<span style="font-weight:400">I looked at Gwen Stacy’s ce first. Then Parker’s, and eventually Oscorp. Doing my best to listen to Colson about flying around, I flew around the city a couple of times and ended up at their school. To my surprise I didn’t find either one there. Instead they were holed up at the secret ex-Oscorpb that had been experimenting on mutants.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">The duo were working on one of the upper floors. Since the ce still had power. I could see their reasoning to choose it. I was just a little offended that they didn’t tell me about it. Coming up the stairs I monitored them with my Observation Haki. They were working diligently. A toolbox thrown up around them, they were diligently working on something.
<span style="font-weight:400">I came closer and stayed as silent as possible as they talked. “No, that’s here. We need to make sure we don’t cross thread the power source,” Peter said. The sses wearing, bowl cut of a haircut, nerd of a kid was actually pretty strong. His Haki was ame with power, but he still didn’t know how much. Pure muscle hidden under his Star Wars shirt he was also doing his best to not fart around Gwen.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Cross thread? That’s not a term rting to electricity,” Gwen said. She had bright blonde hair, almost as light as Felicia Hardy’s. It was cut short to her shoulders and was tied back in a ponytail. She was wearing a shirt of some local underground grunge rockband like usual. Her Haki was almost a mirror image of Peter’s. Bitten by the same spider that spurred my own advances, they had super powers, and I guessed very simr ones at that.
<span style="font-weight:400">“You know what I mean. It’s twelve volts and we only have so many amps to work with. I think the pumping-” Peter stopped talking as I cut off the lights. “Again?” He asked. “I’ll check the break-” He stopped talking as I threw a rock across the room and it hit an abandoned metal desk. “What was that?” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Oh my god, Peter. It’s only us here,” Gwen said. I prepared another rock to throw.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Yeah, but didn’t Weston say a lot of people were killed here?” Peter mumbled. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“That was in the basement,” Gwen said. I threw another rock, this one hit closer to them. “Who was that?!” She yelled, both dropping what they were doing and standing up. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Holding my breath and stopping fromughing I grabbed an office chair and shoved it toward them. The wheels of the chair squeaked as it slowly got closer and closer, causing them to jump and turn to face it. Their eyes wide, Peter pulled out his phone and turned on the shlight. “Wh-who’s there?!” He yelled. Their terror rising as I ducked behind a desk and hit the thin metal, causing a loud bang noise.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Hidden behind the desk I summoned my Soulsword. White light poured out of me, illuminating above, and making their terror rise more. When the sword was fully formed I said, “Oooorphans.”: <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“What?” Gwen squeaked. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“We-we were oooorphans,” I said in my best kid voice. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Fucking I fucking knew it,” Peter whined. “Fuck this shit I’m-” He cut off as I threw the sword. It sailed between them and sunk into the concrete floor behind them. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Oooorphans,” I said as I slowly got up. Peter’s hands were shaking as he held the phone at me. Only able to see a vague sense of me I ducked down again causing them both to scream. When I dropped down I moved as quickly as I could around them. Making noise as I hit desks they screamed louder. Then out of nowhere I stood up and walked over to them. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“What’s wrong?” I asked, confused as I came into the light. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Weston! Oh thank god,” Gwen said as she approached. “There was a-” She stopped as she saw the smile on my face. “Oh you fucking bastard!” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Ha!” Iughed loudly as Peter finally got the joke. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“I think I peed myself,” Peter said. “Goddamn you. What the hell was with that orphans crap?” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“I don’t know,” I said with a shrug. “Horror stories always involve orphans.” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“I’m going to fucking kill you,” Gwen said, but actually had a smile on her face. Iughed loudly as I walked back to the entrance and turned on the light. “How the hell did you find us?” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“I didn’t realize I had to look. What’s up with this ce?” I asked. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“We needed somewhere to work,” Peter said, his Haki quickly recovering from the scare. “What the hell is that thing?” He asked, looking at the sword sticking out of the floor. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Oh that’s my…excalibur. I was on this pretty epic adventure. Pulled it from this stone thing,” I said as I withdrew it. I began to reabsorb the weapon. Impressed with the clean cut it made into the concrete. The duo stared at me wide eyed as the sword disappeared. “I’m joking. I made it from my soul.” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“That’s even more absurd,” Gwen said. “Why the hell am I even surprised around you? What drama are you involved with now?” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“You know that shooting or whatever at Calhoun? That shit,” I said. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“I heard that was a hoax,” Peter said, pushing his sses up. He and I had gotten off to a rocky start, but we nerded out on some media our worlds shared and got closer.
