200 Out On The Town Conclusion
Nikos Vasil woke up in this bed and was covered in women that adored him. He had sweet talked them into giving him everything, from money to children, and he lived the best life anyone could have ever wished for. He was also aplete bastard and some of those women were nowhere near old enough to be considered so. He didn''t care about that, though.
“You''re lucky I refuse to take your power for myself, you stupid, ignorant, masochistic fucker.” A deep male voice he didn''t know said just before a ghostly hand touched his face. “I was too tempted to do to him what he did to so many others.”
A ghostly Heartbreaker appeared beside istig Uaine and nodded several times. Dozens of small portals opened and istig split into the right number and stepped through. The evil viin capes that Heartbreaker had converted to his way of thinking were harvested and the ghosts returned and the portals closed.
After touching a few of the women and girls in the bed, they were absorbed by the first istig and then a hundred Heartbreakers formed around her and each had a hundred smaller portals opened around each of them. For the next 20 minutes, the ghost copies of Heartbreaker used his powers to undo all the hiddenmands, orders, subversion techniques, and brainwashing he had done to both capes and normal civilians.
When they were done, all the portals closed and the Hearbreaker ghosts faded away. The first istig Uaine ghost nodded and stepped back through the portal and it closed behind her. The people in the bed started to wake up and remembered where they were and what happened. To all of their surprises, they didn''t freak out or trigger with powers, even with dead bodies in the bed.
Those that could, climbed out of bed, cleaned up, and went to their rooms to pack. None of them wanted to stay there anymore and grabbed their children. They would eventually leave andpletely abandon thepound in a veritable fleet of vehicles.
I apparated into Narwhal''s office at the far side by the door, thanks to previously checking if there was anyone there or if the door was open. I had already given away I could teleport, so I figured confirming it for her would earn me a little more trust before I told her what I did.
Narwhal was reclined in herrge chair and her feet were propped up on her desk. “You''re right on time, As.”
“I didn''t want to disappoint you again, Narwhal.” I said and she waved for me to sit.
“What about tricking me?” Narwhal asked. “That bottle could have killed someone.”
I shook my head and sat down. “We both know you could easily catch it, which was why I threw it instead of just handing it to you.”
“I should have you charged for littering, then.” Narwhal said with a smile.
I couldn''t stop my chuckle. “I''ll ept the littering charge for dispersing the remains of the Dragonyers warehouse base over the suburb they used to hide out in.”
Narwhal didn''t react and then she sighed when there was an audible gasp from herptop.
“I assume Dragon finally noticed them?” I asked. “It''s funny how she didn''t before, isn''t it?”
Narwhal narrowed her eyes at me as she took her feet off of her desk and sat up straight. “How did you know she has trouble tracking them down?”
“Because they''ve been tapped into her systems for years and keep stealing her tech.” I said and Narwhal looked surprised. “Before you ask me how I know that, I''m going to tell you that it doesn''t matter.”
“Why do you think that?” Narwhal asked.
“Because they can''t do it anymore.” I said and nodded at herptop. “Dragon should give you an address for their hideout in a minute and you can send out a recovery team.”
“What did you do to Saint and the other two members of his team?” Narwhal asked.
“Saint is a Teacher''s Pet.” I said and she gasped. “Yeah, he''s an addict for the viin''s power and he''s obsessed with Dragon because of the enhancement Teacher gave him to use technology.”
“That doesn''t answer my question.” Narwhal said.
I apparated out of her room, grabbed the three criminals from the roof, and teleported back to her office and dropped them on the floor. “They''re unconscious and will stay that way for a few more hours.”
“You didn''t kill them?” Narwhal asked.
“Why would I do that? If you remove their ess to dangerous weapons, they''re just normal people.” I said. What I didn''t say was if I had, I might lose all the positive Karma I had gained after freeing all of Heartbreaker''s victims. “They were only capes because of their stolen Dragon suits.”
“They acted as capes andmitted crimes, so they will be treated as capes, even without their suits.” Narwhal said and hit a button on her desk phone. “I need six troopers sent to my office to collect three captured and unconscious capes.”
