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<i><span style="font-weight:400">The Bloody Fist of Khorne (unnamed Bloodthirster) wants to join you</i>
<i><span style="font-weight:400">ept?</i>
<span style="font-weight:400">What the fuck? Managing to block another swing from a Bloodthirster greataxe. Numb starting to spread to my left arm. The Lord of Change must be the one back in the Tower of Hoeth. I think. That was the only time I ever encountered and managed to y one. I fly up to make some distance and goad him to cast some spells to make some opening. But the Lord of Change acts more like a Khornate daemon and never once chants a spell. A Lord of Change must have and be able to cast some spells right? Or did Khorne have corrupted it so much it can’t cast spell? Not to mention all the swings are quite fast and strike harder than I thought it would be. I might not be as skilled in meleebat as I thought I am.
<span style="font-weight:400">With my left arm numb and my artifact shield showing cracks, I start to dodge the swings.. The lord of change’s maddened screeching starts to grate my patience too. Think me think. I ept the bloodthirster to join me. Reasons to ept and reasons to not echoes but I decide to risk it as this might be just a one time and limited time offer. Will spare the regrets forter after I dealt with the screeching bird. Immediately I know the daemon is sent to my Sanctuary. Let’s hope the daemon is separated into its own section like that one time I managed to tame Tzeentch’s Screamer. Else there will be a lot to exin to the other me.
<span style="font-weight:400">Refocusing on the fight, it is clear that the Lord of Change is not willing or unable to cast spells. Its manic swinging of the bloodthirster greataxe made me unable to counterattack just from the sheer speed of the swings. I dive to the ground to fight on the ground as I am still not used to fighting midair. Swiftlynding on the ground, I channel magic to my sword
<span style="font-weight:400">“CLEAVE!” A diagonal swing upwards with whatever magic I can cram to the sword. Invisible streak of magic only visible to those with magic sight cleave the Lord of Change. Cutting one of its wings as well as a huge diagonal wound on its body. But he is unfazed, bringing down all the might and momentum downward. Unable to dodge in time due to my ovemitting the swing, I raised my shield. The ear-splitting sound of the artifact shield breaking disoriented my senses. Followed by a numb then searing burn pain on my arm as the greataxe almost cut through with my arm in between the triangr gap between the upper and lower de. Not a thought and not a relief even rises before the greataxees to life and bites. Cutting my left arm.
<span style="font-weight:400">“FUCK!” I shot back to made some distance in surprise and pain. That thing can do that!? Or did Tzeentch do some bullshit to that Khornate greataxe? Already the Lord of Change chases after, warped purplish blood flowing freely from his wound and corrupting thend as it drops. Out of option, I brandish my sword and lunge forward. Only for a streak of white blind my vision. A giant wolf, fur silvery white with a sizeparable to a Greater Daemon have pounced on the Lord of Change. As the Lord of Change struggles against the wolf, I move to pick my severed arm and reattach it with my regeneration spell. I watch with uncertainty whether the white wolf will attack me if I help. Then snow falls upon the battlefield as the white wolf felt somewhat familiar.
<span style="font-weight:400">—
<span style="font-weight:400">Some moments ago within Tor Lithanel
<span style="font-weight:400">Six dragons fly overhead the Tor Lithanel. Circling the almost destroyed city of ss as they burn any daemons dare enter the vicinity of the queen’s tower as thest bastion of the Eonirs while those few managed to train and ride the hippogryphs fend off the Nurgle’s gue drones. Those fortunate to close their eyes as the Blinding Death desperately defend against those that slip past the dragons and seek out survivors to heal. Eonir’s Amber wizards transform into great eagles, diving down to save and carry as many survivors as they can. Wolfe, in the form of a normal adult wolf due to Queen Marrisith magic, helped the Eonirs by pulling and dragging the survivors one by one to the overworked healers. Lamenting the loss of his real form and strength as he knows he can do better than this.
<span style="font-weight:400">That is until a voice assaults his mind.
<i><span style="font-weight:400">I am awake atst</i>
<span style="font-weight:400">The voice is deep and reverberates in Wolfe’s mind as it forces its power into him.
<i><span style="font-weight:400">Just to see a Chaos gate? RIGHT IN MY DOORSTEP!</i>
<span style="font-weight:400">It speaks in disbelief before roaring in rage. Wolfe drops and whines as again power is flooded into his body.
<i><span style="font-weight:400">And you. A pup that has a sliver of divine power will be my champion!</i>
<span style="font-weight:400">The decree forbids any resistance but Wolfe resists nheless.
<i><span style="font-weight:400">Stop resisting boy. It doesn’t matter what you want</i>
<span style="font-weight:400">Wolfe struggles in vain and fear as the pain of being forcibly transformed against his will by Nurgle is still fresh in his mind. <span style="font-weight:400">The voice growls deep in his mind as it takes offense at being likened to the Chaos God and alleviates some of the pressure and power forced into Wolfe.
<i><span style="font-weight:400">Do not take this for granted, pup. We share amon enemy</i>
<span style="font-weight:400">The voice sounds again, noticeably calmer as it decides to not take Wolfe’s free will. Upon noticing this, Wolfe greedily absorbs the power forced into him.
<i><span style="font-weight:400">Good</i>
<span style="font-weight:400">But the voice is not displeased
<i><span style="font-weight:400">You will be my herald</i>
<i><span style="font-weight:400">Your howl will be heard across the world</i>
<i><span style="font-weight:400">Winter and war wille</i>
<i><span style="font-weight:400">I, Ulric have returned</i>