<span>Since I wasing to sste I had to get a note from my parents…which I didn’t have. Considering how to talk Jean Grey into fixing the issue, I sat in ss innocently as I went back to my day. Morgan’s bullies seemed to actually learn the lesson this time. Whenever they saw me in ss or in the halls their terror spiked and they would practically run away. Happy with my work, I set my sights back on Morgan.
<span>She was a bundle of nerves as I ran into throughout the school day. Practically calling to me as our sses only coincided now and then, she was all over the ce, but more so when she ran into me. Blushing, stammering, and being generally cute about the whole situation, it was in to see she didn’t have too much experience with this sort of thing.
<span>Not worrying about the future, I went about my day with a smile on. Unfortunately it started to rain outside though. The sun disappearing, the temperature was just above freezing. The day turning dreary. I was no longer able to busy myself by staring out the windows. Annoyed, I yed with my Nen as the day went on.
<span>Since Nen was my strongest attack I had been working on empowering myself with it. Sticking to physical attacks, I knew I needed an ultimate move to be stronger. I had a Nen st which was basically aser. But I wanted something more. My Jitte from One Piece long gone, I had gotten used to being able to step my fights up a notch with the weapon. Nen could coat my body to protect me, but what happened when I went against a weapon that Nen couldn’t protect against?
<span>I knew my Spark could heal, or force people’s bodies to heal at least. I seriously doubted it could push to regrow limbs though. I needed to be able to go toe to toe with any weapon. Especially if I came across someone stronger than me. I had been lucky so far with the foes the world put me against, but that wouldn’t be the case forever.
<span>I considered making something with my Fusion skill. That one diator king in One Piece told me my dad had the Forge Devil Fruit. Bringing together many different materials to make a sword that resembled copper. I wanted to know if I could do that. I still had an item choice, and there were plenty of legendary metals tobine. Vibranium and adamantium at least. Also there was Thor’s weapon.
<span>“Could I steal that?” I mumbled. There had to be a way. “Shit, I’m not worthy. Did I fight someone with th-” I stopped talking to myself as the spiritual energy in the air shifted. A dark cloud cast over the school, I looked outside to see that it was almost as dark as night out.
<span>My Haki telling me something was off I looked up to Ms. ck/Grey. We were in her Chemistry ss working on a quiz. Locking eyes with her she put on a questioning look. “Something’s up,” I mouthed.
<span>“What?” She asked. <span>
<span>“Something is wrong,” I mouthed.
<span>-<span style="font-style:italic">Bitch, use your telepathy! - <span>I thought as hard as possible. She heard me then.
<span>-Weston, there is no need to- She sent telepathically but I cut her off.
<span>-Bitch, yes there is. Something is wrong.- I looked around trying to identify what was out of ce. The only thing I could feel was a dark energy in the air. No one else seemed to notice though. -Are you all being psychically controlled to ignore it?-
<span>Jean sat up straight. Looking around, her eyes slowly widened as she noticed something. -What is it?- She asked, looking to Illyana, Jean must have been talking to her as well since she perked up.
<span>-I don’t…know- I said as I extended my Haki out. Instead of letting it get a vague sense of everything around me I started looking for details. Hundreds of kid’s actions entered my field of observation. Pushing the normal everyday items out, I ran through the interesting stuff. One teacher was discreetly jerking off under a table, another student was looking at nude magazines, one girl was farting and I was pretty sure praying it wasn’t more than that.
<span>Then I felt it. Like a murderous calling below us, four men walked through the halls of the school. My eyes closed, I mentally tried to picture them based on their Haki. One was big, almost seven feet tall. He had a great mane of hair and wore a fur jacket. Long nails on his fingertips he had razor sharp teeth. The person next to him felt off, but I couldn’t ce him. The one next to him wore a trench coat and had a bow staff hidden on him. Thest one was almost invisible to my haki. <span>
<span>As if my mind didn’t want to see him I couldn’t focus on the spiritual energy of the guy. But he was there, I could tell by the power his energy expelled out but couldn’t see. Hiding in in sight I was sure he was a psychic.