“Yes, ma''am.” A young man''s voice responded.
Narwhal let the button go. “Now tell me about what you couldn''t tell me about it.”
“Dragon?” I asked.
“I''m sending a drone to the address. It should arrive in fifteen seconds.” Dragon said and then told Narwhal where it was and showed her the destroyed warehouse and the three freestanding dragon suits and the loading cradles holding them.
“Why didn''t you wreck them?” Narwhal asked.
“They''re Dragon''s stolen property and she''s the best tinker in the world. If she can pull them apart and figure out how Saintpromised her systems, she can potentially stop anyone else from stealing her things ever again.”
“Thank you, As.” Dragon said, her voice full of gratitude.
“It''s the least I could do.” I said and Narwhal gave me a pointed look. “Believe me, it really is the least I can do. I can''t figure out how to do more than that without causing her more problems.”
“Maybe if you tell us why...” Narwhal started to say.
“I have to kind of give the same answer as before.” I said and Narwhal frowned. “I will say that just because Saint is no longer monitoring her...municationswork... that doesn''t mean no one else is.” I had paused there specifically for a reason.
Narwhal''s frown deepened and then she understood what I meant. “Fuck.”
“Those were my thoughts exactly.” I said and she nodded as her frown changed to a worried look.
I did not exin about having Andrew Richter''sptop in my inventory, because even just opening the thing might set off the kill switch renamed Ascalon. I had thought about destroying the thing, then worried that would also initiate Dragon''s shutdown code. So, I stored it and it couldn''t do anything to her, even though that alone was a risk, because it couldn''t be pinged by herwork now.
The six troopers entered her office after knocking and retrieved the three criminals. They were carried out by their binding robes and the door was closed. Narwhal then had her secretary call for one of the Guild''s teams and had them sent out to assist Dragon collect her stolen suits.
Narwhal was smart enough to order Dragon to not interface any of herputers with the suits or cradles until they were scanned for malicious code first. Dragon wholeheartedly and happily agreed, making Narwhal smile and she turned her head to look at me.
“Is that what took you so long toe here?” Narwhal asked and sent an image of the wreckage to the television on the wall.
“Ha, no. That was barely a minute or two. Port in, grab the three of them, put an energy shield around myself and the suits, then let go a full power energy st.” I said and made my hand glow. “Instant base removal.”
“The coteral damage...”
“...is why I said I''d ept a littering charge.” I said and smiled. “You can deduct the 50 dor fine from paying me the bounty on the Dragonyers.”
Narwhal smirked at me. “You think anyone would pay you for capturing those idiots?”
“Aw, shucks.” I said with a pout and sheughed.
“I''ll pay you for recovering my property unharmed.” Dragon''s voice said from Narwhal''sptop.
“You know I didn''t do it for that.” I said.
“I do, which is why their recovery is more important than just returning the stolen property.” Dragon said. “I just need your bank ount number.”
I took out my cell phone to give her the info and my cell phone beeped. I almost choked at getting another million dors deposited, per suit, and a bonus for them being intact and unharmed.
“That''s only a fraction of their actual worth, As.” Dragon said. “Thank you.”
“I''m d I could help.” I said and tucked my phone back into my belt and stored it. “If I find anything else, I''ll be sure to let you know.”
Narwhal chuckled. “Mary incentives are great, aren''t they?”
“Noment.” I said and stood up. “I need to get back home before my mother wakes up and Lady Photon calls to set up a meeting about patrols.”
Narwhal nodded and I walked over to the corner of her office. “Hold on, you didn''t say what you did for thest 20 minutes.”
“No, I didn''t.” I said with a smile. “On an unrted subject andpletely not associated with this discussion whatsoever, you might want to have Dragon review the police records in Montreal in a few hours, if you''re curious.”
Before Narwhal could ask me what I meant, I apparated back home.
I appeared in my room and stored my costume and equipped a set offy pyjamas. A few touches of magic and I was clean, so I left my room and entered the guest room. I went to the bed and sat on the edge and looked at my mother''s peaceful face. That was something I hadn''t expected, not after losing dadst night.
