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MillionNovel > Canon Fodder > CHAPTER 432 THOSE THAT SURVIVED


    CHAPTER 432 THOSE THAT SURVIVEDKitty guided me to a side entrance that was hidden behind a dumpster. I rolled it away and she knocked two times, paused, knocked once, paused, knocked once more. I heard a bar slide out of the way and the door opened. She rushed in, I moved the dumpster back as close as I could and followed.

    “How did it go?” Hisako asked Kitty. Excitement clear in her voice.

    “Uh great. I got it. It was uh-”

    “Who is the new guy?” A man I didn’t recognize asked.

    “This is uh my friend, um-”

    “Weston!?” Hisako yelled, staring at me in disbelief. She was rough around the edges and missing her right arm. “Are you back? Seriously?”

    “I um-” I said, looking to Kitty for the right answer. I doubted anyone knew she could travel through time or whatever she did to bring me there.

    “Yeah, yeah, that’s it, he’s uh back,” Kitty said. I frowned. “I uh…happened upon him.”

    “Yeah, I was uh,” I said, trying to think. “Got lost in space, like that one show, and the movie, that I feel got a bad wrap. But that’s beside the point. Oh right, and there was the remake show that wasn’t too bad. Well anyway, I was taking a leak in an alley, and Kitty was all like. Oh my god, it’s Weston!”

    “What the fuck? Where the hell were you?!” Hisako asked. She was angry, relieved, and way more happy than I expected. Tears in her eyes she said, “I thought you were dead.”

    “Nope, still kicking, I hope,” I said truthfully. A part of me was hoping I got looped into some drama in space and I really would be back eventually. I hoped I didn’t die in my next Challenge despite all the work I’ve been putting in.

    “I just can’t believe it,” Hisako said, laughing. “You haven’t changed a bit. Maybe a little bigger though.”

    “Well thank you, Hisako,” I said, patting her head. She rolled her eyes. “You’ve changed a shit load. You look fucking badass without the arm. Did you lose it in a duel? Was it at sunset? Tell me you took like their head or something.” She stared at me wide eyed, tears falling down her cheeks then she burst out laughing. A deep laugh from the belly which changed to snorting soon enough.

    When she recovered she wiped her eyes, shaking her head. “My god, most people pretend that I didn’t lose it. You just bring it right up. I can’t believe I missed you.”

    “Well we should fight, that’s for sure. I need to see if you learned anything cool, Gundam,” I said. Her hero name was Armor, because she could create a psionic armor around herself, but I tended to call her Gundam. She was Japanese and the armor was basically a gundam, so I felt it was obvious.

    “Damn, haven’t been called that in forever,” she said, wiping more tears. I got those on her right side since she was all left. “Oh my god, Anne. She is going to kill you.”

    “You think?” I asked. “I just stepped out for milk.”

    “Yeah, like kill kill,” Hisako said. “Have fun.”

    “Yeah,” Kitty said with a frown. “Come on.” She waved me over and we walked through another guarded door. The once upper office building didn’t have cubicles anymore. Everywhere was sheets set up for privacy and rooms. There were a lot of people there. Women, children, men. Many hurt, some crying. There were no fires going like some post-apocalyptic world, but people did have space heaters.

    Many of the people were the disfigured mutants. People that couldn’t hope to step outside without being noticed. Most were regular people though. Cursed to spend their days outside the sun as they hid from the Sentinels of the US. Sickened by what the world had done to my people, I needed to fix it in the future somehow.

    I heard whispers from people as we walked past. Some were students at the X school. Others were eyeing Kitty. I raised my hand and summoned Tabi. The blue cat appeared and stared at me.

    “I’m surprised that worked,” I admitted. She was technically in the past at the moment, but I summoned her to the future. Which was a weird paradox I didn’t understand. “I’ll fill you in later. Some people could use some warming up.” The cat meowed.

    “She’s been with you this whole time?” Kitty asked.

    “I’m from the past, remember?” I asked.

    “Oh right,” she said. “Wait, how did you? Did you just bring her from…the past? I thought-”

    “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to,” I said as Tabi bounded off. It wasn’t long until she found a group of kids and they were petting her. “You’re not the only one with skills that are unexplainable.”

    “Whatever,” she said. “Just don’t get pissed at me if you get randomly sucked back to your time.”

    “Oh, no, I’ll be dragging you with me if I do,” I said. “Wait, no, I’ll just beat up past you.”

    “Don’t do that,” she said with a frown.

    “I’ll just wail on you. Yelling, ‘Don’t fuck with time’ as I hit you like those time-steward ball sac guys from Rick and Morty.”

    “I have no idea what you’re saying,” she said.

    “You’re not supposed to,” I said. “Now, I thought this chrono delivery item was important.”

