi allows many benefits. We can discuss the situation of our household more when you have proven that you have the power.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">My mind broke a little hearing that. We had a lot of maids for such a small house. Noises I heard at night, things I had seen began to make more sense. My hands rubbed my eyes trying to get the image out of my head.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">I turned to the waiting girls. They wore small smirks as they studied me. All were taller and more mature. And in all honesty, all were model quality in my book. I put it out of my mind that they were distant cousins and began studying them.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">As I looked them over I felt like I was picking a piece of meat. But this was a fantasy world. A world where modern morals weren’tmon. Where you did what you had to to survive. Hence why my sisters pimped themselves out for the vige''s sake.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">All 6 were cute. But only 2 were beautiful to me. My eyes were drawn to the 2nd and 3rd tallest. The shorter one had blonde hair. Smooth skin and wide cheeks she winked at me as I studied her. I thought of her as the woman that knew she was the most beautiful girl in the room. Thick lips, muscr rump, deep blue eyes.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">The woman next to her was a dark haired beauty. Long coal ck hair that went down to her shoulders. Dark eyes, pale white skin, and of all of them she had thergest chest. Large D- cup breasts they practically spilled out of her tight kimono. Looking down I noticed that she wasn’t muscr but more curvy. Thick thighs, full cheeks upper and lower, and a shy gaze that appeared on her as I continued to look her up and down.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">She was a more mature Hinata. Curvier too. I didn’t bother to give thest girl my full attention. “What’s your name?” I asked.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Reina,” she whispered with another blush that spread to her ears.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“I’m Weston,” I said. She was taller than me by a good 6 inches. But if I had to choose someone for the rest of my life. It might as well be someone I couldn’t keep my eyes off of. As my eyes continued to roam her body I couldn’t help but get a little excited.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Good choice,” Tsumugi said.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Are you sure, son?” Father asked. “This is a big decision.” Since she was the opposite of what my father chose I wasn’t surprised by his hesitation. All the maids in my house and my mother were more petite and slim girls.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“If you’ll have me, then yes,” I said to Reina. She smiled and blushed. A slight nod moved her head. The other girls were quickly excused. Some gave me sad looks but my eyes were saved for Reina.
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Very good,” Tsumugi said. “I will send Reina along shortly.”
<span style="vertical-align:baseline">“Thank you for your assistance Tsumugi. I will see you tomorrow.”