<span style="font-weight:400">“It just happened,” I said. “But yeah, just a drill. So, what are you two working on?”
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Our web shooters,” Gwen said, shing her best smile. “I think we might have the liquid ratio right. I found this recipe in Oscorp’s archives. After some tweaking-” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“That I did,” Peter said. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“That Peter was inspired to do, yes,” Gwen said. “We now have a super sticky web.” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Fancy,” I said. “You’re not showing off the white liquid you shoot off to any other girls, right, Parker?” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Oh my god, every time,” Peter said. “I swear to god, one more semen joke and I’ll-” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Get excited and blow your load?” I asked.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Ha!” Gwen said as Peter shook his head while trying not to blush. “Come on. We were working on the pumping system for mixing the liquids.” She pulled me over to the tarp they were working on. It was wayrger than I remembered, but also the prototype. I was sure they would have it figured out soon on how to make it smaller. Though I had plenty of time in school I wasn’t able to keep up with everything they talked about, but interjected when I could.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“So you push this button which mixes the liquids and the high pressure capsule releases the web.”
<span style="font-weight:400">“In simplified terms, yes,” Gwen said. “We still have a lot to figure out, but it’s promising.” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“What about the real business though?” I asked eyeing her. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“I’ll work on the suit next,” she promised again. “I promise. Besides, you still haven’t gotten Peter part of thepany.” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“The documents are with mywyer,” I said. “Just give Foggy a call and he will. I signed the trust disolvment documents. Any day now we should have the funds ready to go.” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">I eyed Peter. “Still having second thoughts?” I asked.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“No,” he lied.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Is it the web shooters?” I asked. Addressing the situation head on. “Peter, I swear. If you want to patent this stuff and the liquid, you both can. I don’t want any part of that. But the suits are mine. I really doubt you have a market for your white sticky stuff. These Armis suits can help people.”
<span style="font-weight:400">“The webs could help,” Peter said. “The tensile strength is off the charts. You could save so much time loading things up with it.” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“You could,” I said. Trying to think furiously, I knew that this would never be patented. One or both of them would be a super hero and use the webbing to help people. That would be impossible if the patent office had the recipe sitting on a shelf. “Just think about it. Gwen has already agreed to a sry. I’d feel better knowing you didn’t have to spend a bunch of time working at a pizza ce if you were working for me.” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Peter still fought it, but I knew he would join me to the dark-er my side soon. Once they wrapped up their current experiment I sparred both of them. Both were still struggling with controlling their increased strength and senses. I showed them that fighting was the best way to learn to control themselves. It took time but Peter did eventually stop flinching everytime I threw a haymaker at him. They were barely scratching the surface of their powers, but I hoped that over time I could push them to find their full potential.
<span style="font-weight:400">It wasn’t too long until I was saying bye to the duo. They wanted to continue to work so I flew off. I was supposed to stop by the Mutant school for a debriefing and wait for my next mission, but I wasn’t in the mood. Put off by the professor and his answer for everything, I went off in search of the red head I could use most right then.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">She wasn’t at her apartment, but was staying at Elektra’s. My Observation Haki watching them they weren’t overly touchy, but I could see that they had gotten closer. Thest time I had seen them was our raunchy night of fun, which was only a day for them. Having spent thest almost week with blue balls because of Jean, Inded and made my way to Elektra’s door.
