26 – On the Ship
poof</i> a few months ago," I said as I made a mock explosion gesture with my right hand.
I wonder why?</i> <i>*snicker*</i> "He was also in a bad state when we left the ship tond so he might be dead by now."
can I act like a Navigator? Maybe if I could eat him somehow, get that third eye thingy for myself.</i>
I think I like this woman, feisty.</i>
I was sure to find some interesting ones living near that disgustingly radioactive reactor.</i>
a good rtionship with her is going to make my life much easier.</i>
an Astropath Transcendent is a psyker soul-bound to the Emperor himself, something like a very binding warlock pact, they should have a small shard of HIS soul in them too.</i>