I was stumped by Willow''s bluntness. She continued, "I''m guessing Penelope told you about it?"
I did not deny it. "Yes."
"The bullying did happen," Willow confessed now that she knew I had heard about it. "But I''ve grown stronger since I started training and stopped caring about what others say about me.
"If they tease me, I tease them right back. If they call me names, I''ll do the same to them. Plus, I don''t think they can beat me in a fight."
She sounded pleased with herself, adding, "I handled the matter on my own, so I didn''t feel the need to bring it up to you, Mommy." For good measure, she rified, "But I promise I wasn''t trying to keep it a secret from you." "I''m so proud of you, Willow," I said as I pulled her into my arms. "You handled the bullying splendidly despite your young age."
She gave me a shy smile.
I asked, "Are you angry with Penelope for telling me about the bullying incident?"
Willow shook her head as she said, "No. I''d do the same thing if she got picked on because we''re friends who look out for each other."
Other children might be upset if they found out their friends had ratted them out to their parents, but Willow was different. She was mature enough to see things from Penelope''s perspective.
I cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead. "You''re so grown-up, Willow."
Willow blushed as she asked, "You think so?"
"Yeah," I murmured with a smallugh.
She beamed. We chatted for a while longer, but she must have tired out, for she stopped responding to me at some point. I stared at her sleeping profile, my gaze trailing over her features.
Her face hadn''t changed much since we first met, but her demeanor was the opposite. She used to be a loner who refused to speak to anyone and tended to be a little awkward.
It hadn''t been that long since our first meeting, yet she had be a confident little girl whose smile could light up the room.
I was suddenly grateful to have a daughter like her.
Zane stood outside the study and stared longingly at Willow''s bedroom door, mildly exasperated.
Annalise would not be leaving Willow''s room that night, yet he found himself wishing she would and join him for ate-night chat. He was even jealous of the little gid for upying Annalise''s attention!
He chided himself for being so childish.
There was a time when he didn''t mind being away from her for
several days in a row, but that was before they started going out. Now that they were dating, he grew uneasy not having her by his side for even one night.
But Annalise would be autographing her newics tomorrow. They wouldn''t see each other for a whole day, and the thought alone made him feel forlorn. Zane could only pray that he was busy enough tomorrow to keep his mind off Annalise.
He turned and headed into his bedroom, wondering if this was what love was like.