I cast an under-powered Ennervate spell on her and she woke up slowly, as if naturally, and her eyelids fluttered at me. “Good morning, mom.”
“Greg.” Diane whispered and reached for me.
I let her pull me down into a hug and she almost purred as she cuddled me and tucked her head into my neck. “Mom?”
“I had this wonderful dream where I had powers and we fought bad people and made your dad proud.” My mother said and one of her hands pet my hair. “I like your hair like this. It lets others see how handsome you are.”
I felt my hair as it ''locked in'' and my mother gasped. “You felt that, didn''t you?”
“Y-yes.” My mother said and her hand slid down to my nose.
I felt my nose thin out and get longer, then it slid back and widened into a stub with huge nostrils, then it returned to its natural shape and ''locked in''. The rest of my face did the same and my mother gave me a very happy smile.
“You know what happened to youst night?” I asked and she nodded. “Do you remember the two capes that were here with us?”
Diane nodded again. “Amelia and Victoria Dallon.”
“Can you guess what mix of powers you have now?” I asked, leadingly.
“What do you mean I have a mix of...” Her words trailed off and she gasped.
“It''s a thing that can happen. If you''re near another cape when it happens, there''s a higher chance you''ll gain simr powers or copies of their powers.” I exined. “Since Amy is a healer and Vicky is a flying brick...”
Diane pped the top of my head. “Don''t be disrespectful.”
I chuckled. “All right, no cape ng.”
“And no nicknames. She doesn''t need to hear those things from us.” My mom said.
“Agreed.” I said and she let out a sigh and cuddled back into my neck.
“Why does it feel so nice to touch you like this?” My mom asked instead of asking about Vicky''s powers.
“I think I remember Amelia saying something about it being a perfect body. Her power really likes that it exists and she gets to touch it, letting her enjoy it as well.” I told her.
“Hmm, I agree. It''s very nice.” She said and closed her eyes.
“Mom, we have to get up.” I said and she hummed. “What about work?”
“I''m calling in the death benefits.” Diane said and her hand slipped under my pyjama top and her fingers lightly traced over my abs. “If they don''t like that, then I''ll quit and expose them to the media for being insensitive pricks.”
“Mom!” I gasped at her cursing and she softlyughed.
“Hand me the bedside phone.” My mom ordered.
“I can''t.” I said and she made an odd sound before she sighed.
“Please hand me the phone, Greg. I don''t want to get up.”
“I told you I can''t.” I responded.
“Why not?” She asked sounding irritated.
“We''re in the guest room and not your bedroom, so there''s no phone to hand to you.” I exined.
Diane opened her eyes and lifted her head from my neck. She looked around the room and back at my face. “You brought me here instead? Why?”
“Mom, I... I didn''t want you waking up and... seeing what... is no longer there.” I admitted.
My mother blinked her eyes at me several times, then she gave me a warm smile. “You are the best son a mother could ask for.” She said and sat up, then she leaned down to give me a peck on the lips. “Thank you for trying to protect me from what happened, Greg.”
“Mom...” I stopped myself from saying anything else, because what was I going to say?
“My adorable little boy is growing up, if he thinks he can protect his old mom from her feelings.” Diane said and stretched, then she looked down and saw she was still wearing her work outfit from yesterday. “You didn''t undress me?”
“Wh-what? No, I... I didn''t think...” I stammered and she patted the top of my head.
“It''s all right.” She said and stood up beside the bed. “Just remember that the next time you put me in bed, remove my stuffy clothes first.” She walked over to the guest room''s door. “I sweated all night wearing normal clothes and my work bra and underwear dug into my skin something fierce.”
I wasn''t sure what to say to her giving me permission to strip her off the next time I put her to bed.
My mom let out a softugh at the look on my face. “I''ll make that call and I''m taking a shower.” She said and left the room. “Breakfast will be ready in an hour.”
Iid there and waited for a few minutes, just long enough for her to make her phone call, then I climbed off of the bed and walked out of the room. I passed by the master bedroom and nced inside, because the door was open, and my eyes stared at mypletely naked mother making an angry face at the mirror.
