<span style="font-weight:400">I walked out of the Manhwa Hall. Ready to split from Weston and Hancock. “This is…,” I said slowly. “Fucking awesome.” I loved Hancock dearly, but I couldn’t help but feel like she was cramping my style. I hoped that L was telling the truth about going to different halls. Our conversation ying through my mind. I had trouble picturing all that had happened in such a short amount of time.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Free of anyone watching over my shoulder. No longer worried that I would be hurting my wife’s feelings it was time to let loose again. I brought up my screen as I headed to the Junction.
<span style="font-weight:400">Weston Woon
<b>Current Quest:</b>
<b>World 1:</b>
<span style="font-weight:400">Second Life Ranker
<b>World 1 Quest:</b>
<b>World 2:</b>
<span style="font-weight:400">Returner’s Magic
<b>World 2 Quest:</b>
<b>Passive Skills:</b>
<b>Memory Meld</b>
<b>Dead Man Walking</b>
<span style="font-weight:400">Handicap
<span style="font-weight:400">Dismiss
<span style="font-weight:400">Gemini
<span style="font-weight:400">Active
<b>Nibi - Level 4</b>
<b>1 Challenger Slot</b>
<b>Usable Abilities:</b>
<b>Status Screen</b>
<b>3 Challenger Slots</b>
<b>World Escape</b>
<b>Berserker Mode</b>
<b>Medium Psychic Resistance</b>
<b>4 Challenger Slots</b>
<b>Body Modification Resistance</b>
<b>Hardened Organs</b>
<b>Gantz Armor</b>
<span style="font-weight:400">Stored (29)
<b>1 Challenger Slots</b>
<span style="font-weight:400">I had Nibi which was nice. I had been ignoring the tailed beast, so it was time to bring her out and use her more. A part of me would miss Hancock, but a growing part was excited to start back up on my harem.
<span style="font-weight:400">Confused for a moment, I remembered that I didn’t have chakra. But for some reason I still felt the intense lust of the other me. For so long I had been attributing my lust on the chakra element of my body, now that it was gone it should have gone. I was getting excited about all the possible women I could have though. Was I always this way? Or were a lot of unknowns split between the other Weston and I?
<span style="font-weight:400">My main body had infinite lust, infinity divided by two was still infinity. With a frown I decided to go with the flow and worry about itter. For all I knew my libido would calm down and I would be back to my original self. If I didn’t…it didn’t really matter. I loved women, and bedding them. Since Hancock was a summon, maybe I should really work on growing my summoning harem. But without the wholepanion thing so I could do what I wanted.
<span style="font-weight:400">Either way, I was excited. The memory of seeding in Returner’s Magic world had reinvigorated my drive for the challenges. Truly I had a new start at life, and I would take every advantage I could get.
<span style="font-weight:400">Once I was in the Junction I looked around. I had kind of wanted to go to Books, but Comics was too tempting. I could get super powers with some luck, and maybe clear worlds that were easy in the Hall. I walked up to the South/6 o’clock door in the Junction that read Comics. Grabbing the handle the pop-ups appeared.
<span style="font-weight:400">Please pick the Challenger Slots you would like to keep for this new Hall.
<span style="font-weight:400">Note: All Status screens are locked to the Hallway. Skills, Abilities, Items,
<span style="font-weight:400">and Bonuses will not be shared between halls unless picked as a challenger
<span style="font-weight:400">slot.
<b>Do you want to Pick Challenger Slots Now?</b>
<span style="font-weight:400">Yes/No
<span style="font-weight:400">Warning: Those skills, abilities, bonus, and items picked will be locked
<span style="font-weight:400">as challenger slot items, and not be able to be changed.
<span style="font-weight:400">Since I hadn’t been in the Manhwa Hall too long, Weston and I didn’t earn anything new. There were no challenger slots to assign. So I clicked Yes and stepped through the door. Because I didn’t have World Lasting Physique my body didn’t shrink down and I was my normal 16 year old self again. Except this time…my dick didn’t shrink.
