The next day is Zhen’s turn to supervise me. First thing in the morning, he barges into my room and slams the door open so hard he cracks the wall while shouting “Good morning!”
My maid responds, like any sane mortal, by screaming into my private bathroom and jumping out the first floor window to the garden. Leaving me to face a cultivator with nothing but my night gown.
Zhen laughs as we both watch her run across the garden towards the kitchens. He says, “She’s making excellent time.”
I manage to sit up on my first attempt this morning and can’t help my smile at this little victory as I say, “Good morning.” He returns my smile with an impish grin.
“I can promise you that I am now very awake,” raising my arm to show off the sleeve of my night gown I continue, “but I’m not quiet ready to go out. Do you think you can ask a maid to come without causing her to run shrieking out a window?”
“I’ll try my best Lady Ellen.” He leaves with a bow.
A few minutes later a pair of maids arrive and get me ready. They seem calm on the outside, but they talk around my question about whether or not Zhen threatened them.
I’ve had new outfits to wear every day since my arrival and today is no exception. Today’s baggy long-sleeved dress is a lovely shade of green, with matching white stockings and gloves. I think Luan forbade shoes, so I don’t get any ideas.
The maids carefully lift me into my special chair. It’s special because they attached handles absolutely everywhere on it and now people can carry me around without touching me. However, it doesn’t come with a seatbelt, which makes each flight of stairs an adventure.
A maid shows Zhen in with the utmost respect, while not letting him near the door handle. He asks, “Ready to go to breakfast?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Let’s hurry before the food gets cold.” Before the maids can awkwardly lift me, he lifts the chair up with one hand under the seat and carries me out of the room like a waiter with a serving tray. I only startle a little and grip the handles.
He races down the halls and everything blurs. I’m too scared to even scream, but he does a great job of balancing me. If I were a bowl of soup, I doubt he would have spilled a drop.
We stop just as suddenly as we started. When the world comes back into focus. I’m seated at a table for two and Zhen is across from me. We are in a private sun room that belonged to the previous Lady Fang. She used it when she wanted privacy.
The three large floor to ceiling windows give a lovely view of the garden pond and I know they are enchanted so no one can see in. Small potted plants are everywhere: on the floor filling the corners, over flowing the shelves and several pots are even hanging from the ceiling.
Zhen claps and servants bring piles of steaming food on fine china. After they leave, he says, “There should be plenty of privacy for you to eat with your veil off here.”
He starts loading both our plates high with food as I carefully hang my veiled hat off the back of my chair. He starts stuffing his face without a care in the world, most of it even lands in his mouth.
I only stare for a moment because I’m too hungry to care and the food smells better than anything Luan has been letting me eat. I accidentally let out a small moan at the first bite of meat and Zhen pauses for a moment to smirk, but quickly resumes his shoveling.
I eat half my plate then I sit admiring the flowers, while he devours the rest of the dishes. A few are already blooming with small purple and pink blossoms. He finishes by laying back in his chair and letting out a satisfied burp.
“Looks like your face is healing nicely.” He sips something from a cup that looks like a child’s toy in his giant hand. It might be breakfast wine, but I know for sure is that it’s not the tea I was served.
“Thank you.” I let the silence return and he starts squirming in his chair like a toddler. I pour myself another cup of tea and go back to looking at the flowers.
Before I’m even halfway through my cup, he says, “What do you want to do for the rest of the day?”
“I want to stay out of my room.”
“And…? It’s not like I can do much. I can review characters for reading. I can read a children’s book. I can even sit in various places. Did you have something in mind?”
“Well…” his eyes look like a little boy’s who about to stir up mischief, “have you ever heard of the time Jun and I were sent to reinforce Grass Reach Fort?”
“No, I haven’t.”This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it
Sitting up straighter, he pours him self another glass and says, “Several years ago, Jun and I were assigned our first joint mission.” Then he does not shut up for several hours.
After receiving permission, Zhen does not shut up. I can’t tell what could be real and what’s embellished in this land of magic. But I’m certain that this story has been thoroughly embellished.
First, Jun gets them super lost on a very empty plain with nothing but grass in every direction and absolutely no landmarks. Then the remarkable Zhen finds a river, possibly by letting Jun fall into it face first.
Next using Zhen’s amazing skills they follow the river to a town, which conveniently contains a bar that was probably a brothel. All of the ladies were completely enamored with Zhen. So Jun had to smuggle him out after securing directions to the fort.
When they arrive at the fort, Zhen is such an aggressive and manly warrior who manages to piss off the forces that they insist of laying a siege. They were about to leave to pursue an actual strategically important target, but Zhen was Zhen.
During the siege, Zhen sneaks out to do some recon. Though he does find the information he’s looking for, he gets side tracked and sleeps with someone he really shouldn’t have. So, Jun comes and rescues him.
Though they both make it back to the fort, Jun is gravely injured and Zhen vows to get revenge for his brother. Jun is dying. The fort is starting to starve. Zhen thinks about making a last stand.