<span style="font-weight:400">Knocking on it, the ninja drew a weapon but came to the door. Expecting thendlord her eyes widened as she stared at me. “What? Not happy to see me?” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Weston…” She said, stepping back. My eyes squinting as I studied their haki, I could feel them both slightly ashamed. Since I had been kind of working on other women I didn’t feel like I had any right to be upset. “What? Am I out of the group?”
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“What? No,” Maddy said as she stood up. The blind woman didn’t pretend to need a stick to walk around. “We uh, have just been…talking about old times.” I eyed her. She was mostly truthful. To be honest, I didn’t much care. Our rtionship was started in a primal fashion. Both wanting to getid. Adding Elektra to the mix was a way to help me sate more of the lust I had split with my clone. I was all for keeping them both as long as it didn’t add drama to my day to day.
<span style="font-weight:400">“So…another threesome?” I asked perking up as Elektra shut the door.
<span style="font-weight:400">“You weren’t fucking joking,” Elektra said as she eyed Maddy. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“I told you he would want to go again,” Maddyughed. Whatever was going on between them I could feel the lust leaking off of her. I reached out to grab her. “Soon,” she said. “We just want…to talk first.” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Fine,” I said with a sigh as I followed them back to the couch. Instead of acting like an outsider this time, I plopped down on the big couch. Pulling Maddy to sit on myp she smiled wider as my hand squeezed her thigh. Some jealousy leaked out of Elektra, but instead of toward me, it was toward Maddy. I eyed the darker woman, trying to figure out what had changed in her attitude.
<span style="font-weight:400">She tried to sit apart, acting like she was unaffected. “Here,” I ordered, pointing next to me. She blushed and wanted to resist, so I pulled her over to sit next to me. Some joy bloomed inside of her as I draped an arm over her shoulder. Maddy turned toy her back on my chest. Her hand moving to Elektra.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“So, what’s up?” I asked.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“We want to see where this goes,” Maddy said, taking my hand she interlocked her fingers with mine. Her hand moving across my palm she smelled me deeply.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Kind of hard to understand what that means without context,” I said. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“You have been rather…useful…to the Hand,” Elektra said. “I feel-” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Nope stop,” I said with a sigh. She frowned, angry I interrupted again. “Say what you mean. I have been helpful to you.” My hand moved to Maddy’s front. Not shy about it I reached into her shirt, grabbing her breast. She tried to fight me slightly, wanting to talk, but I began to shoot Sparks into her. She let out a moan as I lit up the nerve clusters in her chest.
<span style="font-weight:400">I eyed Elektra whose jealousy only soared. Instead of feeding into it though, my other hand moved up her thigh. Miniature bolts of electricity shot into her, causing her to mirror Maddy’s moans.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“We don’t live together. We can’t see one another every day. But when I am in the area, I want to see you. Both of you,” I said. Elektra’s eyes fluttered as I reached her already drenched pussy. My other hand utched from Maddy’s breast and moved down to between her legs. “Nomitments. No drama. If you two want to do…whatever. I really couldn’t care less.” I was at both of their pussies, their nerves lit up at the cusp of an orgasm they gasped as I held them there.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Don’t,” I warned both as they moved their hands to help finish their orgasms off. My hands moved slowly along their slits and clits, keeping them on the brink. Their hands hovered in the air, listening to my order. My dick got harder, enjoying how docile the strong women were being.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Do either of you think anyone else could make you cum like I can?” I asked, my voice low. From their haki I could tell the answer. Worried I might have been a little too strong with them, they might have gotten addicted to what I could do. I thought about it but decided I didn’t much care. “You can both be together. Or with other women. I don’t care. You decide that in your own rtionship. But I am the only man that gets to touch you.”
<span style="font-weight:400">They began to pant as their legs rubbed together. Neither fully hearing me. I pulled my hands away, letting the orgasms die. “Say it,” I said as they both groaned. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Weston-” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Say it,” I ordered. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“The only guy, I don’t care. You’re the only one I’ve had anyway,” Maddy said turning around. Her face in front of mine I smiled wide as I pulled her in for a kiss. She moaned but I had made a promise. My hand slid back into her shorts and sent a huge Spark into her. She squirted in my hand as I breathed new life into her nerves. Already half way there she screamed out as she came. I didn’t let up though.