<span style="font-weight:400">Opening my pants I realized that I still had my 9 inch dick from the Chikyugi. My normal self was 7 inches, but I was now packing a good 2 inches extra, which was a bonus in my book. The System or whatever controlled the ce had copied the other body when making it, but gave the other Weston chakra. I guessed that my new dick size was there to stay. A smile split my face as I stepped through into the Comic Hall.
<span style="font-weight:400">Plenty to work with, it was sad to not have chakra anymore, but I had barely tapped the surface of Nen. It was time to master the ultimate move. With the goal of being stronger than the other Weston I walked into the hall.
<span style="font-weight:400">Originally I had felt the need to go right to the Hall…but the smut hall was calling to me. I knew I had just left Hancock, but for some reason I was really horny. Perhaps because I had held back from my wife, or because I was always a horndog, I didn’t know. Walking into the first door on my left I decided I might as well get to know some of these worlds. I could practice my Nen. Take my time and do it right this time. I walked into the closest smut door without hesitation. Ready to have some fun in the X-rated worlds.
<span style="font-weight:400">—
<span style="font-weight:400">I came to in arge home. Not just any home, but one of the mostvish I had seen. I was on a huge 12 foot wide mattress. The padding underneath me made it feel like I was floating on a cloud. It was somehow so fluffy that I could feel my body rx beyond belief by simplyying on it. A slight twist caused my back to crack a dozen times up my spine. Another twist the opposite way caused another dozen cracks like I had never felt before.
<span style="font-weight:400">A huge wave of euphoria moved through me as I studied the rest of the room. Gold framed paintings with Jackson Pollock reminiscent drip work lined 3 of the 4 walls. Thest wall was a window that looked out onto a balcony. The ceiling was a good 15 feet above me and covered in a crystal clear mirror. I studied my face in the mirror.
<span style="font-weight:400">I was Weston Walker. 25 years old I was one of the few children in my neighborhood. Born with a silver spoon in my mouth I had everything I would ever need. The year was 3001. War and starvation was a thing of the past in the world. After long centuries Artificial Intelligence was mastered and most everyone was able to live a serene life. I lived on my own. I didn’t have a job, because I didn’t need one. Everything was supplied to everyone free of charge, and life was perfect. I got the notification soon after my memories settled.
<b>Wee to Utopia World</b>
<span style="font-weight:400">Nothing is perfect.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Of course,” I said. There would be drama here, I could tell.
<span style="font-weight:400">Letting out a sigh I reluctantly got off of the bed. As soon as I did, the door opened to reveal a busty blonde. She was shorter than me, about 5 foot 6 inches. Wearing a skimpy set of whitece lingerie, her makeup was done up immactely. Thick red lips, wide cheeks, blonde hair curly and bouncing with each step, her rack was the same. DD chest that practically spilled out of the night gown her silver eyes shed at me.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Weston,” she said in a breathy whisper. “Did you want breakfast?” In her hands was a tray with bacon and eggs ready to eat. My eyes were drawn to her rack though. I wasn’t too interested in the food.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Uh, sure,” I said while studying her. “Thanks, Jill. I think I might take it on the balcony.” Moving to therge window/wall the sliding ss door opened for me as I approached. Looking out onto the city the future was far better than I expected. Impossibly tall buildings all around, the air was crystal clear. The sky was blue, sun was out, and personal aircars flew this way and that, following floating road lines below.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">I sat on one of the loungers outside. Enjoying the view as Jill set the tray next to me. Taking a sip of the coffee it was perfect. A rich vani vor wafting off of it I let out a sigh of relief as I drank it down.
<span style="font-weight:400">Jill didn’t hesitate to sit on her knees in front of me. Pulling my pants down I felt a little awkward, but old me in the world was used to this treatment. The blonde shoved my dick in her mouth and began to blow me as I ate my breakfast.
