<span style="font-weight:400">I decided to stay in Gantz for a bit. There were extenuating circumstances. But mainly I wanted to finish my quest. I felt good after the mission and was feeling like I had a shot at being strong enough to finish the whole story.
<span style="font-weight:400">Going back to school was easy enough. I knew everything the Weston here knew. I was 16 years old. My parents paid for an apartment for me. I was in my 2nd year of high school, and I had no friends. Easy enough.
<span style="font-weight:400">Also I was bullied. Was, being the main point. My first day back at school someone tried to shake me down. A quick p and knockout and they hadn’t bothered since. sses were easy and I spent my time training my Haki. It was amazing how much time I had to train.
<span style="font-weight:400">I decided to stick with school since it kept my parents paying for my apartment. Instead of doing homework I manipted my spiritual energy. It was quite fun. No stress. No real issues to speak of.
<span style="font-weight:400">That was until my bully showed up. “Weston,” he said.
<span style="font-weight:400">“What’s up bitchp?” I asked. I’d been calling him that since I did it to him.
<span style="font-weight:400">He ground his teeth. “Outside. Now,” he ordered. The others in ss around me were quiet. I rolled my eyes but stood.
<span style="font-weight:400">The guy walked ahead. I gave him a t tire. He cursed, acted like he was going to hit me but stopped himself. He walked a little faster after that.
<span style="font-weight:400">We came outside and rounded the school. There was a nice grouping of bullies waiting. One was actually tall. About 6 foot 5 inches.
<span style="font-weight:400">I whistled. “All for little old me?” I asked.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Shut the fuck up, bitch boy,” my bully spat. I moved forward bitch pping him again. It was perfect form. Great follow through. The Weston before I came loved doing it.
<span style="font-weight:400">Then the fight started. The one sided fight. I bitch pped the rest of them. Knocking most out. Some fought it but after a swift kick here or there they were fighting for air on the ground.
<span style="font-weight:400">It took time but they woke up. Tried attacking again. Then more ps went around. After 10 minutes they were sitting on their knees in a line in front of me.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Empty pockets,” I ordered. Some fought. They ate dirt. I was a mighty fine bit richer after the robbery. More than I expected. “If I hear of you bullying anyone else for money. I will be bullying you for it. Call all the people you want. I’ll take them all on. But if they don’t have money. I will be taking it out of you.”
<span style="font-weight:400">They didn’t get the message. There would be more. I left with a smile on my face back to my next ss. Rumors started swirling around me after that. I didn’t care.
<span style="font-weight:400">I got home to find Kishimoto doing a handstand against the wall. She was wearing the Gantz gear, but the veins weren’t bulging. Herrge chest hung down.
<span style="font-weight:400">She gave me a big smile as I shut the door. Dropping down she walked over. “I think these suits affect bnce too,” she said.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Crap. I didn’t think of that,” I said. “Without the veins. I assumed they didn’t.”
<span style="font-weight:400">“Yeah. I could barely do a handstand for a full second out of it. I’ve been doing one for 5 full minutes in it,” she said.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Are you tired?”
<span style="font-weight:400">“No,” she said.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Damn.”
<span style="font-weight:400">“What?” She asked cutely as her hand moved to her face as if trying to figure out what I was thinking.
<span style="font-weight:400">“I was hoping you could get tired in it. So they’re not good for training your muscles. Only for fighting,” I said.
<span style="font-weight:400">“I guess. What should I try next?”
<span style="font-weight:400">“I’m thinking some real bnce. Need to practice jumping from building to building,” I said.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Ok,” she said with a big smile on her lips.
<span style="font-weight:400">She had been living with me since she found out about her not real death. As a copy she had nothing. No papers. No home. But also no responsibility. She was loving the freedom. Spending hours a day studying, to all the free time in the world, I had assigned her to figure out the suit''s powers. She took to it well.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Change your clothes, we are going out,” I said.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Out? But I made dinner,” she whined.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Oh right. I just came into some extra money. Thought you’d want to go on a date.”
<span style="font-weight:400">She blushed furiously. “A date date?” I nodded. “Okay.” She was running into my room and changing quickly. We had bought her some clothes. But not a bunch. I changed clothes as well and we were soon out the door.
<span style="font-weight:400">I took her to get more clothes. She tried them on for me. Twirling in skirts. Checking out low cut shirts and jeans. Iplimented them all. Honestly she was giving Reina a run for her money in the beauty department.
