<h4>Chapter 43: Elevate</h4>
Lake watched as the elevator came down to where they were. Lake got on and just wanted Joy to tell him but she got on next to him and soon the elevator started moving. "The way the elevator works is you ce your foot on the floor symbol you want to go to." Lake looked down to see there were a few different symbols carved near the edge of the tform.
Joy had her foot on the one he assumed meant the top. "How do you call the elevator to you so you can get on?" Lake hadn''t seen Joy do anything before the elevator came down to get them. "If you stand near the entrance the elevator wille." So Lake had already been calling the elevator before Joy came over.
Now that Lake knew it was so simple he wondered why Joy had gotten on the elevator and not just told him how to do it. Lake could only think of one reason she was trying to get a promotion. He bet after he asked her if she was his personnel guard she had realized that she could get a raise if she yed up their friendship.
Lake remembered when he had first met Joy he asked her why she worked for the Alchemist guild and she said she was only here for the money. Lake wasn''t against Joy getting a raise but he didn''t like when people tried to get close to him for nefarious purposes. Lake decided to let it slide because he knew Joy was trustworthy enough because they had fought together.
Getting to the top floor of the elevator, Lake saw Lucas sitting at his desk writing in a book. Lake wanted to know if he was done for the day or if Lucas was going to show him how to unlock the Appraiser job Which was the reason why he had been told to go down to the dungeon. "Master Lucas, I got my Intelligence to 50 like you told me to."
"Come back here tomorrow and I''ll show you the best way to unlock Appraiser if you aren''t able to do it yourself tonight." After Lucas said this he pulled a core out of his desk and handed it to Lake. "Spend some time focusing on this tonight, and try to figure out what it does." After Lucas said this he went back to work.
Lake could tell Lucas was really busy so he went and started to walk up to his room. When he turned around he saw Joy had already left. Lake thought this was weird because if he was trying to get a raise or promotion he would have made sure that Lucas had seen him being friendly with an important person like Lake.
Getting to his floor, Lake went in to see the guy who had shown him to his room earlier being kind of weird and standing in the corner of the lobby. Lake had forgotten this guy''s name so he decided not to ask him about it. Walking past him, Lake could hear snoring. Lake realized that he was sleeping standing up.
Lake found this odd enough to stop and tap him on his shoulder. "Huh, what." Lake saw the guy''s eyes focus on him. "You''re finally back." Lake guessed this guy was waiting for him for whatever reason, and Lake took so long toe back that he fell asleep. "Did you need something?" Lake doubted it was something important because Lucas would have said something.
"I just wanted to see if you wanted me to get you for practice in the morning." Lake wasn''t sure what his schedule was supposed to be like so he found letting someone else take care of it to be a good idea. "Yeah sure, I''ll see you in the morning." Lake walked away before the fact he didn''t remember his name came to light.
Getting to his room Lake saw his three were standing in wait for him. "Sir." All three of them greeted him at the same time. Lake remembered he still hadn''t asked them their names so he went ahead and asked. "Let''s do an introduction. I know you all know my name but I''ll do one anyway, I''m Lake."
Lake pointed at the guy that had carried him up the stairs. "I''m Jason." Lake was expecting more information but he liked that Jason did not burden him with his backstory. Moving his finger to the next person. "Le." Niceke was happy to see they all got what he wanted from them. Pointing at thest one. "Edgar."
With the three of them out of the way Lake asked them about his neighbor. "Do you know what my neighbors name is?" Lake was starting to get overwhelmed. He wasn''t good with names so he was going to write them downter. "Do you mean Sir Soloman?" This sounded right to Lake, so he would test it out tomorrow.
"Ok thank you. Jason, will you show me to my bed?" Lake didn''t say bedroom because he was pretty sure he was already in his bedroom; it was just really big. "It''s right behind this wall." Lake saw there was a partitioning wall and his bed was behind it. "Ok goodnight see you tomorrow." Lake wasn''t sure what these three did when he wasn''t around, but he didn''t want them around while he was sleeping.
Getting into his bed Lake started to think about what he wanted to do tomorrow. He didn''t really care too much about alchemy and he was much more interested in magic. Lake knew this was the old Mage guild so he bet he would be able to find plenty of books about magic if he looked around some.
Lake realized he hadn''t tried to unlock the Appraiser job yet and after a few seconds of deliberation Lake reached over and grabbed the core out of the pocket of hisb coat. Once it was in his hand Lake started to focus on it. Lake''s n was to do this for a few minutes and if it didn''t work he was going to go to bed.
Trying to feel what the core could do Lake thought he was starting to feel something and he was pretty sure whatever it was was better than just Exp. Ruling out Exp Lake tried to see if it was maybe stats. Lake didn''t feel like that was it, this core had to do something else. Lake didn''t know everything a core could do, but he remembered Kyle had said they could grant skills.
With the assumption that this core gave a skill Lake was at a loss at how he was supposed to possibly guess what the skill was. Lake thought this was the wrong approach. He needed to find a way to pull up the details of this item like he could with people. Lake decided to just do what he would to pull up someone''s stats without using Insider Information. "Details." [New job unlocked Appraiser]
Dragon Core (L)
Grants skill Golden Vision.
Lake was happy this had worked so well, because now he could go to bed shutting his eyes. Lake remembered he had wanted to write all the names down so he could remember them tomorrow but Lake wasn''t willing to get up and find a pen and paper, so he made a mental note to make a note tomorrow.
Opening his eyes Lake looked around to see if he had something that could tell him what time it was. Seeing it was still the middle of the night, Lake sighed. What was he supposed to do for the next few hours until everyone got up. Lake wondered if his servants were up yet they had been awake when he got back and if they were normal they would sleep twice as long as him.
Getting out of his bed Lake wandered into the main part of his room. With all his free time Lake decided to get to know his room better. It was pretty big and he wanted to know what all was in here. Moving to look behind another partitioning wall Lake saw there was a small kitchen area and Lake realized he hadn''t eaten in a while.
Going and opening all the cabs Lake found there was almost every type of food. Grabbing some bread and some type of meat, Lake sat down and started to eat. Lake found it kind of annoying that the bread wasn''t sliced but he knew how to do it. He grabbed his knife, and started to cut the bread and meat into slices so he could make a sandwich.
Lake had checked to see if there was any cheese but Lake guessed the fact that cows weren''t domesticated no one had found how to make cheese. Lake sat down with hispleted sandwich and tried to find a way to make this sandwichst for a few hours.