<span style="font-weight:400">Standing I twisted her around in her post-orgasm and mmed my cock into her drenched cunt. She gasped and shuddered as my dick lit up with electricity inside of her. The power I learned in the Hero World made her cry out louder than ever as she came continuously as I thrust into her. It took 30 seconds to feel it and I came into her hard as I groaned.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Having built it up for thest few days, I didn’t care how quick it was. Matilda didn’t either. The continuous orgasm made her entire body weak as I let her go to fall to the couch. I received a notification.
<span style="font-weight:400">Do you want to form a Union with Matilda Murdoch?
<span style="font-weight:400">Yes/No
<span style="font-weight:400">I frowned as I stared at the notification. My original Bond skill from Domination world had evolved identally a while ago. Though I had never figured out the skill this was the first time I was asked this question. I considered it. The only people I had bonded were the two girls in the Domination World and Anissa from Invincible. Not remembering if anyone else had it, I was still unsure what it did.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">Some obvious prerequisites having been reached I wondered if it had to do with my own domination of her, maybe her disposition, or perhaps my rtionship with her. Since I wasn’t totally convinced where I stood with Maddy, I clicked No. Thest thing I wanted was something simr to my Harem Link that my Chikyugi allowed me to do. When the girls were able to feel my location and emotions it only caused problems. I had to stay free for the time being.
<span style="font-weight:400">As I clicked No I turned to Elektra. She was more than a little turned on as she looked at my still drenched dick then up to my face. “I used to do that to her, you know,” Elektra said, looking down to the nearly passed out Maddy. <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Don’t care,” I said, taking a step for her. She stood and stepped back, out of my reach. I pursued.
<span style="font-weight:400">“I’ve had other men you know,” she said.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“I don’t give a shit,” I said, my eyes locked with hers. She made it to the bedroom.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Awaken Nen in more-” <span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“No,” I said, cutting her off. “You’ve had enough benefits.” I looked back to Maddy then back to Elektra. “Like I told her. You don’t owe me anything. There are other women I am pursuing. As long as this remains uplicated I am more than happy to keeping back here and fucking you senseless.”
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">She opened her mouth, considering throwing me out. I stepped closer to her, thick thighs vibrating in fear and excitement, I knew her answer. I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her to me hard. Elektra melted into me. Her body shivering she gasped as my hand moved to her ass and began sending Sparks into her.
<span style="font-weight:400">“Fuck it, whatever, no guys,” she said.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Good girl,” I said and my hands became alight with electricity as I forced her to cum. She yelled my name and by the time it finished, I was inside of her. Still standing, her legs were opened slightly to allow my thick member inside of her.
<span style="font-weight:400">Large chest jiggling in my face with each thrust I gave her a continuous orgasm as well. My dick alight inside of her I didn’t care what happened as I licked everything of her I could reach. Lasting longer than with Maddy I pulled all the way out and shoved back in faster.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” She cursed. “You’re—still-ripping-me.” I sped up uncaring how much she wanted the orgasm to end. I buried myself in her and came for all I was worth.
<span style="font-weight:400">Do you want to form a Union with Elektra Natchios?
<span style="font-weight:400">Yes/No
<span style="font-weight:400">I let go of the woman and she dropped bonelessly to the mattress. “Oh shit, is that how you spell your name?” I asked as I pushed no. She spasmed, her eyes lidded, a glob of cum poured out of her causing her to jolt again.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">“Maddy?” I asked turning to the girl. She was actually passed out as well. “Fuck,” I said, rubbing my temples. I had gone too hard on them. I had to learn the skill more. My own horny disposition had transferred to them, as if they wanted to cum as badly as I did. By their state I guessed it was a little too much for anyone.
<span style="font-weight:400">
<span style="font-weight:400">I heard a knock on the door walking over with a sigh I hoped it wasn’t assassins.