I suddenly woke up as a baby.
I don’t know how did this happen but I believe people use to call this reincarnation. The only confusing thing is...
Why do I still remember my past memories?! I believe that you always start with a fresh new you whenever you reincarnate? Well not that I know anything about hearing anyone saying that but.
This is so hard and now I finally got to experience what babies feel when they’re still at this stage!
I got the urge to cry and let everything out including my inner feelings. My anguish, my heartaches, my problems I let them flow all out within my tears. I felt the presence of someone near and they carried me into their arm.
“Shh, calm down Frey mommy is here.”
Is that my mother? I can feel her breasts though I can only see black and white! Is this what a baby feels in this stage it’s like I’m an old television! I didn’t hear her properly but I think she called me Frey. She’s carrying me right now though so no worries for now.
“Honey, what’s wrong? Is Frey lonely because we left her alone?”
“Maybe? She just started crying after all. Maybe because she’s just been born 1 week ago.”
“Yeah, I’m so glad that she didn’t die yesterday. The healer said that it’s a miracle how her heart started beating again.”
“Yeah, I’m so glad that the ancients didn’t take her from us.”
I can’t hear them properly might be because I’m still a newborn. Well, I can find it out soon when I’m able to talk.
She’s so warm, I’m now feeling sleepy by her constant swaying. So sleepy well I’m sure I will be safe anyways. Take care of me for now new mother and father.
While I was sleeping I continually saw the past me. My family treated me as an indispensable money giver. Always asking me when they need money. It’s true that I love them and owe them a lot. But they showed me love as an assurance to support them with my own money.
My father keeps on gambling and my mother keeps on buying things for her leisure! All of that was made possible by my own money! I can’t believe that they would turn out like that when they became old!
I was cursing my old parents before and prayed for forgiveness for what I said.A case of theft: this story is not rightfully on Amazon; if you spot it, report the violation.
They might have been like that to me. But they were still my parents, I hope that they would be safe even when I’m gone.
I finally felt myself waking up and now I can finally cry again!
I felt the rumbles and hear some voices as my parents rushed to get to me. Well, it’s also a good time to test how much they love me. But damn it’s so hard to see when it’s blurry I need my mother to move closer to me next time.
This daily routine of me crying, drinking milk, and sleeping continuously revolved my whole days. Studying my parent’s faces is also a good time to let the day end.
1 week later~
I can finally see my parent’s faces clearly since then and I have to say. Not bad at all! They look good! I wonder what I look like?
“Frey let me introduce to you our rooster Beelx!”
What? Rooster? We have a pet rooster? Dad seems so excited to introduce him to me. I should smile at him.
“She likes Beelx honey! Guess we won’t be having you for dinner tonight!”
I saw the rooster reacted to it like he was so nervous, and he looks like he’s sweating? Can a rooster even sweat or it’s just my eyes playing tricks on me? Is he smarter than he looks? I wonder if he’s really just a rooster. Being close to a rooster though I hope he doesn’t peck me.
Dad let Beelx down and he quickly left the room. Dad and Mom stayed behind to play with me. Well, it’s a fun thing to do and a good time passer that I really enjoy.
For the next few days, I have been seeing Beelx a lot. The Rooster was checking on me like he’s my guard dog, or should I call him guard rooster? My parents had another crib for me in the living room. They place me there whenever they were working to keep watch on me.
I can only see blurs but judging from the figure and the clanking sounds. I think my father is a blacksmith. While for my mom she seems to be sewing clothes.
It might be blurry for my sight but you can always deduce what people are doing by their figure alone. While they were busy Beelx was beside me and keeps on looking at my face.
Is this rooster studying my face? I’m gonna try to grasp his feathers.
Beelx didn’t get mad when I started to play with his feathers. He even looks like he’s enjoying it! He’s trying to signal me where to scratch him.
Well, sooner or later this rooster is gonna get it when I grow old enough.
Knock knock!
I heard a knock on our door and saw my mother standing up to address our visitor.
“Excuse me is Wilbert here?”
“Ah yes, he’s here honey!”
“I’m coming! Beelx guard Frey okay? If anything happens to her you will be the dinner for today.”
I can’t get enough of this rooster. He looks like he’s sweating again by the fear of being served on a platter.
Anyways the man who came seems to be well dressed. Is he an important person? I wonder how famous are my parents? I want to get out of the house soon. It’s so boring when your parents love you so much that they always worry about anything that can harm you.
I wonder when will I be able to walk? I can’t do it yet because of my undeveloped muscles. Maybe I should use Beelx as my mount for now when I’m still a baby.
Well, what do you know? The moment I thought about Beelx he now looks nervous. There’s no way a rooster can understand my thoughts right?
I’m sure that I’m somewhere in the middle-age but I’m not sure if there is some magic here. Thinking about magic seems crazy but this is another world after all. I hope I see one soon, it’s so boring here.
“Frey it’s time to eat! Come to Papa!”
There’s my cue I should think about all of this in the next few days instead. I’m sure sooner or later I’m gonna find those out soon anyways.