<span>“What the hell are you doing?” I asked Morgan as she dug through the robot bodies. The blonde nerd actually got excited about the corpses after I finished them off.
<span>“They’re robots!” She yelled excitedly. “Actual robots. Look at this blue stuff?! What is it? Some grease or or maybe how they are powered?!” The quiet girl was no longer there. I realized that she had been holding back her excitement for robots. Getting her hands more than a little dirty she ordered, “Tear this off.” It was one of thesers mounted on the robot. I rolled my eyes, but was truthfully enjoying this nerdy part of her. Grabbing it I broke it off with a jerk.
<span>“So cool,” she said. “Do you have a…thead?” She turned to Hope. <span>
<span>“Yeah, I think so,” Hope said. She hit apartment on her own robot and tools were revealed. Jealous of the utility belt of apanion I walked over to her as she threw a thead screwdriver at Morgan. She grabbed it and began prying open theser.
<span>“That was pretty cool,” I said. “What else can your robot do?”
<span>“I think he has emergency rations in him as well,” she said, pushing buttons on the blocky robot. Now that he was human sized he looked like a steel Betamax. Fat but full of goodies.
<span>“Your dad made this swiss army knife of a robot?” I asked, I was getting more of a Stark vibe from the robot. I wondered if maybe Pym was actually the genius in this world.
<span>“Yeah, I thought it was dumb, but I have to admit he is pretty useful. Ultron, is your mapping up yet?” <span>
<span>“Negative,” the robot said. <span>
<span>“What did you say?” I asked, my heart clenching.
<span>“He has a mapping system that I sent-” <span>
<span>“No, the name. Did you call him Ultron?” I asked.
<span>“Yeah, I decided to name him,” Hope said with a smile.
<span>“Do you have a soldering gun?” Morgan asked.
<span>“Yeah, I think so,” Hope said and began digging inside his drawers again. I was too distracted to listen though. I was trying to rack my brain to remember if Hank Pym had made Ultron. I only remembered Tony Stark did in the movies, but that might have only been because Robert Downey Jr. was so popr. I couldn’t remember for the life of me anything Pym did besides Ant-Man and Giant Man.
<span>“I thought you said his name was Guardian,” I said to Hope. <span>
<span>“It was,” she said. “I don’t know, I decided to change it.”
<span>I remembered our conversation the other day. “Plus Ultra?” I asked. <span>
<span>“No, what?” She asked, a little defensively. <span>
<span>“Plus Ultra? Ultra proton? Ultron, seriously?!”
<span>“No, that’s stupid,” she said with a blush as she turned away. I looked at her horrified because I could tell she was lying. Did I identally help name an unrted robot Ultron? Ultron who challenged the Avengers and caused robot uprisings and shit. Too taken aback by the whole situation I decided to sit down.
<span>Extending my Haki out to make sure there were no more robot demons I tried to push thoughts of the canon out of my mind. We were on an alien world with greenery and demon robots. Robots meant a higher intelligence, so there was civilization there. I hoped we could wake Illyana up and get out of there, but this did seem like a cool world to get to know. Though I hadn’t received any quests yet, I was always up for an adventure.
<span>“Haha!” Morganughed as she pulled off one of the robot heads. It was a smaller one that had long metal teeth. “This is so cool.” I considered pulling her away from the things, but she was too happy at the moment. Hope settled down next to me, eating a block of some emergency ration meal. <span>
<span>“So what are you?” She asked.
<span>“A little confused,” I admitted. “I’m used to being the one rolling with the punches. You two don’t seem that out of sorts.” <span>
<span>“That girl…I didn’t know she was this way either,” Hope said, looking at Morgan. She had a smile from ear to ear, covered in a shining blue grease. “Me, my dad always talked of weird…stuff like this happening. Kind of trained me to deal with it. That’s why he built this guy.” Her hand hit Ultron, I frowned, unsure if I needed to kill the robot. “But that''s me borrowing power. You’re actually special.” <span>
<span>“So are you,” I whispered. She was confused for a minute. Then fear emitted from her. “Let me guess, mutant?” She opened her mouth, but I cut her off. “Your secrets are safe. Me, I don’t care what you are. Keep your power secret for now, but I expect you to use it to save yourself. I have my hands full with these normies.” I nodded at Morgan.
<span>Hope was scared that I knew her secret. I could see it with my Observation Haki. She had some sort of wings mounted on her back, hidden by her clothes. Afflicted with a physique deforming mutation I wasn’t too surprised. If I remembered canon correctly her mom was a mutant too.
<span>“Thanks,” Hope eventually mumbled. <span>
<span>“For saving your life?” I asked, perking up.