“Mom?” I asked and she turned that angry face to me.
“Greg! My power doesn''t work on me!” She almost shouted and then grabbed her fairly impressive chest that was bigger than it should be on someone so short. “Look at this! I can''t even fix my crooked nipple and it''s the only thing I hate about myself!”
I stood there with my mouth hanging open, because I was sure I didn''t somehow erase my mother''s shame when I gave her powers. At least, I hoped so. I did not want my naked mother flying around town and giving everyone a show.
My mom turned back to the mirror. “My breasts are perfectly symmetrical and I''m very proud of that, because it''s so rare, and the only thing marring it is this goddamn slightly turned nipple and it''s pissing me off that I can''t fix it!”
I sighed and walked over to her. I stood behind her as she looked into the full length mirror and let my eyes look at her breasts. It was just as she imed. Her breasts were both exactly the same size, shaped exactly the same way in a slight teardrop, and one nipple was positioned perfectly for suckling and the other was turned just enough in another direction to make it stand out like a zit on a clear face.
“I can see what you mean.” I said.
“Isn''t it horrible?” My mother asked and used a fingertip to physically move the nipple to point the right way and it ruined the symmetry of her breasts and detracted from both.
I thought about tweaking it myself with my own powers, then had a much better idea. It was a much much much better idea than handling my own mother''s breasts and possibly scaring her if I showed her I liked it.
“If you can''t fix yourself, then that means Amelia can''t fix herself, either.” I said and my mother gasped.
“You need to call her right away and get her over here!” My mother shouted and turned to grab my top and she lifted me up and shook me. “It''s an emergency and it can''t wait!”
My limbs kind of iled around as my mother manhandled me and I was a bit too shocked by her actions to do more than let her. Plus, I didn''t want to hurt her if I did tried to stop her or break her grip.
After about ten seconds of shaking me like a ragdoll, a look of dawning horror appeared on her face. She gasped and let me go, which dropped me to the floor with a bang. She saw me sprawled out on my back, burst out crying, and ran into her bathroom and mmed the door shut.
I sighed and sat up. I hadn''t been hurt by her acting like that; but, it was a difficult lesson that she had to learn before she was out in public and grabbed some random stranger and treated them in a simr way. I debated talking to her right away and decided not to, because she needed toe to grips with it herself.
After ten minutes of listening to her crying, I stood up and opened the door. She was still naked and was sitting on the toilet with her hands pressed to her face. It didn''t stem the tears in the least.
“Mom?” I asked and she hupped. “Mom, I''m okay.”
“I... I know.” My mother said between sobs. “I just... how could I do that to my baby boy?” She asked and sobbed some more. “I love you a lot more than my stupid crooked nipple and I... I picked you up and shook you like... like you were a pinata! If you were normal, you''d be dead!”
I stood there and let her cry herself out, because she was right. If I didn''t have powers that kept me healthy, my brain would have been rattled and impacted the insides of my skull enough to kill me.
My mom took several shaky breaths and wiped at her eyes, grabbed a pile of tissues, and cleaned her face off. She wasn''t a big proponent of makeup, so there wasn''t a huge mess for her to clean up. Her eyes closed for a moment and she took one long breath in and let it out.
“I really need a shower.” She said and stood to give me a sad look. “Greg, baby, I''m sorry.”
“I know you are, mom.” I said with a sigh. “I am, too.”
She nodded before she stepped into the shower and the water started up. I thought about staying there with her, then thought about starting breakfast, then I heard another soft sob. I stored my pyjamas and opened the shower door. My mom didn''t react or even shout at me, so I knew she hated herself for how she treated me.
“I love you, mom.” I said and hugged her from behind. “No matter what happens, I always will.”
“Can... can you... ever forgive me?” She asked, her crying easing off as her power enjoyed touching my perfect body.
“There''s nothing to forgive, mom. You were scared, you reacted, and you stopped as soon as you realized what you were doing.” I said and she shook and trembled. “Most people wouldn''t have, just so you know.”
She nodded and she hugged my arms that were hugging her. “Can you... grab the soap? I can''t... I don''t want to let you go yet.”