    “Right,” she said. She got to the stairs leading down. People nodding at her, some gave me a second glance. Most didn’t recognize me though. Despite my pink hearts, they probably didn’t believe I survived after all these years. Though it was only six years, these people had a hard time of it. I had to make sure to fix this.

    We got to a lower level and Kitty walked right in. Simply following her, no one asked me questions so I made myself smaller so I wouldn’t be noticed. I tried to remember faces, but there were a lot more mutants than before. People probably came out of the woodwork once they were outed.

    Kitty on a mission, she didn’t speak. People got out of her way and I stopped in my tracks. A familiar Haki in a side room, I looked up and Kitty had kept going. Unsure who I was feeling I looked into the side room. There was a group of people in a locker room. Wearing flak jackets they looked like the fighters of what was left of the mutants.

    Turning to walk into the room I looked over faces inside. They were discussing and laughing about some story. The familiar haki was a woman. Her Haki warm and inviting, I couldn’t place my finger on who it was.

    “Hello,” I said, breaking everyone out of their story. The woman turned to reveal a tall dark haired girl with a tall forehead. It was Hancock Boa, or whatever the hell her name was in these worlds. “Holy shit,” I mumbled as she and I locked eyes.

    It had been so long since I had seen her last. A part of me had resented her for some odd reason. Hampering my style as I slept with who I wanted and did what I wanted. But to be honest, I hadn’t been sleeping with everyone I wanted. Things didn’t seem to move me near as close to the smut fuelled lifestyle I lived before. Or something else, something I was coming to accept after all these years jumping between worlds. I was changing.

    Definitely not overnight, but slowly and surely. As I spent time with her, I realized that I actually enjoyed being around women that I loved. Instead of just searching for the flings and flippant attachments, I wanted an actual connection. Someone I could share my life with. That’s why I had been so hesitant to push Anne or Delilah for more. I wanted to build something with them, as I had with Hancock.

    “Can I help you?” She asked, nervous. Her Haki somehow uplifting me as it began to thrum with some weird emotion. Recognition maybe? I wasn’t sure. “Do I know you?”

    “No,” I said. “I’m uh, Weston.” I reached out my hand, ignoring the others around us. “You’re Hancock, right?”

    “Yeah,” she said nervously. Smiling wide at me. She was closer to the age I had met her. Six years in the future she was probably only 17 in my timeline. I had never found her, but this proved she was a mutant. “I’m sorry, is there something on my face?”

    “No,” I said. “You’re just gorgeous.” She blushed deeply.

    “Buddy, you should go,” one man said, obviously jealous. I could feel a couple of the men in the room had a crush on her. I couldn’t blame them, she was a ten out of ten in every world. It wasn’t until I reunited with her that I remembered that.

    “I’ll uh, be seeing you,” I said. “Hancock.” She smiled nodding, and I turned around. My neck heating up, this fight became a whole lot more serious. Whatever was happening was affecting the life of my real wife. The one I had chosen to travel with me. Other Weston still had her by his side. Hopefully growing stronger. I needed to step up my game. Hancock had given me permission to seduce her, and I hadn’t really pursued it since the main Comic worlds were so big.

    In all honesty I had forgotten she was here somewhere. Now that I was reminded, I needed to make sure no one hurt her. I had to ensure no one hurt any of my girls, ever. And god help anyone that did. I wanted to learn her past to help me find her, but dragged myself away. Following Kitty’s Haki ahead to handle whatever problem I could help with.

    My feelings caught up in the thoughts and memories of Hancock I tried my best to force them away. Ahead was a large room. I could feel many people gathered at the edges of the room. At the center was a large machine reminiscent of Cerebro, but more of a garage sale feel. Nothing was sleek and custom, the chair was an old barber’s chair, the rings were bolted together and had duct tape in sections. But a man I recognized was next to it, so I was positive it would work.

    “I hope this works,” Forge said as I entered the room. He inserted the canister Kitty had grabbed. The Mexican version of Cerebro thrummed to life and people clapped.

    “Alright people,” Anne Marie said, drawing eyes. “Emma is going to use this to find those mutants that are still in hiding. And those that have a home away from all this crap.” I noticed quite a few names in the crowd. Emma Frost was next to Anne. The woman was still wearing all white, uncaring for the dark style of the dystopian brothers around her. Iceman was there, and Angel. Avalanche, the green haired Lorna, the old teacher Banshee, and a few others. Some I knew from the school, others I knew from my own adventures. Each one was a mix of emotions, but looked to Anne for leadership.

