The wandering cksmith had already jumped in to the finish of the second shield before Su had even said her words. He had seen that it fit in her hand like an extension of her own being. This was perfect for his goal and now he just needed to match the second shield to it. He spent much more time carving and polishing the second since it needed to be an exact match for her opposite hand.
Su stood getting ustomed to the first shield. Every few minutes she would crouch or lift the shield to see how it moved in her arm. The flow of her movements was not interrupted at all. Since there was one shield already made Walker decided to use his all around appraisal skill to check it out.
'' ckened bronze dragon shield (right hand)
+15def, +15mdef
Strong fire resistance
Strong decay resistance
Increased deflection chance
Open slot for mana gem input''
The shield was astounding, there was a huge amount of defense and magical defense added to Su just from the one shield. When the second was finished the defense and magic defense would be thirty each!
The resistances were a surprise, the decay resistance was most certainly from Midnight and Walkers addition of mes. However the fire resistance must have been from the bronze dragon scales they received from the tamer''s guild master. Walker would be sending a letter of thanks as soon as he finished here.
Seeing that there was an increased chance to deflect things Walker knew that it would be perfect for Su to deal with ranged attacks. "Do you want to hear the stats or will it be too much to handle right now?" Walker''s sly grin made Su afraid but very excited to ask. She had a feeling that they would exceed her expectations.
Su took a very deep breath then look Walker in the eyes. "I am ready. Tell me everything." She was trying her best to keep her heart from beating out of her chest in excitement.
"Fifteen defense and fifteen magical defense." Su''s jaw dropped hearing this. She had done the math and was sure that most attacks from weaker monsters would stand no chance of harming her or anyone behind her. "Decay resistant and fire resistance. Plus it has a higher chance of deflection." Walker was sure Su''s jaw was going to hit the floor at this point. But there was still more. "Lastly there is one mana storage gem slot. The ne from before that I decided to hold on to can store twenty mana. So I think you will be able to store forty mana with the two shields together."
The wandering cksmith needed and gave a small grunt as he worked to support what Walker was saying. "This is too great...too perfect…" Su''s voice was but a whisper now. She felt she had just been given an amazing treasure. If other defenders knew about this they would throw their lives in the floor for these shields. Not to mention these shields were most likely better than what the military used. Any one of their men would love to have them.
After a little more time the second part of the shield waspleted and Su held both in her hands. She mmed both on to the ground making theme together in to therger blocking shield seamlessly. She held the position the wandering cksmith walked around looking for any errors or needed adjustments.
"Great" His single word was enough for all three of them to rejoice. The shields hade together perfectly in only nine hours of work. It was a huge blessing to have such a talented cksmith and such amazing materials to work with. Before they got too far in to her celebration they could already hear the fire being stoked back up. The wandering cksmith was going to make the mana storage gems so that the shields could bepletely finished. He was not one to stop a job before it was done.
This attitude sparked something in Walker and pushed him to also join in to help again. Since he had seen the process once he was able to jump in to assist slightly where it was needed. He was able to hand off the right tool or add coal to the forge when needed.
The mold was quickly taken out of the heat and popped open by the wandering cksmith. The process of cooling and making sure there were no impurities or damages was the same as thest time. Su was watching carefully along with Midnight who had also missed this process.
When the wandering cksmith began to fit it in to the first shield he refused to give it back to Su. Instead he made sure the two shields were next to each other and put together like they would be when Su used them. He started off the second gem and after some time created another wless mana storage gem.
When the second gem was fitted in to the other shield there was a slight draw of mana that caused the patterns carved in to the shields to glow for a second which made the metal around the gems seem to shrink. He had been keeping them together so they would be in sync when they were used in tandem. Now that they were both done the Wandering cksmith gave them over to Su and let her keep them.
He knew that Midnight and Walker were done for the day and started to instead craft the mana storage gems to prepare for the other items. Walker saw this as his chance to head out and let him work peacefully.
Su was already out in the front of the forge testing out some movements. She had an easy time adjusting to the weight. They were perfectly bnced for the grip she had on them but what would trouble her is keeping them both together. They may fit perfectly when ced but she would still need practice to execute the move.
While she practiced the ck bronze shine attracted Walker''s attention. This could be really good for when Su taunted enemies so that Midnight or Onyx could sneak up on them. Even more so was the fact that the shaping of the shields allowed for more twisting of the shield in Su''s hands. She found that she was able to move them in to angles she had been unable to before.
"These are just too good." Su kept saying this between moves.
"Su, the sun is already setting. Let''s go inside and eat. You can show off to everyone who is at dinner." Walker woke up Onyx who had fallen asleep bathing in the sun all day. Walker swore as he slithered on to his shoulders that Onyx was a few inches longer. He had most certainly entered in to the expected growth spurt.
The dinner was fairly quiet since Remey stayed focused on alchemy with the old alchemist and did note out of the alchemyb. Gil had yet to return meaning that his father was still away. Walker''s father was still at work since the guards had mostly been sent to help in the building and patrolling of the streets. The fire had shaken the entire area not to mention the recent robbery from the stone gang added worry. Tobat this there were more guard patrols and some guards were moving supplies to the builders.
With the smaller group at dinner Walker found himself enjoying tea with Su''s parents, Gil''s mother, His mother, and Maria. The only new additions were Gale and her parents who were rather silent and shy to join in on everything right away, no one was offended by this since the family had just been through so much. The positive though was that when Gale saw Walker she ran up to him and wouldtch on to his leg. Su had run away to polish up the shield since she was convinced that it had started to get dusty. She had talked about it the entire meal until she finished eating. Once he had chatted and had his tea he took an early night to get himself ready to wake up to work in the morning. Midnight had already beat him to it though.
The morning came closer than just as fast as normal but Walker found himself more and more excited for it. He felt that he would be able to get a lot done today since the two biggest pieces of gear were finished. Apparently Midnight had the same feelings since she was already awake and just about to push Walker''s door open when he himself opened it to go looking for her.