I used telekinesis to bring the soap and a cloth over,thered them up, and held a hand out for them. She stared at me doing that and she let my arms go and turned around to look up at my face. I smiled and started to scrub her shoulders. She let out a satisfied sigh as my fingers brushed across her skin and the soap cleaned her.
“You... are cheating... so much.” My mom said and I chuckled.
“I really am.” I said and continued to wash her and let her power wallow in my biological perfectness. I didn''t take any liberties and she seemed surprised by that, even though I grew hard and she felt me pressing against her.
“Why does this... feel so right... and so wrong... at the same time?” My mother asked and her breathing was a little ragged.
“Because it does.” I said and she nodded. It didn''t really need much more exnation than that.
We finished her shower and she gave me a very pointed look as I dried her off with a towel.
“You are to never mention we showered together to anyone.” My mother said with a stern voice.
I smiled. “I can keep a secret, mom.”
She gave me a disbelieving look. “You''ve never kept a secret in your life and you b everything to everyone if they even mention the word secret.”
Iughed at her reminding me about how socially awkward I was. “I kept the most important one, ever since I was four.”
“What one was that?” She asked, clearly not remembering.
“That my mom was the most beautiful and bestest mom in the whole wide world and I pinkie-finger swore that I would never tell dad, and I never did.” I said with a smile.
My mom blushed deeply and didn''t say anything as I finished drying her off and I hung the towel on the rack. Before I walked out of the bathroom, she caught my arm and stopped me from leaving.
“Thank you.” She said and her hand rubbed my arm. “I promised I would always love you, too.” She said and held up her hand with her pinkie-finger out. “Forever and ever.”
I smiled warmly at her remembering that part and I wrapped my pinkie-finger around hers. “Forever and ever.”
Diane beamed a smile at me and left the bathroom to get dressed. I equipped my pyjamas and waited for a few minutes, then stepped out and saw she was already gone. I checked the time and it was still early, so I went downstairs to watch my mom puttering around the kitchen and saw she was wearing a tight t-shirt and loose jogging pants.
Every so often, she would pause making breakfast and adjusted her t-shirt slightly, sigh with disappointment, and continued cooking. I knew why she was doing that and took out my cell phone to contact the only person that could help. Instead of calling, I sent a text, just in case Amy wasn''t awake yet.
GV: <morning Amelia how did you like the tacos I dropped off>
<i>AD is typing.
</i>AD: <...f''n hell... greg... what time is it>
GV: <its time to get your surprisingly firm ass out of bed my beautiful gf>
AD: <2 early 4 that>
AD: <bedfy>
I totally understood that sentiment, since I experienced it not that long ago and I still had to get my mother up to start the day. Although, telling her about her powers had turned into a really awkward lesson on the appropriate use of super strength.
GV: <unlike me you have school>
<i>AD is typing.
</i>AD: <soon you 2 sarah call uter>
GV: <what about patrols>
AD: <sarah call u>
I thought about what to say to get her motivated and my eyes caught my mom pping her breast and yanking her t-shirt aside with a growl. <i>Yeah, that needed to be handled fast.</i>
GV: <i registered my cape namest night... and my moms>
There was no response for almost thirty seconds.
<i>AD is typing.
I knew thatst one was Vicky, since she was the only one allowed to call Amelia that nickname. I didn''t have anyone else to message, so I set the phone down to wait for Sarah Pelham to call about setting up an appointment to meet the rest of the team, and apparently about me going to school. Did they want me to go back to Winslow? That would suck.
My mother finished making omelettes and toast, served me and herself, and we sat at the kitchen counter and ate in silence. It wasn''t like we had nothing to say, since we had a bit too much to say, except neither of us wanted to break thefortable silence with ufortable talking.
A knock on the front door brought me out of my thoughts and I checked five minutes ahead. I smiled and my mom noticed. I gave her a wink and a smirk, strode over to the front door, and opened it with a flourish.
“May I present to you, the solution you desperately needed.” I said to my mom''s surprised face and I turned to look at a disgruntled Amy and a bubbly Vicky. “Why aren''t you heading to school?”
