As soon as Luke took the first step into the car, his dad, none stopped yelling at him for a good 5 minutes, "I DON''T KNOW, WHAT YOU WERE THINKING, DISAPPEARING OUT OF NOWHERE LIKE THAT! YOUR MOTHER WAS WORRIED SICK, SHE HAS GOTTEN ALMOST NO SLEEP SINCE YOU DISAPPEARED…" Clyde just went on and on—none, stop yelling.
The whole car ride was just yelling, after yelling. At one point, Luke started to tune his dad out. Clyde, still yelling at Luke, yells, "Luke, are you even listening to me?" You better be, or I swear to God, when you get home from school, you''re going to be in so much trouble!"
After Luke heard his dad, he finally gave a response to him: "Yes, Clyde, I''ve been listening." Clyde annoyed that Luke called him by his first name and that he obviously hadn''t been listening to what he had been saying, decided to ignore him for the rest of the ride and punish him when he got home.
The rest of the car ride was silent. As soon as they got to school, Luke got out of the car and didn''t say anything to his dad. Luke started to walk to his normal classes, just like before the accident happened, but Luke noticed that as he was in the halls, he was getting a lot of stares from everyone.
Luke made it to his first period, but as soon as Luke stepped into the door, non-stop questions were asked one after another, "Where were you?" "Did you run away?" "What happened? Why were you gone for three days?"
Luke was starting to get annoyed with all the questions. The bell rang, and the teacher started class, quieting down all the students, but the whispers were still there. A few minutes into class, Luke''s teacher, Ms. Green, got a call asking for Luke in student services.
Luke left his math class, heading for student services. In the hall, even though the class had started, there were still the students who were late, asking Luke the same questions from earlier, "Where were you?" "Did you run away?" "What happened? Why were you gone for three days?"
The author''s tale has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.
Luke couldn''t be bothered to answer any of them, so he kept on his way to student services. Once Luke stepped into student services, the lady at the desk, Miss Allen, asked, "Are you Luke, sweetie?" Luke responded, "Yes, I am." Miss Allen then told Luke, "Go back to Mr. Shaw''s room. He has some stuff he wants to talk to you about."
Luke walked back to Mr. Shaw''s office. Luke had only been here a few times before, but never once for being in trouble. Luke walked into the office without a care in the world. Mr Shaw was sitting at his desk, doing some paperwork. Once he saw Luke walk in her gave Luke a smile and said, "Ah, Hello Luke, how are you doing? As you might know, we take attendance very seriously, but if you have missed 3 days in a row without giving us any notice, you Should be gone. What do you have to say, mister?"
Luke coldly responded in a mocking tone, "So what if I did not do any of your business, Mr. ShAw?" This pissed off Mr. Shaw even more. Mr. Shaw told Luke, practically foaming at the mouth, "You better be on time for the remainder of the year with zero more absences." Luke got up and walked out afterward. Luke went through the day as he normally would expect, only acting more cold towards everyone who asked the same questions over and over each class. No one else was home when Luke got home; his parents did not get off work until 5. Luke decided he was going to go to his room and relax in his bed, after all, Luke hadn''t had any time to rest in 3 days. Luke laid down on the bed and tried his best to rest and forget all about the abyss. Luke shortly after drifted off into a deep sleep.
Luke awakens to blackness all around him. The same statue is still in front of Luke, but this time the statue speaks in a distorted language that he still somehow understands: "We have been watching you since last night, and we have to say your progress has been unsatisfactory. We suggest you change how you spend your days if you want to survive the days to come."
Luke wanted to ask the statue what it meant, but the words wouldn''t leave his mouth. Luke woke up the next minute, all freaked out by what that statue meant. Frantically racking his brain for an idea of what the statue meant by the situation to come and who the we, it was talking about is. Luke couldn''t think of anything until he remembered the sphere he had in his mindscape. Luke focused on the sphere for a moment and was taken into the mindscape, right in front of the sphere. Once Luke touched it, he was sucked back into the sea of knowledge. This time Luke had a specific area of knowledge, He was looking for disasters and/or what beings live in the abyss…