The natural mana in the room spiked higher than any of them had ever felt before. The three elves had only heard the stories of their queen using her mastery skill. Thest recorded happening was when they had the passing of the fire elf queen over one hundred and fifty years ago.
The vines that had overtaken the room were forming themselves in to countless elven shapes. Some held bows. Others held crafting tools, even more held magical staffs and grimoires. These were the most notable figured and leaders of the forest elven people.
"What is this?" Remey spoke for the entire party while falling in to a defensive formation with the others. The only ones that did not move were the three levels. Instead, Alma gave them a fearful look.
"This is our queen''s unique mastery skill. She has used her mana to form puppets for the spirits of our ancestors. They will weigh in on what I going on here." Her words were slightly shaky, she was fixed on one that stood tall with vines flowing down as hair. Next to the vine puppet was a smaller vine puppet holding what appeared to be various pruning tools.
Wade was using Calen to remain standing since he was still very weak from the battle. His body had used a lot of his energy during the healings and he should be resting. But when he saw that there were vine puppets forming he too was fixed on one that formed directly next to the queen.
"I didn''t expect to see my master in this form. I would have expected him to avoid this kind of things even in the afterlife." His words were filled with sorrow. He had not been there the day of his master''s passing but he had still felt the pain of the bow he had received upon that day. It had cried out for its previous partner and its string had broken.
The only one of the three elves that was able to function simrly to the party was Calen. She managed to rify what was going on by a slight margin. "The queen only uses her mastery skill under grave circumstances. This qualifies, our people may lose a title holder today and make enemies of two kingdoms. You know this well but still stood by us. Now those who once stood at the peak of our race will judge us…" She trailed off as the vine puppets stopped forming.
There were more than thirty of the elf shaped vine puppets. They all stood around the room some in pairs and others alone. There were some notable figures that held certain tools made of vines that stood close to the queen. She was sitting with her emerald eyes on the group before her. She was looking in to their very being searching for their reasoning.
Her words were filled with a spiritual echo and the natural man in the area vibrated with each word. "These elves have gained the backing of the heroes. They desire to change the ways of our race. What say you, those who watch and guide." Her words were simple but this was the catalyst for the vine puppets toe to life.
With her words spoken the vine puppets were in motion. Some turned away and refused to even look at the three elves. There were two who raised their bows in support. They were directing their gaze at Wade. The short and tall vine puppet that Alma looked at was staring back at her. Alma was standing choking back silent tears when she suddenly straightened her back and held the gaze firm.
"Mom, dad. I will change the way we are seen. The elves have hidden away and missed the world turn. I will make our wonderful history known. Our lessons and knowledge won''t rot anymore. I promise that all you have done will make the entire world a better ce."
Her cries and promises caused the two vine puppets to shift. The shorter one holding many tools moved forward ever so slightly until the taller one reached out for its shoulder. A deep spiritual voice came from the shorter vine puppet, "You have grown up. You look just like your mother when I fell in love with her." The shorter vine puppet fell to pieces. The vines fusing with the taller vine puppet.
Alma held back even more tears, she was waiting for the taller vine puppet to reply however, it turned to the queen and spoke instead. "My queen, the vote of the forest shaper snd the poison vine wielder has been cast. Please support the future these here wish to grow." The vines began to fave and Alma nearly crumpled to her knees.
Seeing her weakness Gil stepped to her side and gave her an arm to lean on. Alma held on but could only stare at the shrinking vines, just before they were gone she managed to pick ut a whisper. "I look forward to the future queen." The tears she had been holding back were flooding her face. This was too much for her to handle.
Gil did not dare to move, he saw many of the vine puppets had eyes on him. They knew what system he had and why it was affecting the elven people so much. Before one of them could speak out Wade held his bow and smiled widely. "Been a while huh?"
The vine puppet holding a bow next to the queen held up its bow as well. "You know kid, I was resting pretty well. If you hadn''te to cause trouble I could have slept for another forty years before the queen needed my input again." The spiritual voice from the vine puppet didn''t sound angry at all. Instead, there was a yfulness within it.
"Well, we are finally making the change we spoke about when I was first learning to shoot an arrow. I will stand beside my chosen queen and show the world what beauty we hide here." His words held no sadness, they held only promise and strength even with his injuries visible.
"Still spouting your dreams to anyone that will listen. That''s good. You have stayed true to who you are. In turn, I will fulfill the promise I made you the day I passed that bow down to you. As the previous holder of the dead eye title, I support the current title holder and their ambition. My queen, I believe it the right path to take."
The vine puppet fell in to nothingness after speaking while there was a flurry of movement from the others. Most of the vine puppets holding bows also fell away after expressing their support in a nod or by holding up their own bows. Wade could feel every action they took, his bow resonated with their trust.
"Ludicrous. The elven people have been safe because of the actions we have taken. If we show ourselves off like some piece of art we will be attacked again. The demons will see us as weak ande in for the kill." The vine puppet that spoke held arge staff and stood near the queen. "The ways we have now are known to be safe. We are still strong and don''t need the world to remain one with the forest."
Once the vine puppet''s harsh words were finished it turned to a mess of vines that faded away as well. There were other puppets that fell away showing their support of the current ways. The remaining vine puppets all holding some form of magical gear or items. Walker could inly see that there were many magic users that hade at the call of the queen.
"Those who hold mana within your hands and shape it. Please enlighten me on your views so that I may guide our people." the respecting from the queen was more so than any of them had expected. The other three elves knew all too well the value of magic to their people but the party had not fully grasped the notion yet.
Ther vine puppets converged and met in front of one holding arge grimoire made of vines. They all appeared to be having an unheard conversation while moving around. Some of the vine puppets looked to be angry as others spoke while some looked to be giving passionate speeches. The one holding the vine grimoire did not move an inch.
After some time the one holding the vine grimoire raised a hand and all the other vine puppets began to fade. The only one remaining was the one holding the grimoire. "Now that I have heard the words of the others, allow me to hear some words from those who wish our people to join them in the open."