The parents could not argue this. Since they had seen the little storm made in their daughters hands. They could only imagine what would have happened if their daughter had used the skill without anyone there to keep it in check. The two looked at their daughter then at each other. "Hit us with your first idea. We will listen to whatever you have in mind but we will veto anything we think is unsafe." Their daughter sat herself in her fathersp all ears.
"Well actually, how about you tell me your name now? I have been wondering if I should just call you storm wielder forever…" he looked at the girl with an amused face since he knew she had not introduced herself either.
The little girl''s face flushed as she realized she had skipped introductions in her excitement to get her system. "Gale! I am Gale." She was proud to say it and pointed to her chest while holding her head high.
"We named her that after a huge wind storm that was going on when she was born. It really gave us a lot of work after we got her settled. It was why we were able to afford arger apartment in the carpenters quarters…" The father looked rather disappointed remembering that their home was gone.
"Well nice to meet you Gale." Walker was happy to know the girl''s name and couldn''t help to see the coincidence that she was born during a wind storm and gained a system that revolved around storms. The world was really working in strange ways.
An idea hade to Walker just then but he held tight to it not wanting to push anything until he gave out his few ideas on what the parents could do to guide their daughters safe growth. " My first thought is the obvious one, send her to the military academy. She is sure to get in for free with her system." This answer brought a frown to the both of their faces.
"I refuse to let our daughter go to war and be used as a pawn for the nobles." The mother agreed and nodded along with this. Naturally the nobles had some influence over the armies and they could be in charge of small toons. This had often caused some drama and was not always the most supported gossip in the lower tier since many had been lost to the nobles folly.
"I thought that would be a no. But I just wanted to put it out there. She could always try it all alone. I know that some people can learn from their system better alone than with anyone else. The problem with that though is that if she gets stuck or messes up she will only lean on herself." This was the next undesirable idea that Walker had, but he said it to put it out there.
"I would not befortable with that. I have heard too many horror stories about a child hurting others or themselves with skills they do not understand. I know that some mother''s even hire tutors so their children can learn from someone with a simr system." Gale''s mother had asked around and be terrified by this possibility while carrying her baby. Now that Gale had gained a system every terrible story made up or real flooded her mind.
Her husband nodded with her agreeing that this was not the best decision for their daughter either. Walker had his third and final idea, this one he was sure would meet their needs. "Thest thing would be the adventurers guild. I am already a silver tier member and I can ask the guild master for some help. I am sure he knows a good teacher for Gale. On top of that they have protection from the worse off nobles scheme and she would be able to take jobs she desires when she is older. Even more so she will have freedom to go to open spaces where she can try out her skills."
Walker smiled at the part about speaking to the guild master. He knew that if he introduced him to this little girl and her parents then then Ibis would freak out over the possibilities such a system had. The parents looked unhappy for a moment but the longer they thought and whispered to each other the more they seemed to like the idea. "Will I get to go out and meet dragons with you if I join the adventuressss?" Gale spoke up looking at Midnight from across the cathedral.
"Well I have no idea how many out there are even like Midnight but I can definitely tell you that you can go in all sorts of adventures. I can take quests that take me far away or ones that keep me here in the city. It is hard work but all for the benefit of everyone around you." Walker''s exnation seemed to hit the right note with Gale and her parents.
"Depending on what this guild master says we could consider it." Their judgment was not final but it was the most open they had been as of yet.
"Then I will send a message to my party manager and ask for a meeting." Walker lost hope that this daily quest would be easilypleted. He reminded himself that daily was just the fact that he could receive a daily quest but not that he could finish it. It could take forever if Ibis was busy or Gale''s parents were not open to anything.
"We may need to wait a while until we have gotten things cleared up...I don''t think we will be able to get to a meeting until we have regained some of our saving s after rebuilding the carpenters quarters…." Gale''s father looked down embarrassed to admit that they would be cleaning out their family savings due to this fire.
Walker''s face lit up, it was time for his idea. "Well about that, my family and my party''s family recently moved in to a mansion in the higher tier. Naturally it is in poor condition. We have had a lot of work done but most of us still need some good furniture. I would also like all the spare rooms furnished along with some new training dummies stocked up for us to use. I also think having arge garden shed built could help my party members'' mothers a lot. I would also like an addition built on to the forge so we can store up materials better. It would be a joint work with the forge to make a solid and safe storage building." This had caught the two parents attention, however they could not understand why he was talking about the jobs he needed done.
Of course if I happened to meet two carpenters in need of work I could be inclined to offer them a spare room to stay in for a few months while all this work goes on. Of courseter arrangements could be made but I can''t see all this work being done so quickly that the carpenters hired would be able to leave the job sight." He smirked as he said this since he saw that realizationing over the two parents.
"We just happen to know two carpenters that are looking for work right now. They are free to travel and watch over a job sight indefinitely." The father smiled widely and had no reason to refuse. The gossip about a kind hero title holder along with how this boy was acting with their daughter was more than enough evidence that he would be true to his word.
With their deal in the making Walker decided it was best to leave them to catch up and fawn over their daughter''s system. "I will stop by here after the high priest manages to get to bed to rest, Let me know if you need anything and we can stop on the way to the mansion. Although you all seem pretty energetic now."
"We have never felt better, We will wait for you and follow along to our new job site." The father winked at him. "Oh and my name is Jamie, my wife''s name is Ann." Walker smiled and gave them a wink back himself joining in on the little game. He was happy that he could do more to help them out. The truth was that their daughter was reminding him of his own sister and when he got his system.
"So what was that all about?" Su saw him talking with the family since he had mentioned something about a new system. She witnessed the little girl''s skill and had pointed it out to Alice who was also very interested. Alice was still ncing at the high priest constantly but she was a lot more rxed now that she had thought things through. Walker could even swear he saw her eyelids start to droop even though she was interested in the happenings with the family.