<span>-Four men, walking the- I stopped thinking as the rm red. Three long bursts sounded out as a light began to shine from the fire rm. An automated voice sounded from the PA system as people looked up from their papers.
<span>“Attention, intruders have been seen on the premises. Please stay in your ssroom. Attention, intruders…” And the announcement repeated a few times before quieting. The rm continued to re though.
<span>“Alright, students,” Ms. ck said standing up. She looked to the door, still trying to find the intruders. “Everyone to the back of the room.” I stayed where I was. “Everyone,” she enunciated as she locked eyes with me. Her eyes darted to Lyra and I frowned but nodded. Moving with Illyana, Hope, Morgan, and Lyra we grouped together at the back of the room. The Chemistry ssroom attached to theb behind us, I considered taking people there, but in the end it didn’t matter. Psychic or not, I felt confident of our chances here.
<span>Finally getting some real action I ignored the panic of the other students. Some assured others this was probably a drill, others whipped out phones and texted loved ones, I monitored the men drawing closer to us. Walking through the halls as if they owned the ce, it was easy to see that they were there for a purpose.
<span>All four stopping at the stairs they looked to the guy I couldn’t see and then they all looked up in our direction. “Shit,” I said. They began to ascend the stairs toward us.
<span>-Weston, what is it?- Jean asked, her fear apparent.
<span>-God? I thought we weren’t on speaking terms after you killed my parents.- I thought hard. Humor always made me feel better.
<span>-No! We were just talking its Je- She said.
<span>-Nice try, Satan, I recognize your- <span>
<span>“Shut the fuck up,” she yelled to herself. I couldn’t help but bark augh, feeling less and less nervous with the simple interaction. “Fucking Bastard,” she mumbled.
<span>-That’s my name, don’t wear it out.- I thought at her. -They’re almost here by the way. Another minute max-
<span>-How can you tell?- She asked.
<span>-One of my skills.-
<span>-Fine, I need you to take care of Lyra and the others. I will hold them off as you all escape-
<span>-Why not let me help you? Kmagick can watch them-
<span>-My name isn’t Kmagick!- I heard the blonde yell in my head.
<span>-New phone, who dis?- I asked the disembodied voice.
<span>-Can you be serious for five minutes please!?- Jean thought.
<span>-I’m always serious. They’re almost here btw. So I rush them when theye in, right?-
<span>-Goddammit. No, you both stay with the kids. You do anything else and I’ll be sure the professor hears about this.-
<span>I rolled my eyes. -Fine, but I’m not saving the boys. They’re old enough to handle themselves.-
<span>-You can’t be serious.-<span>
<span>-Remind me never to join up with you again- Kmagick thought. I guessed I pushed them too far.
<span>-Stop ying around. They stopped outside the door.- I thought to thedies.
<span>-I feel them now. I’ve made everyone in the area unable to see the door- Jean sent. Long seconds we waited, then Jean went rigid.
<span>-Jean- I thought, no answer. “Fuck,” I said. I couldn’t feel anything, but there was obviously something going on with her. I could feel the invisible guy suddenly. I guessed they were having some epic psychic battle. But there was more than one of them. The ssroom door burst inward with a single blow. Splinters flying outward, some girls and a few of the boys screamed. I rolled my eyes, Jean was still out of it as she stood like a mannequin. I hoped she pushed some super secret X-Men phone to call for help. Either way I had to take charge.
<span>The three main attackers stepped in. The first was the tall man with a golden mane of hair. Long witch worthy nails, it was Sabertooth himself. After him was a shorter man with bright blue skin and white hair. Maybe it was my run-in with Killgrave, but I hated him the most immediately. He had a twisted grin on his face as he stared at the students.
