Onyx was excited to see the new skill he had received from the quest. His feelings were jumbled since it said he needed to grow more to level up but this was eptable since he knew that he could perish if he was able to level up above his body''s means.
"I also received the skill, should I read it or would you like the lead since you are your partys'' leader." Scy was willing to let Walker read the skill allowed after he looked at Onyx''s information. This was a respectful nod to him since the party was jumping right in to a meeting about what had just urred along with the fact that she was sitting in on it for the moment.
"We will step back and allow you the privacy you deserve," Wade spoke after grasping the situation and pulled Alma with him. The two ordered the enforcers to return to those trainees that had overexerted themselves and make sure they had not been affected by the dense natural mana that hade from the world shake.
"Thank you. I will take the lead then." Walker was d to be allowed the lead on this since he was going to look anyways. He also was proud to be held in high respect by a powerful being like Scy.
''Call of a hero- 0 mana (dependent)
In a dire situation the user may call upon the natural mana of the world to answer their call. The natural mana will gather and cause the necessary actions for a hero to be guided or transported to the needed location. This skill will only be answered in the most dire situations and can not be used to any effect unless this condition is met.''
"Does that mean we could be magically teleported to some ce if needed?" Gil had heard that teleportation magic existed but thought it was an impossible thing, however, this skill sounded like it could cause the world to do just that.
"It could just be something that sets quests in motion to get a hero to the ce we are needed. That would make more sense." Remey chimed in remembering the quests the party had caused and saw this skill as a start to a chain of quests.
"It sounds like it will be a great trump card for anyone that gets it. Calling one of us to join a battle could greatly change the tide. Even if we are weaker than opponent or opponents we can assist ion buffs, strategy, healing, and many other aspects." Walker could only see this as a good way for them to save those they made friends with in the future. "I actually wish we could give this skill to people. But that doesn''t look to be possible, maybe others will receive this skill from quests caused by us."
"That sounds very possible. I am just d that I received it. I will hope never to use it." Scy smiled and stood up from her resting position. "I will refrain from prying in to what you do with your new levels and stat points. I look forward to what you can do now." She stepped away with the desire to explore the market while the party is busy. She had reached her limit of amazing things seen for the day and had some hope that she would be able to rx a little while browsing the new items.
"Do we even need to talk about the new educationist title? It sounds like it is too amazing." Remey was looking at it and only saw one great benefit.
Su also had the same thought as Remey and vocalized it, "Walker can learn every single one of our skills if we use the information exchange skill." Su didn''t hold back on this at all. It was clear that she was going to try and make Walker learn all of her blocking skills as soon as possible.
"I know there are limits to the skill but we should try and be careful with how we use it. Expanding Walker''s skills is great and all. But we should try and pass skills to others besides us. Walker can naturally learn new skills and he can probably learn better than what we share unless the situation needs it." Gil was thinking of how many people they could help as they traveled who would need certain skills to improve.
"I see this as a way for us to pass on skills to people who would not normally have them. We can make those that are in need strong enough to aplish their goals." