Sailing to Borgarsandr, day 14
Bad weather
The weather has turned bad overnight and when the ship leaves Skiringsalr and heads towards the next stop on the Swedish coast, it''s really rocking, and the strong gusts of wind make the sail beat and it rains. The experienced sailors say it won''t be much worse, so I just hope they''re right. At least it will go faster. But I don''t look forward to this.
Unlawfully taken from Royal Road, this story should be reported if seen on Amazon.
Very prophetic. I get seasick and the whole day is just damn long and painful, while I try to distract myself and pass the time fantasizing and thinking about the world here. It would be interesting to take longer journeys in the future with my own ship and check if things I visited in Midg?rd that are more than a thousand years old excist here. Neolithic remains, monasteries and castles in England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and France, but at the same time places like Stonehenge, Cer Abbas Giant, the Moors fortresses in Portugal, the Roman Empire or the Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt. How much is really the same and how similar is it? It would be a hell of a thing actually finding a copy of that here.
I hate sailing.