<span style="font-weight:400">After she had spent a lot of my bully money on clothes we got dinner. Then went to a movie. She was nervous at first. But as the date went on she became morefortable. I was confident the whole time. Throwing my arm over her shoulder during the movie. Complimenting her every chance I could. It was a ssic date.
<span style="font-weight:400">“What next?” She asked after the movie. We were holding hands. Kishimoto had reached out for my hand that time.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Home. I have school,” I said.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Oh right,” she said. “C-can we do this again?”
<span style="font-weight:400">“More clothes?” I asked while struggling to carry all the bags in one hand.
<span style="font-weight:400">“No,” she giggled. “I mean the movie and dinner.”
<span style="font-weight:400">“Yeah sure. How about the weekend?”
<span style="font-weight:400">“Okay,” she said as her lips pursed. We headed home. “Thanks for everything.”
<span style="font-weight:400">“No problem,” I said. “Once we find someone that can get you a fake ID we can do more stuff.”
<span style="font-weight:400">“Like what?”
<span style="font-weight:400">“Like you could try to go back to school if you wanted,” I offered. She frowned. “Or get a job. I have money. But not infinite.”
<span style="font-weight:400">“Okay,” Kishimoto said. We idly chatted as we headed back to the apartment. Storing her clothes away it wasn’t long until it was bedtime. I had a mattress and a couch. When she first came I offered her the bed. But she took the couch. I left her to it.
<span style="font-weight:400">That night however she decided to join me in my room.
<span style="font-weight:400">“What’s up?” I asked. She was wearing her pajamas. An overly small shirt and booty shorts.
<span style="font-weight:400">“I um wanted to take you up on your offer,” she whispered.
<span style="font-weight:400">“The bed?” I asked, ying dumb. “Sorry. I like it now. I’ll be sleeping here.”
<span style="font-weight:400">Kishimoto blushed. “Can I-I join you?”
<span style="font-weight:400">“Sure,” I said like it was no big deal, but I was already hard. A whole week with her half naked in my apartment had made me want her more than I thought possible.
<span style="font-weight:400">She nodded and walked over. Getting under the covers I could feel her shiver. Turning around to face the other way I smiled big. I began my Lust Aura.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Sorry,” I whispered. “I sleep better cuddling. Do you mind?”
<span style="font-weight:400">“Cuddling?” She squeaked. I nodded. Slowly I moved my hand to her thin waist. My Pleasure Touch made her shiver more as my fingertips moved across her abs.
<span style="font-weight:400">I pulled her to me. Her body light as a feather as I spooned her. My arm under her neck I whispered, “Goodnight.”
<span style="font-weight:400">“Night,” she mumbled. I increased the chakra. It took a solid minute as I pretended to fall asleep. But my touch was too much for her. Thick thighs squeezing together she began to moan from my touch.
<span style="font-weight:400">I grew more bold. My hand moving down lower it grazed her belly button. “We stop when you want,” I whispered in her ear. She hesitated then nodded. My fingertips moved into the front of her shorts.
<span style="font-weight:400">Kishimoto moaned as my hand covered her freshly shaven pussy. My middle finger found her clit. Just barely touching it caused her to cum.Her hands wrapped around my forearm. Shivering around it as her body convulsed. She let out a cute moan as she came. Her pussy drenched from the simple touch. I began kissing her neck.
<span style="font-weight:400">Her perfect body shook in aftershocks as Izily yed with her clit. Nibbling her neck my hand under it reached around to grab her breast. She let out a louder moan as my chakra covered hands began working her over again.
<span style="font-weight:400">My rock hard dick poked her back entrance as my hands yed with her clit and nipple. They were perfect tits too. They felt better than I imagined. It wasn’t long until she was cumming again stronger this time as she epted it.
<span style="font-weight:400">Kishimoto let out a long sigh as she finished. “That’s amazing,” she mumbled. “How did you do that?”
<span style="font-weight:400">“I’m skilled,” I said, kissing her neck. She turned to look at me. Her big brown eyes locked on my lips as she kissed me on the lips.
<span style="font-weight:400">I was on her then. My body on top of hers she opened her legs up to allow me there. We made out for a long time. Her moaning as I used my experienced tongue on hers.