<span style="font-weight:400">It was sad to say that it was the best blowjob of my life. My dick was the new normal of 9 inches. Her thick lips wrapped around my dick and moved slowly down until she was at the base. Sipping my coffee I rested my hand on her head as her mouth began to vibrate.
<span style="font-weight:400">Jill was a robot. As all servants were. Custom-made for me, I had picked her out of a line-up years ago. She had the body of an 18 year old. Perfect in every way. Taking care of all my needs sexually and otherwise, she was programmed to enjoy serving me, or at least programmed to pretend to enjoy it.
<span style="font-weight:400">Normally I might have been hesitant to receive such treatment, but the Weston of this world only knew this type of life. No real goals or aspirations he spent his dayszing around the house, working out to stay fit, and fucking robots to sate his lust.
<span style="font-weight:400">As I started on the bacon Jill began to raise up and down again. Her wet mouth taking me easily she didn’t stop for breath. Her vibrating tongue felt heavenly as my entire body rxed. Simply letting it happen as she showed her years of practice. Her tongue shot out of her mouth and began curling around my balls. Humming as she vibrated I grunted as I came in her throat.
<span style="font-weight:400">Practically sucking the life out of me as the vacuum or whatever turned on in her esophagus. I shivered as she kept going and it wasn’t long until I was hard again.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">I was a little surprised that I was still hard. I let her continue. As the Doppel of Weston, I was starting to think I might have taken a lot of his lust. No chakra in my body I wasn’t sure why but I was hornier than I remembered being without the Chikyugi. I hadn’t been very desperate for sex in the Second Life Ranker body until I woke the Chikyugi, but something surely happened to me to make me ready so quickly for another blowjob.
<span style="font-weight:400">Jill’s mouth became immensely hot, making me bring myself out of my thoughts. Then ice cold, then hot again as the vibration got stronger. Her tongue and lower jaw twisting side to side she raised up and down and as her mouth became ice cold. I released in her mouth again. Thick shots of cum shot into her as her constrictive maw became hotter, causing me to jerk up and hold her head down.
<span style="font-weight:400">With a final groan I released her. The robot woman’s face lifted off of my crotch. Silver eyes focusing on me as she asked, “Would you care for a massage?”
<span style="font-weight:400">I numbly nodded my head, more rxed than I thought possible. Getting off of the chair she grabbed the tray of food and we walked into the rest of the condo. Therge kitchen on one side there was a massage table on the wall that detached and began to float with the press of a button.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">My mind rxed. Iid on the table and the busty blonde rubbed lotion on her hands as my other robot appeared. Her name was Jackie. Red hair, braided in pigtails she walked over wearing just an apron. Her chestrger than Jill’s she joined Jill in the massage without a word.
<span style="font-weight:400">One moved to my feet rubbing lotion into them and kneading knots I didn’t know were there. Jackie moved to my shoulders, rubbing them hard as I groaned under the attention. Almost falling asleep I jerked a little as a section of the table slid away, allowing my dick to be released and point towards the floor.
<span style="font-weight:400">It wasn’t long until I felt another mouth wrapping around my stiffening member. One girl rubbing my lower back and the other expertly deepthroated me. My eyes closed as I let out content sighs and groans as they continued on wordlessly. A tongue snaking out to cup my balls I guessed it was Jackie. The redhead’s tongue kept going, running along my balls as her mouth vibrated on my dick. Then it sashayed side to side as it ran along my balls, moving back into her mouth.
<span style="font-weight:400">It wasn’t long until I was cumming again. My hips jerked down as I unloaded in the robot. A part of me wished Hancock had been there. She probably would have enjoyed the world. Her own long tongued robot to go down on her. But it was nice to get a break from her too. Only worried about myself I could rx and take who I wanted.
<span style="font-weight:400">As I finished cumming, Jackie continued to suck on my dick under the floating table. Jill began cracking my back. Somehow finding even more spots as she made me pop like a glowstick. When she was done she tapped me and I flipped over, my rock hard dick extricating from Jackie’s mouth with a pop.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Your levels of testosterone, glutamate, phhmine, and serotonin are much higher than they were yesterday, Weston,” Jackie said as she got up. Jill moved to my head and began rubbing my temples.