<span>The next inside was not who I expected. My favorite hero once upon a time. The brown haired, brown trench coat wearing, bow staff wielding, exploding card trick of a cajun mutant, Gambit. He didn’t appear happy to be there, but he was. A smile crept up my face as Jean copsed and the fourth invader stepped in. He was an average man with ck hair. The psychic sent out a wave of fear to everyone in the area.
<span>“Hello students. We want-” The blue skin man talked but I stepped up as I spoke.
<span>“Sorry, we don’t need girl scout cookies,” I ended up on. I moved to Jean who was passed out on the floor. Grabbing her shoulder I slid her across the tile flooring to Kmagick. “Since your tactics for sales have only gotten more bold, I think all of you guys should leave.” I stared at Magik. She grabbed Jean and began directing people outside.
<span>“Hahaha,” the blue man said. Blue smoke began to expel from him.
<span>“Max, handle this,” Sabertooth growled. The dark haired psychic moved his hand to his head but I shot a Nen st at him, cutting off the hand he raised. He screamed out and more students screamed as they began to rush to move into theboratory behind us. The enemies didn’t hesitate as their psychic screamed on the floor. The ragin cajun had a card in hand, it began to glow red and he threw it at me.
<span>I formed my hand into a gun, pointer finger barrel and all, and did another Nen st. The card exploded midway to us, pushing desks out of it’s way. “Fucking pissant!” The blue man hissed as more blue smoke bilowed out of his skin.
<span>“Fucking smurf,” I retorted as I held my breath. The blue smoke all around me, I didn’t feel any different. When they noticed whatever the skill was wasn’t affecting me I felt Sabertooth crouch and rush forward. Charging my body with nen the man hit me and I pushed back hard. He was thrown into the blue man and I rushed backward.
<span>Leaving the room, I wanted to keep the fight going, but I didn’t want Grey pissed at me. I was mostly confident against the four of them, except Sabertooth at least. I could tell I caught him off guard. I wasn’t sure what his skills were, but based on the Wolverine Origin movie they were a lot like Wolverine’s and I doubted I could beat him yet.
<span>“Let’s go!” Jean yelled at me as I came into the chemistryb. She must have woken up when I cut the other psychic’s arm off. The students were heading out into the hall still. I took up the rear and followed. Magik in front I felt the four mening at us more cautiously.
<span>“Who the hell are they?” I asked Jean as she corralled everyone away. <span>
<span>“The Marauders,” she said, fear in her voice.
<span>“Marauders?” I asked. I couldn''t remember much about them, but I did remember they killed the Morlocs or something. Were they green amphibian men or mutated people? It was all too jumbled up in my head to remember.
<span>I felt psychic fingers move across my brain. They were very angry this time. I hardened my mind as we continued to run. Grabbing Morgan’s hand I helped her up as she stumbled. Fear pouring out of her and the others I asked, “What’s the n?”
<span>“We have ast resort. For now, run,” Jean said. “There, the fire exit.” She pointed to a window with an actual fire exit that let out onto one of the many tiered roofs of the school. Kmagick opened the window and began helping people outside. I turned to face the Marauders. The psychic trying to break into my mind a constant annoyance I felt the four of them walking toward us. Before they turned the corner though, blue smoke filled the hallway.
<span>The smoke moved toward us quickly. “I don’t think we should be in that,” I said looking at the smoke. I could hold my breath for a long time, I wasn’t sure about the others. <span>
<span>“Hold your breath! Magik! Do it!” Jean yelled. The smoke hit us, and nothing happened. I felt that there were about 8 students left around me.
<span>“In here!” Kmagick yelled. I felt her still near the window. Unsure what was going on I regretted not sparring her as I pulled Jean towards the blonde. The teacher tried to fight me but I was firm. She didn’t have a chance of winning against the Marauders as she was, and she knew it.
<span>Kmagick was moving people into a ck hole in space in the midst of the blue smoke. The Marauders drawing ever closer; I didn’t question it as I stepped inside. Kmagick followed and the blue hall disappeared as she closed the portal. Everything became pitch ck as I waited for what was to happen next.