    She was far prettier now. Her nose still pierced, she had earrings practically lining her ears as well. Long brown hair tied in a ponytail, the white streaks framing her face hung loose. She was only 23 or 24, but far more mature than I remembered her. Her Haki had skyrocketed in strength, signifying she had some sort of powerup in our time apart.

    “Let’s get to-” Anne said, but was cut off by Emma.

    “Holy fucking shit,” Frost said as she locked eyes with me.

    “Hellooo,” I said slowly with a wave. “Sorry to uh interrupt. Hopium, my god, good to see that you came out as a mutant.” The dark haired Hope Pym stared at me wide eyed with her mouth hanging open. She was wearing the leather super suit of the X-men. Something like diaphonous wings jutting out of her back I guessed that was what I was sensing about her spiritual energy all this time. She must have been the Wasp in this world. Able to fly around on bug wings, which was poetic since her dad was Ant-Man.

    “Emma, looking…clean as ever,” I said. “Iceman, Angel,” I nodded at them. I struggled to not look at Anne. Her Haki was filling with rage. “Forge, you uh, ever make that gravity machine for me?”

    “That’s who you are,” the Native American said with a nod. “Yeah I made it. Ever get me any cool tech?”

    “I…have not,” I said. I had forgotten to look in DC. It should have been possible to take it to this world with my sub-space, which I still hadn’t checked if that worked yet. All the while Rogue’s anger increased. “Well good catching up. I’m gonna go…take a shit.” I turned around and stopped as Anne spoke.

    “Get your ass back over here,” she said in a cold voice. I stopped moving and slowly turned to face her. Her body actually glowing I stared at her wide eyed.

    “Rogue, darling, I uh-”

    “Stop,” she said. Her anger faltering she stared at me for a moment, then the other’s and landed on Kitty who was of course looking away in shame. “You didn’t.”

    “I…didn’t not,” Kitty said, her hands wringing in embarrassment as she refused to look at her.

    “You didn’t!” Rogue said.

    “I had to!” Kitty yelled back. “I needed help, and we needed that thing.”

    “What’s going on?” Emma Frost asked.

    “Nothing,” Anne said, while biting a nail. She looked to me then back to Kitty. “Weston, with me. You have some explaining to do.”

    “Yes, leader, or bossman, or whatever they call you,” I said awkwardly. She walked by me and her Haki was indifferent, but deep down I felt like she was the same old Anne. Unsure what was coming for me I followed behind her. She was wearing a skintight green and yellow super suit like in the comics. Brown leather jacket, I was reminded of Gambit. Curious if he ever joined the X-men I felt around for him, but he was nowhere to be found.

    Instead I meekly followed Anne as she moved up the stairs. Getting to the top floor of the building there were far less people there. Anne was silent all the while. I began making conversation as I became more and more nervous.

    “So you look fantastic by the way. And well you’re like super strong now. How did that happen? And I swear it wasn’t my idea. Kitty just kind of pulled me here. So I’ve been, you know, going with the flow. But this timeline is shit. I swear when I get back I’ll make sure-”

    “Shut the fuck up,” she said as she turned. Instead of attacking me like her Haki warned me it would, she kissed me. Hesitant, I slowly understood that the rage was converting into lust. Moving into the kiss it was like no time had passed. Though I kept my Zetsu up just in case she tried to pull my powers, the kiss only became more heated.

    She began to pull me into the once office behind her. Now obviously a bedroom there was a large mattress in the middle with minor knicknacks spread around the room. “You uh-”

    “Shut the fuck up,” she said tearing hungrily at my clothes. “I waited too long for this. You are going to finish what you started, Weston. I don’t want anything else but that right now.” I didn’t need to be told twice.

    Picking her up under the arms she wrapped her legs around me and I laid us down on the bed. The woman under me knew the touch of man though. A fact that disgusted me. I should have laid claim to her a long time ago. Now I had to erase the memory of everyone that had seen this side of her.

    My hands arced with electricity as I began to use my Spark on her. She moaned in my mouth panting as I began to slide down the zippers of her suit. Pale white skin revealed, she moaned my name as my hands touched bare skin.

    “Do we need-”

    “Fuck protection,” she said. I hadn’t planned on using any since I had the Fertility Control. I frowned at her. “I’m clean, I just want you.”

    “Okay, I meant, do we need to shut the door?” I asked. She looked back to the wide open door and blushed. I laughed and got off of her. Shutting the door I took off my clothes as she slid out of hers. Once I was nude I stared at her perfect body in the dim light. Her skin practically glowed. Moving back to on top of her, she had her legs squeezed together as she stared up at me.

    “Are you alright?” I asked, sadness leeching into her Haki now.

    “I am, I just. We didn’t separate on the best of terms,” she said. “I want you to know that I love you. I never stopped loving you.”