<span>She rolled her eyes. “I don’t think you have saved it yet,” she said. “I mean, Ultron could have carried me down if you didn’t swoop in.” <span>
<span>“You’re right. Next time I’ll forget to grab you,” I said. <span>
<span>“Don’t do that,” she said with a huff. “It was very sweet of you to have enough trust in us to show your powers.”
<span>“That was my aim. To be sweet,” I assured. <span>
<span>“Weston, please tear off this wing for me. I’ve never seen a material this thin and strong before!” Morgan yelled.
<span>“Alright, alright,” I said as I got up. Breaking off the wing I had to end her shopping trip soon enough since we couldn’t take too much with us. Luckily Ultron had apartment that shrunk stuff down as well. Hope imed half of the booty and we were flying back to the cave. Unfortunately that was being attacked as well.
<span>The two girls in a much better mood now, we went slow. At least until we noticed the cave was under attack. Instead of by huge robot demons, they were being attacked by actual demons. Horns, wings, demon tails and everything. Unsure if we broke into some weird robot hell I flew down to the action as fast as possible. Morgantching onto me for dear life the wind roared in our ears until I stopped just above the cave entrance.
<span>Instead of finding dead teenagers I found a big green woman fighting the demons off. She had bright red hair, was six and a half feet tall, and wore a torn up version of the very clothes Lyra had been wearing.
<span>“What the fuck?” I asked. “Is she…” I pushed it out of my mind as I dropped down next to her. Letting Morgan go she ran into the cave as I began to fight beside the big green woman. Making my Nen into arge wave I sted it forward, knocking the shrieking demons back. They were like nightmare fuel, but rather weak.
<span>The green girlie and I began pushing them back. Me with nen, and her with immense strength. She grabbed a scorpion tail aimed at her throat and threw it back, impressing me. I sted another demon trying to spit a venom at her. She nodded and smiled wide as Hope’s robot fired a bomb at them.
<span>Demon parts flying with the explosion, they began to retreat quickly. Many diving into the swamp water we chased them to it but it wasn’t worth pursuing. “What’s your story?” I asked the green girl as she began to shrink. Her skin beginning to change from green to pink it wasn’t long until Lyra Talbot was revealed in front of me. <span>
<span>“I uh…have a condition,” she said. Hopended next to her, and Morgan ran up. <span>
<span>“A condition!?” Hope asked, making Lyra’s fear spike. “What was that?” <span>
<span>“I can make myself stronger,” she said shyly. “But I uh…turn green?”<span>
<span>“Who is your dad?” I cut in. <span>
<span>“What?” She asked. <span>
<span>“Your dad, what is his name?”
<span>“Glen Talbot?” She asked.
<span>“Your mom?” I asked.
<span>“Elizabeth Talbot,” she said. <span>
<span>“Elizabeth Ross,” I said since General Ross was her grandfather. I began trying to remember everything I could about the Incredible Hulk. I kept thinking of Psylocke who was Betsy Braddock for some reason. “Do people call your mom, Betsy?”
<span>“My dad calls her Betty,” Lyra said confused, and it hit me. <span>
<span>“Of fucking course,” I said. Betty Ross was the love interest of Bruce Banner. The man that could turn into the Incredible Hulk. The alter ego that very much resembled the green form that Lyra was just in. I was almost positive that General Ross was the guy that chased after him too. Wanting to get his version of the super soldier serum.
<span>I thought furiously, but the only thing I could think of was Lyra was actually Bruce’s daughter. Unsure how this world could have changed from canon I tried to push it out of my mind as I noticed someone missing.
<span>“Where’s Illyana?” I asked, stopping the girls from their excited conversation.
<span>“Inside,” Lyra said as she pointed. Worried, I ran to the entrance to find the boys mending a beat up Jean. She had a gash on her head, but was awake. Illyana was not there anymore.
<span>“What happened?!” I yelled, causing the boys to jump.
<span>“It was those demons,” one said. “He flew in and grabbed Illyana when Lyra was fighting.” I cursed, my rage building I felt my own Berserker Mode call to me. I hadn’t seen any of the demons leaving, but I felt them all heading in a certain direction as they left my zone of perception. <span>
<span>“I’ll go get her,” I said through gritted teeth as I turned around. <span>
<span>“Weston, don’t,” Jean said as she got up. She was a little hurt, but the only pain I felt was from her head. The demon must have thrown her away. <span>
<span>“No, I’m sick of this,” I said. “I would like to go so we can get back to our world.” <span>
<span>“You need-” Jean said, I whirled to face her. <span>
<span>“You?!” I yelled. “Jean, you’re fucking useless.” A part of me felt bad for saying it, but since we got the mission she treated me like the interloper. Judging me for my jokes because it was the only thing that kept me less bored in this bullshit of a quest. “One fucking demon, and you’re out?! Seriously? That girl was keeping dozens back!” I pointed at Lyra. “When the fuck are you going to stop fooling yourself that you’re in charge? This is my fucking mission now, and I n to make sure everyone gets back home from this messed up world.”
