Saurous was taken aback as he knew what that meant.
"Don''t give me that look, I already said that it depends if you guys are willing to give up on your current lifestyle." Manananggal said.
"Are you even sure that Lord Khaos wouldn''t follow us there? The void realm is covering the entire universe...Even that part." Saurous frowned.
"I am not sure, but I have heard multiple rumors that Lord Khaos is avoiding the other side of the universe." Manananggal shared.
"Is it because of the Paragon of Sins?" Saurous raised an eyebrow.
He might not know about those rumors, but he had heard that the Paragon of Sins was slumbering in the void realm of the other side of the universe!
This piece of knowledge was the only thing that the primogenitors were somewhat sure about when it came to the mysterious Paragon of Sins.
"That''s my original assumption." Manananggal nodded.
"Isn''t it a bit foolish to risk our lifestyles and probably our lives for an assumption?" Saurous shook his head, "I think it''s best to just wait until Lord Khaos is out of the picture."
In his eyes, although this would mean giving Felix his freedom to reach a deity level and potentially irritate them on a whole different level, it was still better than taking such a risk.
"I think we shouldn''t be making decisions now." Wendigo said, "The brat still has Elder Dragon in his path. Who knows? He might fall t on his face before him."
"Even if he got killed by him, the brat is smart enough to get himself the revival coupon." Manananggal stated calmly.
"Hmm, that''s true." Saurous suggested, "How about we make a deal with Elder Dragon to ban surrender and revival coupon in their fight?"
"Even if he epted the deal, the contract needs to be two ways and I doubt that punk will be stupid enough to take such a risk."
"From what I heard from Cherufe, it looks like there is some sort of bad enmity between them." Wendigo pressed, "They might go for it if they wanted each other dead."
"If they want it bad enough, there will be no need for us to intervene." Saurous said.
in other words, if they hated each other that badly, they would voluntarily sign the contract without the Darkins'' involvement.
"So? Are we just going to sit with arms crossed and watch that punk keep growing at a rocket''s speed?" Wendigo knitted his eyebrows, not too pleased with this ending.
In his eyes, the Asgardian faction had already gotten too strong with the addition of Lady Sphinx.
If Felix reached a diety level, he might be weaker than them, but he would still provide massive help to the Asgardians in case a conflict started between the factions.
"I guess our best option is to do some investigation on Lord Khaos to find out if he doesn''t dare step foot on the other side of the universe because of the Paragon of Sins." Manananggal stated.
"I still owe a favor from that trickster." Saurous'' eyelids twitched, "I think he will dly ept using it for some information."
"Are you sure? It''s not a fair trade in the slightest." Wendigo frowned.
"If it meant killing that little sh*t, anything is worth it." Saurous said coldly.N?velDrama.Org owns all content.
"Alright then, get in contact with him." Manananggal said onest time with a serious tone, "Whether we kill that brat or not, our next move will depend on his information."
Five Months Later...
The news about Felix''s challenge on the Ten Supremes had just gotten more and more hyped up instead of falling off like any other type of news.
Right now, the entire alliance seemed to be in a celebratory mood and at the same time a bit tensed.
Everyone was anticipating Felix''s first challenge against the Queen of Nine Elvish Realms, but at the same time, they knew that regardless of the results, there would be drastic changes happening in the alliance''s structure.
That''s because if Felix won, he wouldn''t be just getting her Supreme title, but the benefits that came with it.
To be exact, there was just one benefit...Still, it was so significant as it was affecting the entire nine elvish realms!
This benefit was none other than being given a passive 1% of streaming revenue of all the games held in the Individual Supremacy Games tform!
1% might not seem like a lot, but one shouldn''t forget that the ISGP was branching out to almost all races with fighting potential.
This meant that there were millions of games if not more being held daily throughout the entire SGAlliance!
Felix had earned trillions from just histest game and he was given less than 2% of the streaming revenue!
Now, imagine how massive having 1% streaming revenue from all the games on daily basis without needing to lift a finger!
The amount rewarded was so massive, Queen Alfreda was using it to assist the development of the nine elvish realms as it was just too much for a single person to spend.
The same applied to the rest of Ten Supremes as all of them get 1% of the streaming revenue as well.
It didn''t matter if they were number one or ten, all of them got the same amount since the alliance couldn''t afford to give too much for the sake of the economy''s integrity.
Since the dragon race had five members as Supremes, it was only natural that they were considered one of the richest races in the universe.
That''s why none of them bother to sell too much of their natural treasures as they nevercked coins due to their leaders'' ranks.
The only added benefit was given to the Elder Dragon for being number one...It was none other than bing the eleventh ruler.
Since he was already a ruler, he was given an additional votepared to his peers.
Felix was aiming before to be the number one in the alliance for the sake of bing the eleventh ruler.
But now? He just wanted to f*ck up Elder Dragon and make sure everyone watched it.
At the moment, Felix was sitting on his training room floor in a mediation position.
From the sweat and tools around him, it was clear that he had just finished another integration process.
"60% atst..."
He let out a long exhale as he stretched his limbs, causing his joints to crack akin to thunderps.
His body soon was engulfed in a firey aura as his eternal firestone started recovering his exhaustion.
"Let''s see what we have unlocked." Felix closed his eyes to check his newest destruction active abilities.
"Hm? Concept Destruction Tridant?"
Felix quickly snapped his eyes open the moment he read the name and details about this ability, not even reading the other.
His reaction was understandable as this ability''s details were something else!
"Isn''t this a bit too scary?" Asna remarked after reading the details as well.
"Destruction is meant to be scary." Thor smiled, "It''s not called the ultimate offensive element for no reason."
All elements were good at everything in terms of defense, offense, mobility, mind attacks/defenses..etc.
However, each element excelled in one department more than the others.
For example, the gemstone element was more fitted for defenses, the lightning element for mobility, water for flexibility and adaptability, poison for assassinations, charm for mind control, and such.
Meanwhile, the destruction element excelled at pure offense and was considered the best at it.
"Let''s test it out and see if it''s as scary as it sounds."
With an eager expression, Felix swiftly logged in and went to his UVR''s room.
The moment he opened his eyes, Felix faced a snowy mountain that was tens of kilometers away from him.
His entire UVR room was stretched to thousands of kilometers with almost all types of environments.
It would be foolish not to create his world with the kind of money in his pockets.
"Concept Destruction Tridant."
He activated the ability without dy, causing his palm to start emitting red destruction particles that turned into a long dark red Trident.
Even though it was created out of an aura, it seemed solid like an actual weapon.
"I can''t feel my grip on it, but I still have the sensation that I can control it like I am holding it." Felix experienced this feeling with many other abilities, so he wasn''t too surprised.
After scanning the trident for a few moments, Felix turned again to the snowy mountain and murmured, "Let''s start with you."
Felix''s muscles tensed as he drew back his arm, gripping the trident tightly. With a faint grunt, heunched the trident forward akin to a missile!
The pointed three tips glinted in the sunlight as the small trident spun through the air, slicing through the wind with deadly precision.
As it hurtled towards its target, Felix watched intently as it got closer to the mountain while turning smaller and smaller until it became a tiny dot.
Just as Felix was about to zoom in to not lose it, the trident made contact with the mountain.
Then, there was no then...There was no mountain, there was no snow, there was no space, there was no time, there was no reality, there was just absolute Nothingness...
With a look of utter horrification, Felix''s eyes were affixed on a giant silent pitch-ck crack in ce of the mountain and the sky above it.
Before the overwhelming feeling of staring at pure nothingness could wash over his heart, the crack was restored in a split second, returning reality as it was.
The only difference was that the mountain was nowhere to be found...