Sacrificed as a child along with her family by demonic cultists, Reimia lives out a cycle of tragedy and survival on her path to revenge. In her long life, she battles Eldritch, Demons, and Faceless Beings, while also bearing witness to the return of the Old Gods.- What to expect:- First person POV.- There are a few POV swaps, with the majority of them being at the beginning(chapters 1-9). After that, they are rather rare and short(with one exclusion).- Long chapters. Average 3-6k words, with some being close to 8k.- New writer, figuring it out as I go. Hopefully I'm able to entertain you!Shadowbane begins after Reimia's first death. It's a bit unconventional, and it requires you to piece things together as the story advances. Most of my readers haven't had a problem with it, but a few have shown me that not everyone is into this. So here is your warning.
Sacrificed as a child along with her family by demonic cultists, Reimia lives out a cycle of tragedy and survival on her path to revenge. In her long life, she battles Eldritch, Demons, and Faceless Beings, while also bearing witness to the return of the Old Gods.- What to expect:- First person POV.- There are a few POV swaps, with the majority of them being at the beginning(chapters 1-9). After that, they are rather rare and short(with one exclusion).- Long chapters. Average 3-6k words, with some being close to 8k.- New writer, figuring it out as I go. Hopefully I'm able to entertain you!Shadowbane begins after Reimia's first death. It's a bit unconventional, and it requires you to piece things together as the story advances. Most of my readers haven't had a problem with it, but a few have shown me that not everyone is into this. So here is your warning....