<span style="font-weight:400">In a rxed daze I asked, “What does that mean?”
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">The redheadughed, giddy for some reason. “Your libido has taken a huge jump. The pheromones your body are releasing tell us when you are ready for service. As you know you could only handle a maximum of 3 orgasms in a day, but you have been awake an hour and have already cum 3 times.”
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Oh,” I said. “So I’m hornier?” I asked, remembering that she wasn’t wrong. Whatever had changed in me recently was making me ready to go at a moment’s notice.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Inyman’s terms,” Jill said, her hands doing circr motions around my temples. Jackie didn’t say anything more and got on the floating table. Beginning to suck my dick again I groaned. Uncaring about what was going on as I found true bliss.
<span style="font-weight:400">Jill’s breasts in my face. I watched the blonde as she grabbed my head and twisted it, allowing another cascade of cracks to happen. Moving the other way I only felt hornier as Jackie continued to service me. Far too rxed to care about anything, I let it all happen.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">A wet mouth on my dick, long tongue ying with my balls, hands all over my body. This was what heaven should be like. A true utopia where I had no responsibilities or worries. I had found my final vacation spot.
<span style="font-weight:400">As I unloaded in Jackie’s mouth again she continued to suck and I stayed hard. But I was only human. I fell asleep with her sucking me off and Jill continuing to rub me down.
<span style="font-weight:400">—
<span style="font-weight:400">I woke up on my couch. Jerking upright I sat up in a rush. One of the robots had carried me to the couch that was asfortable as my bed. My head had beenying on Jackie’s creamy thighs and Jill had been rubbing my feet while I slept.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Good evening, Weston,” they said as one.
<span style="font-weight:400">“It appears you would like to continue the servicing,” Jill whispered looking down to my groin. With a thought I rxed my erection. I had learned to do quite a lot with my dick during my training in Naruto World. Shifting my mind to end my erection was simple enough.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Thanks, but not right now,” I said reluctantly. I was afraid I would keep going and fall asleep again. “I’m going to go out.” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Out? Why would you do that?” Jill asked, her hands digging in deeper.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Just to get some exercise.”<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“We can set up the gym if you-” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Nope, I’m going outside,” I said. The Utopia World notification had warned nothing was perfect. So much controlled by AI, and my old self not leaving the apartment had me worried that there was more going on in the world. I hadn’t been to any worlds yet that didn’t have some drama.
<span style="font-weight:400">“We can go with you,” Jill said, perking up.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“No, thank you. I’ll just be out for a bit,” I assured. Getting up I dressed in the futuristic andfortable clothes. Heading outside I skipped my own aircar and headed down to the street. Walking from my apartment building on foot I regretted not staying in the apartment.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Though I was receiving better blowjobs than I thought possible, my true goal had been to practice my Nen whening to the world. I had to get away from the robots or I wouldn’t say no to more servicing. My dick hard just thinking about it I forced it away and headed to a small park.
<span style="font-weight:400">A few people were outside. There wasn''t an overly huge amount for the big city. Most everyone hadrge apartments like I had. The entire world industrialized there was nock of space as people lived carefree. Arge park set up close by I headed to it. Sitting on a lone boulder there was no one at the park during the dusk hours.
<span style="font-weight:400">I began to meditate as I sat on the hard rock on the top of a hill.
<span style="font-weight:400">Nen was my lifeforce, and currently it was my strongest otherworldly power. I did not have my Conqueror’s Haki, but everyone had Spiritual Energy, even this body. I could still use my Observation Haki to sense other energy around me, and focus my own into Armament Haki. I was adept andpetent with Haki. It was time to go back to the basics with my Nen.
