False Claims
All IP applications making false claims are to be banned by the appropriate master trader of any ship that encounters them. It is the duty of all traders to maintain the highest standards of IP quality at all times. Because it is essential to the Guild that all IP under Guild management is of the highest integrity, it is the first duty of all traders to ensure that False Claims are immediately reported and that appropriate action is taken in al cases.
Excerpted With Permission
Data Trader’s Handbook
Copyright 3250, Interstellar Data Trader Guild
“Leo, Ollu, can I speak to you both for a moment?” Craig looked decidedly uncomfortable as he stood in the corridor.
Leo glanced at Ollu before answering. She shrugged. “Sure, let’s step into conference six here.”
Once they had settled down around the small conference table, Craig looked each of them in the eye in turn. “How much do you know about Ramona’s background?”
Leo snorted. “We know enough. She’s a former member of the Raeburn Guard and she’s been a huge help in getting this ship bootstrapped.”
Leo looked at Ollu. “You know she’s a Seeker, right?”
Ollu just nodded.
“And that she’s former SpecOps?”
Ollu nodded again.
Leo did a double take. “Wait, what? SpecOps? What is that?”
Ollu just gestured to Craig. Who shrugged and answered. “Within the Raeburn Guard, the very best of the best are recruited into the Special Operations directorate where they receive advanced training in hand to hand combat, boarding operations, etc.. When they graduate from the program, they are eligible to wear the tattoo.”
“Yeah, the one on her cheek. That’s a Raeburn Guard Spec Ops selection mark.”
“The little diamond?”
Leo wasn’t really getting why Craig felt the need to tell them this. “Craig, what’s the big deal? We know she’s ex-military and we also know she’s very talented. Why should we care about any of this?”
Craig fixed Leo with a piercing stare. “She’s dangerous, Leo.”
Shocked, Leo blurted out, “That’s what Gunny said.”
“Gunny? You mean Master Trader Tomlin?”
“Yes, he was her boss on the Reggie.”
“Well, Tomlin is a self-important ass, but he’s right about this one. She IS dangerous.”
“But why? She has done nothing but help us so far.”
“Leo, she is a highly trained killer who also happens to be a religious zealot. If she decides that you are in her way, you will simply be removed.” Craig looked at Ollu. “But you knew all this, didn’t you?”
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“Yes, of course. That’s why I asked her to join our little party.”
“But why? Why take the risk?”
Ollu smiled. “Because I’m a Seeker too.”
Leo was trying to work out in head what it meant that Ollu and Ramona were religious kooks. The whole idea of believing in something that was so clearly not true didn’t really click in his head. Ollu especially was such a practical person. “Ollu, I’m sorry to say this, but I just don’t get it. How could you be a member of a crazy religion from a world you’ve never been to?”
Leo was a little concerned that he’d offended her as she took a long pause to consider the question. But then she smiled and shook her head. “Seekers aren’t a religion Leo. We’re just seeking the truth.”
Craig smacked his fist into his palm in disgust. “Ollu, you are the most level headed person I know. How can you say that? It defies logic.”
“No, believing something is possible just means you’re open to the truth. Believing that something is impossible without even considering the evidence defies logic.”
“But, it’s been tried!!”
“Craig, you’re not looking at this the right way. There is no such thing as failure. If you don’t succeed, it just means you aren’t done yet. Keep trying.”
Leo could almost see her point. “But why make this such a huge deal? Secret societies, all that nonsense? Just fund an institute and leave it to the researchers?”
“Leo, that’s EXACTLY what did happen. Until the Guild.”
“Wait, what?”
“Yes, it was the guild which decided it was impossible and got quantum research banned.”
“Quantum research isn’t banned.”
“Sure it is. The guild automatically puts all quantum communications IP on the banned list. Therefore, it’s banned any anyone who trades in banned IP can also be banned.”
“But that’s because it’s IMPOSSIBLE!”
“How do we know that if the research is banned and nobody bothers to check any claims to the contrary?”
Leo had to admit that was true. By blindly banning all quantum IP, it effectively meant that all quantum research was banned. “Are you saying that the IP actually works?”
Ollu shrugged. “I have no idea. I’m just saying it’s POSSIBLE. Why wouldn’t we investigate the possibility?”
Craig grunted. “Because it would end the guild.”
Ollu poked Craig in the chest with a finger. “Exactly. It’s super convenient that the guild has blindly decided that the one thing that could end their monopoly is simply impossible and thus can never be actually tested.”
Craig nodded, doing his wise old owl impression. “Convenient.”
Leo was still working through the implications. “Wait, Ramona said that there was a quantum research institute back on Raeburn.” Ollu and Craig just looked at him. The reality finally dawned on Leo. “Is that why?”
“Why what?”
“Why they’re banned!”
“Yes, of course. They traded on banned IP. Therefore, the world was banned.”
“Because they were working on something that the guild thought was impossible.”
Craig ran his fingers through his shaggy locks. Suddenly he looked all of his many years. “Because they were working on something that would end the guild. It’s as simple as that.”
“But if it’s impossible, how is this any danger to the guild?”
“Makes you wonder, kid. Doesn’t it?”
Ollu had a far off look in her eyes. “I’ve been wondering about this for thirty years. I’m still not sure. Do you know that no seeker has ever been elevated to the rank of Master?”
Craig nodded. “Masters are a clannish bunch. Most masters are trader born.” He leaned back in his chair. “The guild has been fighting a cold war against the seekers for over fifty years. In all that time they have never allowed a seeker to become a master trader. There would be serious repercussions if that were to happen so it never has.”
“Until now.”
Craig just looked at her, realizing that she was the first Seeker to become a master. “Yeah.” Craig sighed again, a pensive look on his face. He looked down, then up. He was obviously working through some inner conflict before he spoke quietly. “I have to admit I have wondered at times. The Guild is WAY too afraid of Seekers. There are things that the Guild has done that I don’t agree with because they seemed too extreme given the fact that Quantum comms didn’t actually work. I always put it down to paranoia, but there may be more to it.” Craig scratched his chin for a moment. “Did Gunny know you are a seeker?”
“I’d be surprised if he didn’t. I never talked about it aboard ship but he’s a nosy little bastard.”
“I bet he was thrilled that you claimed the ship.”
“Actually, he tried to stop us.”
“Hmm… That’s interesting.”
“It was… exciting, at the time.”
Leo threw up his hands. “Where does all this leave us?”
Ollu smiled again. “Right were we started. Quantum comms are either possible or they’re not. We investigate the claims just like any other. If the thing doesn’t work, back to the banned file it goes. But at least we KNOW it doesn’t work.”
“And if it does?”
“Then things get interesting.”