    For so long I had fought loving her. Some weird notion in my mind that what we had wasn’t real. Now that I stared down at her, I was fine admitting that I did though. “I love you too,” I said.

    “Then don’t let me go,” she said firmly. No other words needed. I moved my knees between her thighs. She opened them for me, revealing her drenched sex. I could already smell her as my other leg moved to keep her legs apart.

    Bending down I kissed her deeply as I lined my dick up with her entrance. It had been so long since I got laid. The last life I took had waited 20 years for this moment, and I felt like I waited even longer for Anne. I couldn’t get enough of her as we kissed and groped one another, all the while I descended inside of her.

    Her lower lips parting slowly, she was tight but soaking wet as I entered. She moaned louder in my mouth, feeling all of me until I was too deep. “Fuck, you’re big,” she said. “S-slow…” She whispered.

    “Yes, dear,” I said, smiling down at her as I paused. Pulling up so I was erect, my hands grabbed each of her ass cheeks to lift her. Her hands moving across my chiseled abs she moaned louder. Then I began to use my Spark. Sending electrical signals into the nerves of her ass she came harder.

    Her cunt somehow became more drenched, her chest jostled as she tried to pull away, but I was far too into this side of her. Pulling out I continued to onslaught her with my Spark and pushed back in. She didn’t stop me this time. Her hands going to her breasts she cursed as I sped up. No longer forcing her to cum she was moaning as if every thrust was better than the last.

    “I love you. Cum in me,” she whispered. “Just put a baby in me. I’ve wanted you for so-fuck right there,” she shivered. I continued to hit that spot. Draping myself over her, my mouth was on hers as my hips loudly collided against hers. “Fuck I’m-shit.” She came again. Far more turned on than I expected her voice squeaked as she tried to push away.

    I wasn’t having it though. My hands moving to her wrists I held them to the mattress as I continued humping into her. Slowly she got control of the orgasm, staring up into me. “It’s fucking so much better than I imagined.”

    “Good, now you shut the fuck up, and take it,” I said. She smiled wide, laughing as her legs wrapped around me. Stronger than I expected I pounded into her with all I had. Pushing the mattress far into the bed she squeaked and gushed with each thrust. I sped up more somehow, feeling my own orgasm draw closer.

    “Cum in me,” she begged and I nodded. Unable to talk as I felt her cunt tighten. The springs in her bed getting demolished from the force I slammed into her. I came with all I had. Huge spurts of cum hitting her insides she came once more. Not from anything I tricked her body into, but as if she had waited for years for this one moment. Each shot of cum into her made her eyes roll back farther as she cried out.

    Ripping her hands from my grasp she latched onto me for dear life as I filled her to the brim. When our orgasms faded we were both breathing heavily into one another. Her hands moving across my back she hummed happily. Giddy almost, the hard woman I had seen a moment ago was no longer there.

    “Holy fuck,” she whispered. “Why didn’t you talk me into that earlier?”

    “Cus I love you,” I said. “Gotta make you wait for it.”

    “I waited long enough,” she said. “Off.” I rolled off of her, but instead of removing herself she sat on me in the cowgirl position. Her perfect breasts in my face she began to grind into my still hard dick. “You’re so fucking thick. And hard, my god. It’s like granite.”

    “What can I say? You turn me on,” I said.

    “Fuck,” she said, her hips pulling back and forth on top of me. “You’re so deep. But so good. When you get pulled back to wherever, you’re talking younger me into this.”

    “How?” I asked, happy to get some pointers.

    “Lie to me,” she said. “I don’t care. Make it happen.”  Sear?h the n?vel_Fire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

    “I’m not doing that,” I said truthfully.

    “Why not?” She asked, annoyed. Grinding harder on me as if she were taking out some anger on me.

    “Because I don’t like lying to you,” I said. My hand moved to her chin, my thumb running along her lips. “Get over your touch obsession?”

    “No,” she said, laying on top of me. She began to sniff me deeply. “If anything, it’s worse now.” She shivered as my hands roamed all over her skin. “God, I wish I knew back then what I know now.”

    “Like what?” I asked.

    “I don’t think I should tell you,” she whispered hotly in my ear.

    “Now you should really tell me,” I said.

    “Nah, probs not,” she said. “I was so pissed at you. Still am I guess, since you’re not really the Weston from my timeline or whatever.”

    “Hey, I might still be out there. Just got held up with drama,” I said.

    “I wish,” she said, chewing her lip. Sadness began to leak into her again.

    “Shit, I’m sorry,” I said. “Let’s just forget the rest of the world for a little bit. Alright?”

    “Yeah,” she said. “Let’s have sex until you go back.”

    “Deal,” I said with a smile and pulled down and shoved it back in. She jostled, squeaking and the second round really began.
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