<span style="font-weight:400">I had learned Nen in Hunter x Hunter World a long time ago, but I had opted to use chakra, and Haki more. Where Haki was the spiritual energy or soul of my body and every living thing. Nen was the lifeforce. The umtion of the life and power of every cell in my body, granting me life. Through water divination I was able to learn that I was of the Enhancement variety of Nen.
<span style="font-weight:400">Enhancement was the ability to use aura to strengthen the abilities of an object or someone’s body. I had focused on using it to increase my physical attack power. Coating my hand in my lifeforce to make it stronger. Many Nen users did this of course, but as Enhancement, mine was especially attuned to just that.
<span style="font-weight:400">I had yed with it over the years, but never focused on my Enhancement. After receiving an Upgrade I was able to increase the proficiency of my Emission of my Nen, allowing me to push my lifeforce out more easily, and had been using it like Ki from DBZ. It was time to rethink my attacks though.
<span style="font-weight:400">I was handicapped, my nen limited, and I wanted to use this opportunity to figure out the most basic of ways to use my nen. Efficiency was key. Back in DBZ world I had wished to make all the energies of my body as efficient as possible. Hopefully that was replicated with this copy or original of myst body, I wasn’t too sure who was the old Weston, but it didn’t matter. it was time to bring the true power of nen out. Learn what it took to use Nen like a master in Hunter x Hunter.
<span style="font-weight:400">In the manga two of the strongest Nen users had been Enhancement. One was Uvogin. A beast of a man, he had been part of the Phantom Troupe. Basically world ss thieves where each of them could kill armies of normal people. Uvogin had been Enhancement and used his Nen to strengthen himself, allowing his body to be as strong as steel. He could tear through tanks like they were made of nothing.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">The other strongest Enhancement user I could remember was the leader of the Hunter Association, Netero. An old man, he was known as the most powerful Nen user in the world. I had met him during the hunter exam, but hadn’t known Nen well enough to ask him about the process. I decided I would head back there once I had the Manga Hall open again. I knew he was strong though, so I had to get that strong.
<span style="font-weight:400">In the manga, Gon Freecs, the main protagonist, had been an Enhancement Nen user as well. He had gone through a long training arc that I knew every step of, or at least most.
<span style="font-weight:400">First was focusing Nen into certain parts of the body. The eyes were the most important. Moving Nen to focus on the eyes you could see other Nen and lifeforce. Other methods were coating your body, fists, or feet in Nen, strengthening you. And one of the most important was pushing your nen into tools.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Gon and Killua had spent weeks training their Nen. The first part was training the focusing of Nen to parts of the body. With a thought I released my nen, moving it to my eyes, hands, then feet. It was a slow process that took focus. I would have to work on that more to make it instantaneous. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">The next thing the duo did during the training arc was digging miles through solid rock. Eventually using Nen on shovels and pickaxes to tear through rock like butter. I would have to find a spot to do just that.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Thest step I could remember was training by fighting one another. Since I nned to go to Marvel next I would have to awaken Nen in someone and train with them. That would be tricky to find someone I wanted by my side though. A training partner would have to go to the backburner for now. Letting out a sigh I stood up, ready to begin pushing Nen in ces. <span style="font-weight:400">As I thought about where a more secluded spot to train was, my eye was caught by an aircar flying through the air. It was on fire.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">The red ball of me streaking behind the car. It was heading right for me. Unsure why such a thing was happening the car should have stopped automatically but it had apparently lost it’s engines. That was when I got the notification.
<b>Utopia World Quest:</b>
<span style="font-weight:400">Save the damsel in distress.
