Chapter 138: Let''s Revisit The Contract Chapter 138: Let''s Revisit The Contract Angelia
James and Kent had been friends for a couple of years, they used to be right until James found out how he acted with women, all because of me and maybe others as well. A creep didn''t be one overnight, sure he had apologized and it might have been sincere but I wasn''t desperate enough to have him as a friend to take that chance. "What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to covertly look around the street and making sure people were.
Luckily, there were still plenty of people outside and it wasn''t thatte yet. I didn''t think he would do anything to me but I couldn''t be too careful. After all, I might be the cause of the broken friendship between him and James in his mind. In reality, it had been more about his behavior than anything else.
"I was just out stretching my legs. I only live a couple of blocks from here." He shrugged but the change in pitch in his voice hinted at that not being the case.
I might have just been paranoid but it is better to be safe than sorry. The world was a dangerous ce for a woman and we always had to be cautious.
"Well, enjoy your walk." I said and inches away from time towards my apartment.
"Wait a second, Angelia." He r requested, his tone pleading but I just shook my head.
"I have someone waiting for me so I need to go." I lied.
He looked sad as I walked by him and the expression on his face almost made me stop but I didn''t. I might have if it was daylight outside and I had met him in a ce I felt safe, just not here and not now. Hurrying back to my apartment building, I got inside and locked up after me. My grocery bag was momentarily forgotten as I stood in wondering what Kent had wanted with me. His expression had definitely been sad and there had been an almost desperation in his voice when he asked me to give him a minute of time. It could be possible that I had wrongly judged him and if that was the case, I was aplete *** for screwing up his friendship with James. But of course, I didn''t have the luxury to not be wary of from feeling bad about it, though.
woman had that luxury. It didn''t stop me
Deciding to let the meeting go from my thoughts, I put on some feel-good indie music on my phone and started making dinner. I soon found out it wasn''t the same at all cooking alone as it
Chapter 138: Let''s Revisit The Contract
was with Kingston. While it was great challenging myself in the kitchen and trying to make something I hadn''t made before, the joy of it all just wasn''t there without him. There wasn''t any buzzing beneath my skin like I had when he was close by and I didn''t feel the excitement like I did when I got him to talk by asking questions. I had started thinking cooking might be my passion as well or at least something I had enjoyed but it turned out Kingston was what made it enjoyable.
I was proud when the tacos were finished and they turned out well. I had like to think Kingston would be proud too, of course, they were alright for someone who just learned how to cook.
Later in the evening, I got a text from my college friend who would also be at school tomorrow. It was Sunday Joyce asking if we would meet up tomorrow, we were the kind of friends who only hung out at school. That was my own fault after I had not had too many times when she had suggested going to a cafe, nightclub and other fun stuff. I texted her back that I would meet her at the coffee shop near campus before sses would start. Still feeling tired fromst night''s scene with my men, I quickly got ready for bed.
Each time I was back home and on my own bed after I had slept over at one of their ces, I felt a little bit emptier. They had shown me what it was like to have a warm body beside me at night, cuddling closely together as we fell asleep and how sweet it was to wake up someone instead of in a cold room by myself. I had spent twenty-three years without it and it had been fine but now that I knew what it was like, it just made me more addicted to the feeling of not being alone. My phone buzzed and I climbed into my bed and settled down. I smil I smiled when I saw it was Rardo calling. "Hi," 1 greeted him.
"Hi, honey. How are you feeling?" He asked, probably just making sure u wasn''t feeling any other side effects fromst night.
I had experienced sub-drop again after breakfast and they had been so good to me. They hadn''t made it easy for me to wallow in negative emotions.
"I am good, I miss you, though." I admitted and the deafening silence ryed how much I had shocked him with my confession.
"You do?" He breathed out, almost sounding hopeful.
I miss you all." I mumbled.
I missed them all, especially now in the lonesome of my ownpany. It might be cheesy to say but being with them brought colors to my life and as soon as they weren''t with me, only ck and white shades of gray remained.
Chapter 138: Let''s Revisit The Contract
we miss you too, my bunny. I am still upied with work but there is nothing I can''t postpone or I can have Marshall or Kingstone to you if you would want that. We won''t hesitate if you need any of us." His offer made me feel warm and tingly but I shook my head even though he couldn''t see me.
"I appreciate it but I should get some sleep tonight." I hinted at what would happen if one of them came over which probably involvedck of sleep. He chuckled, reading between the lines like I knew he would.
"Fair enough. Listen, we have been thinking...maybe we should have another talk about our arrangement. Now that we have spent time together and gotten to know one another, we should definitely revisit our agreement." He said and before I could say anything at all, he continued. "We still want you, Angelia. That is not what this is all about, we want you so much more now after we have seen how amazing you are."
My lips formed a smile and my heart was beating wildly as I listened to him.
"So, what do you think? We can do it whenever it suits you."
actually going to suggest the same thing so I would like that. How about sometime this week?" I asked, the sooner, the better, especially now that I had realized my feelings for them.
It was important for me to know where they wanted all this, us to go. Them helping me find a dominant which we hadn''t even started searching for wasn''t something I wanted anymore. My heart had already chosen them and I could only hope they would choose me too. We also needed to talk about the ve subject because while they might want me, I might not be able to give them what they needed.
"We can make that work, I will talk with the guys and find a time when we are all avable." He said.
"Alright, honey. I will let you go to sleep, I have sent you this week''s schedule and I will send an
we agree on a date for our meeting. Good night."
updated version once *
Sounds good, good night, Rardo." I said warmly before I hung up.? 2024 N?v/el/Dram/a.Org.
I went to check my email and true to his words, a new,mail was sent from him a few hours ago with the days I would spend with them this week. I would have Kingston on Tuesday, Marshall on Wednesday and Rardo on Friday. Our group scene would once again be on Saturday. This was exactly what I had wished for, four nights with them and three days for myself and while I still wanted some time to myself, I had found out an hour or two was more than enough. Chapter 138: Let''s Revisit The Contract
These men had changed me and my own needs. I had never been in any kind of rtionship and therefore 1 had never realized how much I craved the intimacy of someone else. I had practically conditioned myself to survive without it so much that I thought I didn''t need it. Chapter Comments