'' Colorless slime core- dormant
The core of a small slime that has had its elemental mana forced out and reced with a slime breeder''s mana. When the mana has been used up or the core has been removed from the body it loses all traits. The colorless slime is ideal for long rangemunications and observation. The colorless slimecks any other skills or strength and is easily destroyed yet hard to detect.''
Walker read this out loud after he used his all around appraisal skill. The group looked as if they have been robbed. "Now we know that the one we are looking for is a slime breeder. But it really ticks me off that they weren''t even here in the first ce." Remey was kicking some dort with her boots, the one that had nearly caused the death of a new friend was nowhere to be found. They needed to be put on trial for their crimes.
"Nice job Onyx. We have a nice lead on what system can do these things. Hopefully, things are not as bad with the dwarves." Walker was thinking of the yellow acidic slimes that had been reported in the dwarven mines. If they were the same source as the purple slimes it was sure that they were facing a simr if not worse, problem.
"I hate to ruin this informative meeting, but the enforcers are here, and I am pretty sure they saw the skills Gil used." Calen sounded very worried. She could tell that they werepletely ignoring the defeat of the minimized massive slime and focusing on the human with an elven system.
"I wish we could help, but I think you will be brought before the queen no matter what. I might have an idea though." Wade was trying to get up but Alma forced him down. Her eyes had yet to leave Gil though. The worry was more than clear on her face.
Walker stood tall and looked at the elven group that had joined them, "We will meet with the queen and work it out. Don''t worry about us, it will be fine." Walker was having a hard time believing his own words, but he knew that Wade most of all needed to hear some positive words.
Gil was sweating a little more than he had but when Walker sneakily handed out a mana potion he took it and turned around to drink it. Walker was not going to miss the simple fact that Gil was low on mana and very pale. The next meeting they were about to have was going to take a lot of their energy and Gil would need to be in tip top shape.
"My party is willing to meet with your queen and elders again. The slime has been beaten and all that is left is to clean up the damages. There might still be small and medium slimes around but they don''t have anyone controlling them at the moment."
Some of the enforcers split off and stood behind the three elves. They appeared protective but also tried to check and treat Wade''s injuries. Walker saw this and reported what he had done so far. "I splinted his broken arm and used an antidote potion on the decay left from the minimized massive slime''s attack. I used some healing skills and a healing potion but it will take a few more treatments over a couple of days to fully heal." One of the enforcers nodded slightly and used a healing skill.
The green glow of healing magic made Wade''s arm start to heal at a rapid rate. The skin was being healed the fastest and looked nearly brand new in an instant, however, Walker knew that this was just a more advanced healing skill used on a very specific body part. There would still need to be more healingter on but any worry of infection was removed since there was not an open wound on Wade''s arm.
Onyx quickly moved in to his tattoo form and wrapped around Walker for easier travel. He was also worried that the enforcers would separate them after the party''s first encounter with them. Onyx did not have the best impression because he had realized that they had been brought to a prison and he was stuck in his tattoo form without any way to get out and help the party.
Midnight and Su tightened up next to Walker and Gil making sure that they were ready for the worst. Yet when they did so the enforcers just surrounded them almost like an escort. They had fully expected to be bound or chained to be brought before the elven court again.
"My party will go with them. As a possible queen, I invoke my right to enter the court!" Alma stood her ground even though an enforcer was trying to block her. She knew all too well that the elders would want to bury this human that had gained the arcane marksman system that was unique to the elves. It was something they had never seen before and could be a threat if it escaped to another kingdom.
One of the enforcers tried to whisper to Alma but was pushed away. "I will join the court and that is final. If you can not follow that order then I will make sure you are all exiled to the deserts." Her words held more weight than the party knew, the enforcers took steps back and started to guide Alma and Calen towards the elven city. Wade was carried by three of the enforcers. One was healing him little by little while two were carrying him.
The group was escorted through the seemingly abandoned elven city. They climbed the same tree and entered the same hall. However this time there were enforcers lining the walls and blocking the exit. The elders looked like someone had just pped them awake. The anger on their faces was not hidden in the least. The queen still sat upon her hammock of moving vines, but instead of the calm natural aura around her was unsettled and chaotic.
Not a single person made a move after they were all standing in front of the queen and elders. Even Wade who had been set down on a pillow to maintain his sitting up position while resting, since Alma had called for her entire party to be present than he was also brought to the hall. The entire group was together waiting for them to speak.
An elder stood up and looked at each of them in the eye. "Alma, you have used your standing to demand entrance to this private meeting. State your reasoning for this. We shall decide then whether we allow you to stay after we have heard." The elder didn''t even properly look at her. The frustration of their intrusion was enough to set the elders off.
"We were only able to defeat that danger due to the actions we took. Every single one of us agreed to the traps we made and the damage we did to the forest in our actions. It was all necessary to preserve the forest in its entirety." Alma had started off string making sure that they stood next to the party and not separately.
"That is not what we are here to discuss, the actions were eptable. It may cause us pain that the forest took damage, however, the enforcers we sent out behind you have already reported that there is blue ivy covering many of the trees and saplings. Furthermore, we know your skills and the queen felt the changes you made."
When Alma heard this she knew that the queen must have been watching the entire time. She had the power to be one with the forest but she was not an attacker by any means. She may have the power to change the forest as well but she could not cause harm to others using it. She would be going against the spirits of the forest and the will of those who have passed on that she couldmunicate with.
"We worked together with them. We can''t just leave them to be hidden away. They are important to more than just our kingdom. The humans won''t just let their people be chained away to protect our fears. I am tired of living a fearful life. Elves have hidden our systems and our skills. Do you know what they said when we were leaving the city? They said it reminded them of the ancient ruins. Our city is deste whenever we have emissaries of another kingdom, our people are hidden away for days at a time, our history is locked behind walls. What is the point if we are hidden away? If we were to disappear then the world would forget us in a blink of an eye."