Congratulations! You''ve discovered this holo-tablet! Now you know you''re not alone!
Underneath this tablet is a crate. I''ve left you nourishment rations. Try to replenish them for the next lost soul.
Observe the ''Plugins'' rationing schedule as they temporarily go offline. You''ll find a gap.
Beware of the sentries!
Try to avoid detection, but use the handheld EMP if you must. Set it for wide dispersal. You must shut down all the roboguards you see before they alert HQ.
On a personal note:
Yes, I''m guilty, and I''d do it again. Because what the government did was unforgivable: banning pet ownership.
They also pitched this utter nonsense of virtual pets. Sure they seemed totally real, more compliant, and immortal, but subscription-based? Seriously? Is that a cruel joke?
They forced us to abandon our beloved and loyal companions to pay for avatar ''Buddies.''
Fortunately, I found my dog, so she''s with me now.
So yes, I admit, I hacked the system to give everyone a free virtual pet. How''s that wrong?
Anyways, they exiled me. I''m completely disconnected with my Chip disabled. I''m going to build myself a refuge and live like a real human being—struggling and surviving with a life of my own choosing, no matter how short.
But at least I''ll have my real dog with me.
One last thing:
Best of luck to you,
— W