Saying their own goodbyes to ra the Party rushed to catch up with Laurence and the others who had headed out the door.
ra smiled after them taking the top three forms from the stack and tossing the others in a recycling bin. Her little trick would teach them from trying to get around her rules in the future. She promptly got to work setting up the quest so she could issue it in a few days.
The walk back to the mansion was much faster than they had expected. Part in turn of Laurence rushing along and the other since no one got in the way. Walker wanted to stop at the cathedral again but knew if he said anything he would get teased for the rest of the day. Also there were still a few hours until the second performance, it would be strange to show up again so early.
When they returned they didn''t bother heading inside. They knew if they warmed up by the fire they would end up inside all afternoon.
Gils targets were still there along with a freshyer of ice that had set overnight. " Gil I''m going to add a few more targets as obstacles so you can work on firing while moving." Walker had noticed that Gil almost always fired from a standstill position, this was fine so far but what if they needed to run or dodge?
Elise had mentally signaled Ste who soon flew down from a spot on the roof. She had been enjoying the warmth of the sunpletely unaffected by the chill in the air.
"Hmm so you need to work on shooting while moving right? I think we can set up a fun game to practice then. It will depend on everyone else too." Laurence had an idea that would allow everyone to practice dodging and attacking. "You remember how I said Riley was a wild beast tamer? Well if he releases his three wild demon boars they could run wild on the training field a bit. Su could block and dodge, Gil can fire at targets while dodging, I can hold Hyde and dodge so he can get used to more chaos, Ste and Elise can work together to fly and dodge,and Remey can try to destroy more targets than anyone else while not being hit. Riley please don''t fall asleep on us like thest time we trained this way, we were stuck running for two hours! I figure you will practice dodging while manipting elements?" Laurence had a good n and it definitely made for good training. If they all could let dodging be instinctual then even when attacked unaware their bodies could react to prevent harm.
"Yes, making targets while we remove will definitely help me understand my skills limitations.but I think we can add more to it, how about one person is it, basically we y tag. We need to dodge the boars, not get tagged, and break targets." Walker didn''t want to make it easy, if they were going to improve they needed to challenge themselves with more multitasking. A good adventurer could manage many parts of a chaotic environment to ensure survival.
"Let''s y tag!! I promise Ste and I won''t hide in the sky all the time, we need to work on our game in the ground too, why if Ste can''t fly. Winds can be really dangerous for flying type monsters you know!" This was actually one thing Ste and Elise practices often. They both knew the risks that came with flight thergest being falling. Being shot down by an enemy or even being blown off course by strong with was always a possibility. To counter this threat they developed strategy to dodge and run in the ground that utilizes jumps and temporary flight.
"Well that''s decided, Riley if you could please summon them. Walker if you could please make some more targets." Laurence summoned out Hyde from his ring and held him in his glove covered hands.
Walker looked around and decided to create fifty ice pirs equally spread through the field. This would really push his ability to manipte water and change it to ice. He closed his eyes allowing his senses to expand and feel the natural water mana around him. Using his elemental maniption he slowly willed the water element mana to change in to pirs about the hight of a normal person. Most of his mana was consumed and he felt like he had just run around the mansion ten times.
Some of the pirs were not perfectly constructed showing that he needed to learn more of elemental mana. Trying things in such arge scale without proper knowledge would not lead to a concrete result. Hence three pirs looked as if they would fall by themselves.
Walkers eyes shot open just as arge grey creature sprinted past him. This was the demon boar! It''s hair had a grey pointy look to it. The tusks were ck along with its hooves. A red glint shown in its eyes threatening to run wild everywhere it could. This thing was almost double the size of midnight and could easily crush any one of them. Had Laurence and elegies really been training this way normally?
Any time to think was quickly used up as the serving boar came sprinting towards him. Walker jumped to the side narrowly avoiding the ck tusk aimed at his stomach. They may not be the fastest creatures In The world but they could give the entire group a run for their money.
Su was trying to dodge them but only seeded in deflecting the oneing towards her. She had the lowest agility out of everyone and that was hurting her now. She didn''t take any damage from the attacks but her pride would be feeling the stingter. This was just more incentive to improve her agility next time she leveled up.
Walker found that he had a moment without any of the boars focused on him so he began watching everyone''s tactics.