But just in the nick of time, some competent backup arrives. They have someone patch up Jun, but he’s stuck on bed rest during the battle. Zhen avenges his brother and to celebrate sleeps with some more people he probably shouldn’t have.
The leader of the reinforcements tells Zhen that he needs to leave asap, but in a way that’s very flattering. To get Zhen out of there even faster, this leader even gives Jun some special qi medicine he was saving up.
This story conveniently ends around lunch time. There is a rerun of Zhen’s table manners, and I contemplate how any self-respecting woman would want to touch him before he has been disinfected.
With his mouth full of rice, he asks, “Lady Ellen what is your favorite food? I’ll try to arrange it for next time.”
Luckily, none of the rice reaches me across the table. “What I keep craving are spicy chicken wings. Or anything spicy at all. Luan has forbidden a lot of foods at this point. I’m surprised he’s approved this meal.”
He gives me a wink that all but says Luan’s approval wasn’t sought for this meal. “You must eat well to heal well.”
As if he’s ears were itching, Luan walks in shouting, “Zhen, of all the places in this maze why did you take Lady Ellen here?”
Zhen gives him his signature mischievous grin. “It’s private. It’s pretty. We are close to the kitchen. This is clearly the best place to recuperate in the whole manor.”
Luan is now close enough to see the remains of lunch on the table. “Lady Ellen, what did I tell you about eating light while you are recovering?”
“That I should take it slow and see how my body feels as I heal. But honestly, it was delicious, and I feel fine.” If I didn’t know better, I would say the meat was medicine because of how much better I’m feeling.
Zhen crosses his arms. “I made sure she would only eat the best. Do you not trust me?”
“Of course I don’t trust you with this. I know you. I know what happened after your every gut wound. Now why would I trust you on this?”
Zhen looks away and says, “But I would never hurt the Lady who saved Jun.”
Luan sighs like a drama queen and runs his hand through his hair making some strands stick straight up. “I’ll start with scanning your abdomen today Lady Ellen. Hopefully, he hasn’t done too much damage to your digestive system.”
“Well, I’m not in any pain. Honestly, I feel better than yesterday.” Luan scowls at this and waves a white crystal all over more core.
Everyone is silent until he finishes. Turning to glare at Zhen, he says, “You got lucky this time. She’s still healing as usual.”
“Does that mean I can eat like this for the rest of my recovery?” Luan does another once over of the table.
“I wouldn’t recommend anyone eat like this ever. But you can now eat a balanced diet, including meats and fibrous foods.”
“Yay, chewing!”
Zhen laughs. “And next time I will bring you spicy chicken!”
Luan glares at Zhen again. “She’s a mortal Zhen. Mortals can’t take your level of spicy and live.”
Rolling his eyes, “I’ll be careful. But she wants at least a little bit of kick.”
“If the other mortals can prepare it without wearing protective equipment, she can eat it.”
Luan groans again but continues with the rest of my check up and daily scans. Zhen tries to be casual and keeps sipping his wine, but I can tell he’s paying close attention.
However, he runs out of wine. “Luan what could possibly be taking this long? You never take this long with me.”
“Why bother taking my time with you when you are so good at ripping stiches and shredding casts?”
Zhen stomps off to get more wine and gives me a wink as he leaves.
Luan watches him to make sure he’s actually gone, before turning his attention back to me. With another sigh, he says, “I thought he would never leave”
I laugh, “He doesn’t seem that bad.”
“That’s what they all say. Don’t let his charm get to. If you ask, I can probably get him removed for the rota all together.”
“I’m fine, Luan, or at least as fine as I can be right now. And the last thing I would want to do is impose on your time further. I’m still paying for those reading lessons.”
“It’s no imposition. If anything happens to you, we will all have to answer to Jun.” A shiver races down his spine, “And no one ever wants to be on Jun’s bad side.”
When Luan is finishing up, Zhen returns carrying a tray of drinks. He sets everything down on the table with a thud, but nothing spills. “Luan, I brought you a drink. Come sit with us for a moment before you continue on your way. I was just about to tell Lady Ellen another story.”
“Alright, if you insist.”
Zhen pulls a chair out of thin air and Luan sits in in. Then Zhen assumes the role of host. First, he pours mine out of a cherry colored teapot. Then he pours Luan some out of a blue teapot. And lastly, he pours himself some wine from a jug.
Luan picks the cup up with both hands and takes a sip before spitting hot tea all over the table. “ZHEN, how dare you put your hot sauce in my cinnamon tea.” Fire erupts from his mouth as he stands up throwing his chair across the room.
Zhen gives me a quick bow and says, “It looks like I must be off my Lady. But don’t worry I will return after I cool him down.”
Luan jumps with the intent of strangling Zhen. Zhen holds him almost like one would a small child. Luan’s hands wrap around his throat, but they don’t seem to be very effective, like if I were to try to strangle a stone column.
Patting Luans back like he’s a baby, Zhen coos, “There, there, Luan, how will you ever gain a spice tolerance if I don’t build it slowly? It was just a drop.”
Luan breaths fire directly into Zhen’s face as he’s carried out of the room. Luckily none of the plants are burning.