<h4>Chapter 694 What Goes on Above pt 2 </h4>
The nest was aze with activity, even more than usual. Since the start of the previous wave, the Colony had moved as if a fire had been lit beneath it, one put there by the Eldest member of their family. The race to expand and grow before their enemies returned to challenge them had begun and the ants refused to lose. Already, four new nests had been established and the Queens installed. Those new satellite nests were not even fullyplete, but ns for the next round of expansion had already begun. After long discussions and nning sessions between the Queens, carvers, scouts and soldiers, it had been determined that the current design of the Colony''s territory should be replicated in a new area.
This was to be the temte for the Colony''s expansion. A central, heavily fortified main nest, with smaller satellite nests established around the periphery, all enclosed in defended checkpoints that created a bubble of security. It was hoped that eventually each main nest would contain a gate that would allow rapid travel between all of the Colony''s territory. This blueprint had been epted by the council and within a day advance scout teams had been sent to traverse the dangerous tunnels to seek out appropriate sites for this next wave of expansion, this new phase of the Colony''s growth.
It was all happening so fast that it was bing absurdly difficult to keep track of it all. Cont had done her best to make sure that things were being done as efficiently as possible, but with so many ants working in so many ces, it was almost impossible to be aware of everything that was happening at once. Hence the construction of the Antministratum.
It was with a certain sense of satisfaction that Cont looked out over the open area at the rows of ants working diligently at their stations. It had only been a matter of time since the creation of ant ''writing'' that they would develop the next level of this valuable technique: ant filing!
"How goes it?" came a scent from behind her.
The mage turned to see Be standing behind her, the core shaper a key partner in making this central filing system a reality.
"As you can see," Cont said with satisfaction, "the work has begun in earnest."
There were a hundred ants currently located here, each one analysing the many tes of work reports that were being ferried in by the numerous pets that had been assigned to the task by the core shaper caste. They were perfect for the role, since one ant with many pets could ferry the records for a wide area of the nest. There were already observers watching and recording all of the work that had been going on within the Colony, it was just a natural step to have that data collected and coted in a central location.
Not that it had been easy to pull off.
"You really think that this is going to lead to an increase in efficiency in the workforce?" Be sounded doubtful.
"If you didn''t think so, then why did you agree to help with this project?" Cont was irritated.
"It''s pretty rare that we core shapers get invited to help with the things that you all have going on," she shrugged, "if we can provide value and prove our worth in this task, then perhaps the others will be amenable to reaching out for our help."
It was a little irritating for Cont to hear that her sister hadmitted so much time and energy to a task that she didn''t even necessarily believe in, but she saw her point. The core shapers weren''t relied on as much as they should be by the others, even when they could provide a ton of value, such as with the Antministratum.
"You''ll see, this is going to pay dividends for the Colony in no time t. These workers here have their antennae on the core of the Colony, they know more about every movement of all of our family members than anyone else. If it''s possible to find ces where optimisations can be made, it''s them."
Even as they watched, the records continued to pour in and the flustered workers raced about the wide chamber with ruthless efficiency as stacks of tes were piled in their work spaces. Antennae waggled furiously as they read and processed the information, making their own summary records and coting the data at an incredible pace. The old tes were then sent for filing whilst the new ones were gathered together and examined by a separate team whopared the work being done about the Colony to the work notices that had been posted for their siblings to fill.
Any difference, whether too muchbour had been allocated to one particr task, or not enough to another, was noted and sent up the g pole until clear, concise data of inefficiencies could be seen.
"There! You see this?" Cont proudly disyed the fruit of all thisbour to her sister, "this is concrete evidence of wasted effort! With our help, this kind of waste can be eliminated from the Colony all together, increasing the amount of work we get done as a collective."
"Yes," Be pointed out, "but there is a great deal ofbour going into making that report. This is only a worthwhile exercise if the efficiency you gain is greater than the time lost spent gathering all this information together."
Cont froze.
"That''s… true."
"And besides that, how exactly is the Antministratum going to enforce these efficiency gains?"
"Enforce?" Cont was taken aback, "I don''t envisage that they''ll enforce anything. No, they''ll make rmendations to help our siblings make more efficient choices, or they''ll have some input into the posting of work notices so that the allocation of the workforce is more urate."
"So you see them as an advisory body?"
The core shaper thought for a moment.
"I suppose that makes sense. So where exactly are we using an excess ofbour? Which area appears to be the most wasteful?"
Interested in the answer herself, the council member quickly began perusing the te in front of her with an antenna, picking up the imprinted scent line by line.
"So?" Be asked after a moment since her mage sibling hadn''t said anything.
"The Antministratum…" Cont groaned.
However, after the kinks in the process had been ironed out, Cont''s pet project was able to show its worth and assist the Colony in achieving an even more ridiculous level of efficiency.