<span>Real tears dripped from Jean’s cheeks as she held back her sobs. My anger died down slightly, but was still there, smoldering. Like any man, I was weak to a pretty girl crying. Her Haki was all over the ce as she worked through something. Fear, eptance, longing, hate, rage, pure unadulterated fury. <span>
<span>My eyes widened as her Haki suddenly shifted from weak to a raging inferno. Unsure what the hell was going on I watched her tears sizzle as her eyes shifted to a red color and she locked them on me.
<span>My mouth falling open, I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it. In front of me was a new person. Her Haki was still raising, but no longer the filtered version I had gotten used to. In front of me was someone that had fought a thousand battles and won. Like facing Raleigh from One Piece, she had all the confidence in the world as she smirked at me.
<span>Then the cave and the people around me were gone. With a blink I was in a new ce, chained to a tower of skulls, my body was naked as darkness surrounded me. No Haki around me, it took a moment to realize I was actually seeing a psychic vision. Instead of trying to block it, I let it y out.
<span>A woman walked out from the darkness in front of me. Her red hair was glowing, and she wore skin-tight ck clothes with a symbol fo a bird on her chest. Cleavage spilling out, the fear disappeared and I mirrored her smile as she stopped a pace away from me. <span>
<span>“I remember a scared little boy only a few months ago,” this new Jean Grey said. She was confident as she rested her hand on her bony hip. “Who knew he had the nerve to talk to me like that?” <span>
<span>“And who am I addressing?” I asked, starting to get the picture of what was happening.
<span>“Jean-” <span>
<span>“Oh no, you’re not Jean,” I said with a smile. “You’re much stronger than Jean.” <span>
<span>“You’re right, I am,” she said. She didn’t hide her smile as she studied me. “You know, for someone naked and shackled, you don’t seem very scared.”
<span>“It’s….nostalgic,” I said, looking around. Taking in a breath I focused and the room shifted to that of my Makuramoto. Jean was surprised, but hid it well. “I’ve been making rooms in my mind for far longer than you have.” I waved my hand and her clothes dropped as well. Her rack jiggling with the motion her nostrils red as I felt a psychic struggle. I had Major Resistance though. Despite her being one of the strongest psychics ever, I could see the powers were still new to her. Besides, we were in my own mind. Not hers. I could tell because as I thought it, she was strapped to the wall.
<span>“How are you doing this?” She asked. “I must not be fully released-” <span>
<span>“Released?” I asked. “Were you trapped?” She frowned, unsure what to do as I walked up to her this time. “What should I call you then?” <span>
<span>“Not Jean,” she said. I felt a tugging and my illusion almost broke. Instead of allowing her to win though I just removed her shackles. She was still nude as I stared into her red eyes.
<span>“Well, Not Jean, why did you bring me into my mind?” I asked. <span>
<span>“To remind you that I am the teacher,” she said. “Not some damsel you can treat like that.”
<span>“I apologize,” I said with a nod. “I see now how strong you are.” Jean always ended up turning into someone else in the series. I was starting to see the situation, or at least this version of Jean, having another split- personality. “I’m sure I could use your help to save our teammate.” <span>
<span>“Good,” she said, raising her chin up proudly. She began to pull back from my mind. <span>
<span>“Or…we could have some fun,” I ventured hesitantly.
<span>“Fun?” She asked, confused for a moment. <span>
<span>“I mean, this is our minds, we could make whatever we want happen in here,” I said, trying to act like I hadn’t done this a few dozen times. <span>
<span>“So?” She asked. <span>
<span>“So,” I made her cum.
<span>Everything in my Makuramoto was as I imagined. I never channeled chakra in there, but I knew how it affected women. I had made women cum hundreds of times in there. Me, I could fake it, but women, for some reason they were able to get nearly as much pleasure out of it in the mind. At least how I did it anyway.
<span>Jean’s body rocked back and fell to a bed of pillows as the strongest orgasm she had ever experienced hit her. I watched her writhe as it continued on. Long seconds she moaned and then it faded ever so slowly. Replicating the experience perfectly, I thought that was good enough to hint at my skills. Pulling out of my mind, I was pulled back without being able to fight it. <span>
<span>Not Jean was on top of me, her red eyes focused on mine she smiled wider yet. “Finish what you started,” she ordered. I nodded and began to work. Ready to prove I knew what i was doing inside our minds as time slowed outside and our moaning began.