<span style="font-weight:400">Rewards:
<span style="font-weight:400">Weakness Eliminator
<span style="font-weight:400">Cursing, I guessed that the car had the damsel. Charging my body with Nen I began to force myself to get angry. It was easy knowing that the world had put me in the path of some quest that would probably ruin my perfect life.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Charging my hands and feet with nen, and pushing Armament Haki to my chest I moved myself in the path of the car. It hit me hard, my feet sliding across the earth as I absorbed the small car’s momentum. With a groan and yell I pushed it back though, and let it drop. My limit already reached. I breathed in and out heavily as the car rested on the ground. The windshield ckened by smoke from the inside I moved to the door. Breaking the windshield I found a driver inside. Reaching inside I undid the seatbelt and pulled my wife out of the car.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Hancock?” I asked. But the dark haired beauty was dead. Panic hitting me Iid her down and began to use CPR. Pressing down on her chest I breathed in and out into her lungs. Long seconds it took until her Spiritual Energy pulsed and she coughed up a thick ck phlegm stuck in her throat.
<span style="font-weight:400">Turning to the side she coughed up more as I hit her back. I frowned, unsure what the chances were that I would already find my wife’s version in the world. Or that I would have to give her CPR in another first meeting. When she stopped struggling for breath she passed out again.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Getting up I looked into her car but the me had mostly destroyed everything. Picking her up in a princess carry I took us back to my apartment. There was something very odd about the situation. There should have been dozens of robot officers on the scene, but there was nothing.
<span style="font-weight:400">No one bothering us. I carried her into the apartment. Jill and Jackie somewhere else I took Hancock into my room. Wiping some of the smoke dust from her body I had to admit it was surreal seeing her so quickly. I guessed when the worlds updated we had been tied together somehow.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Where am I?” She said weakly as I continued to dab at her face. She began to have another coughing fit.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“My apartment,” I said. “You were in an ident.” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">She gasped, trying to sit up as she struggled for breath but I pushed her back down easily. Her hand moving to her chest she felt a ne resting between her cleavage and let out a sigh.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Thank god,” she said, rxing as she found the ne. She was quiet for a moment, looking around the room until she settled her eyes on me. Trying to get up she stopped as she winced. “I-I need your help.”
<span style="font-weight:400">“Okay,” I said. “With what?” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">She hesitated, holding onto the locket around her neck. Biting her lip I could feel the fearing off of her Energy. “I need to get this to-” She stopped as Jackie and Jill walked into the room. Her fear peaked. I wasn’t sure what was going on but my robot’s normally silver eyes were now red.
<span style="font-weight:400">Jackie’s mouth opened letting out a screech as she stared at Hancock. Jill moved for Hancock. Knife in hand the robot tried to stab her but I charged my hand with Nen. Smacking the robots hand it burst outward, shattering into a million pieces. Jill didn’t seem to notice or care as her other hand reached out to stab her. I didn’t hesitate to punch her face, making it shatter as well.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">My pleasure robot was thrown back and Jackie went for Hancock. Pushing my lifeforce out in a wave it knocked her back into the wall and I was on her as well. Punching her through the head the chip that ran her was destroyed. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Letting out an angry sigh that my fun was already over I turned back to Hancock. “Exin quickly.” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“How did you do that?” She asked, her eyes wide.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Exin your situation first. I need to know if more robots are going toe after you.”
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Uh yes,” she said. “Solidyne, the people that make the majority of robots. Their CEO, he killed someone and has been nning a-” She stopped talking as an aircar began hovering outside my window. A bright spotlight shining in through the window, Hancock stiffened. I rolled my eyes.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“World Escape,” I said. It all went ck.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Back in the red room I let out an annoyed sigh. “Well that was fun. At least I got a Weakness Eliminator out of it.” Looking around the room I decided I would go back when I was a little stronger. My pleasure robots were built for just that, pleasure. Mostly polymers and very little metal they were easy to buy and break. If Hancock was on the run from the people that built the heavy-duty robots we would have war robots after us. Impossibly strong machines that wouldn’t break so easily. I woulde back when I was a little more confident in my nen or had some super powers.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Looking around the room I hadn’t exactly finished what I started with my nen. I decided to keep my vacation-er training session going. Other Weston was probably having a fun time, so I might as well continue my own work. Walking into the next door I stepped in, happy as can be. Those were some damn good blowjobs. I doubted I had ever been so rxed, but it would be fun to have an actual girl next.