“Fuck school. Your mom being a cape is more important.” Amy said and hopped up to kiss me and strode by me and into the kitchen.
<i>Damn, look at that ass in those jeans.</i> I thought and turned back to Vicky.
“Hey, handsome future boyfriend.” Vicky said and floated up to kiss me, too. “Cute jammies.”
“Thanks. They''refy.” I said and pulled her inside and shut the door. “I''ll get you a pair...”
“Those ones.” Vicky said with a smile. “Unwashed, preferably.”
I chuckled and swung her around to hang her on my back, making her giggle, and my hands may have given her ass a squeeze or two. I walked into the kitchen with Vicky enjoying her piggy-back ride and we both gasped as we saw a topless Amy as she mauled my topless mother''s breasts. Her lips were also locked onto the crooked nipple.
“Ohhhh, Greg was right! You are perfect for this!” My mother moaned.
“Ames?” Vicky asked. “What are you doing to your boyfriend''s mother?”
Amy popped her mouth off of my mother''s perky nipple. “Her breasts are perfectly symmetrical.” She said and stepped aside and let them go. “Just look at them!”
Vicky stared at them. “Holy hell, they really are.”
“I''ve been trying to get yours as close to this shape and perfection for years.” Amy admitted.
“Hey, that''s not your fault. I budded early and they grew in a little crooked. The early push-up bras didn''t help at all.” Vicky defended her and I nced over my shoulder at her. “I had wandering nipples for a while until Amy fixed them, then I grew bigger and they had to be adjusted again.”
“Once she interfered once, she couldn''t stop, because she would always think the mistakes were her fault.” I deduced.
Amy nodded. “I have the perfect set topare Vicky''s to and she can finally be happy with herself and how she looks.”
“And so will you.” Vicky said and let my neck go. She floated around andnded beside my mother and her coat and top came right off. “Go ahead and work your magic!”
Amy and my mother exchanged knowing looks, then they both smiled evilly and puckered their lips, then Amytched her mouth onto Vicky''s left nipple and my mothertched her mouth onto Vicky''s right nipple.
Vicky cried out with pleasure and I watched as her breasts changed slightly, the shapes shifting to be a near copy of my mother''s breasts, except they were sized for Vicky''s taller body and slimmer shape. Both Amy and my mother moaned as Vicky moaned, and I was sure they were making Vicky''s nipples super-sensitive.
What I didn''t notice until other changes started happening, was that Amy had her hand on my mother''s back and she had her free hand tucked down Amy''s jeans. Amy''s height increased by a few inches, putting her firmly between my mother''s height and Vicky''s, and then her hair changed from brown to a simr blonde to Vicky''s.
“Don''t change her ass!” I shouted and all three of them froze, then my mom and Amy stopped suckling on Vicky''s nipples. “Amy''s ass is amazing, so leave it alone.”
Vicky nodded. “It really is a cute ass.”
“V-Vicky.” Amy said and blushed.
“Just because I''m a girl, that doesn''t mean I can''t have opinions on other girls.” Vicky said with a grin. “I mean, I''m super-popr at school, so I have to rate everyone urately, right?”
My mother let out a littleugh. “You just had your sister and your future mother-inw nursing from your nipples, Vicky. I think you have a bit more in your head than just opinions about girls.”
Vicky grinned. “It''s just some good fun.” She said and looked over at me. “I had to practice kissing with someone, didn''t I? Hint hint.”
Amy blushed with a smile on her face.
My mother hugged her and kissed her cheek. “I''m so d you can be happy with yourself, too.”
“We can all be happy together!” Vicky dered and kissed Amy, kissed my mom, and walked over to me and kissed me, too.
“That''s not how rtionships are supposed to work.” Amy said, echoing what she said before.
Vicky shrugged and pulled me over to them. “You''re first, like we agreed, then I''ll have a turn because I need this beefcake to rail me from behind.”
“Vicky!” Amy and my mom gasped.
Vickyughed and hugged them, then she pulled me into the hug and kissed each of us in turn. “This is going to be so much fun!”
By the looks on their faces, both my mother and Amy agreed.