<span style="font-weight:400">When I felt she was built up enough I sat up. Taking off my shirt she couldn’t help feeling my thick muscles. I smiled down at her wolfishly as I pulled up her shirt.
<span style="font-weight:400">It wasn’t long until we were both fully naked. “That’s huge,” she marveled at my dick. It was nestled between us as Iid over top of her.
<span style="font-weight:400">“These are huge,” I remarked as I licked her still erected nipples. “I want you.” She bit her lip as she nodded. “I’ll be gentle.” I put on something I hadn’t in a while, a condom. The stretchy stic was tight but I didn’t want to get anyone pregnant.
<span style="font-weight:400">My dick parted her lower lips. Kishimoto wrapped her arms around my neck as I kissed her. I used a lot of Pleasure Touch chakra on my dick because it wasn’t as strong with the condom.
<span style="font-weight:400">She was soon panting as I parted her lips. Then I was pushing through her hymen. Kishimoto gasped as I did. But I didn’t stop. My chest sinking into herrge tits I pushed in further and further.
<span style="font-weight:400">When I was all the way inside she came. I took that as a signal to start fucking her. It had been a while since I’d had sex. I needed it.
<span style="font-weight:400">Pounding into her loudly she cried out with every thrust. They were cries of passion though. Moaning and gasping as my dick mmed into her cervix she began to talk dirty.
<span style="font-weight:400">“You’re in my womb!” She grunted out. Her eyes unfocused as another orgasm hit her. “Fuck fuck fuck. Oh my god. I’m cummming still?” She squealed out. Her lower lips gushed with liquid as I continued jackhammering in and out of her.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Oh my god. I love you. I love your dick. Why is it so good?! Is this normal? I’m cu-ming.” She said each word in between a thrust. Her eyes opening and closing as she focused on my face. Then moving to the valley of her tits to watch me impale her.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Cum in me,” she moaned. Her legs wrapped around me. “I can’t cum anymore. It’s too-much.” She grunted out as she came again. I didn’t care. As her legs got tighter I pounded her into the mattress. Giving her all I had as the springs creaked under her.
<span style="font-weight:400">My mouth moved from hers to a nipple to the other. Sucking and pulling on the giant melons as I felt my balls pull up. Speeding up she started cummming once more. Her gaze lost as I mmed in harder.
<span style="font-weight:400">When I finally came it was huge spurts that felt like my whole body was trying to enter her. My hips thrusting with every shot she shivered sightlessly.
<span style="font-weight:400">When I groaned and released myst rope she let out a long sigh as I breathed in and out heavily on her chest. She eventually woke up from her stupor. Her hands grazed my back as I rested on her melons.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Is that normal?” She asked. I looked up and there was only love in her eyes.
<span style="font-weight:400">“With me? Yes.”
<span style="font-weight:400">“That was. Amazing,” she said.
<span style="font-weight:400">“It only gets better from here,” I said. She smiled as she pursed her lips. I kissed her. Our tongues in one another’s mouths my dick pulsed. “Again?”
<span style="font-weight:400">“A-again?” She asked, fear in her voice. I nodded. Pulling out I showed the very filled condom. I knew I was cummming more. But it was an almost ridiculous amount. I soon had another on.
<span style="font-weight:400">She hesitated but I directed her to get on top to control it. She mmed down on my dick with a grunt and I buried my face in her tits. Kishimoto went slow. But she came just as hard. Screaming out as her body shook and cunt convulsed. After only 2 orgasms she was spent.
<span style="font-weight:400">I tapped her off then was taking her from behind. As I buried inside of her. Laying on her smooth back I whispered in her ear, “Do you mind going again after this? You’re too sexy for just twice.” She groaned out as I started pounding into her from behind.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Your body is perfect.” I pped her ass. She gasped out but started pushing back into me. “I want you all the time. I know it’s your first time. But you’re so tight. I could stay hard all night.”
<span style="font-weight:400">She cried out again as she came again. Her body weakening, Iid her down. Pulling in and out I continued my onught. Whispering to her that this was only the beginning. We could do this everyday. She was mine.
<span style="font-weight:400">She screamed out. Agreeing with every word as orgasms rolled through her body. There was a reason for this of course. I wanted a harem in Gantz. She was one of many beauties that woulde along. I needed her to understand how insatiable I was. I wanted her begging me to add someone else.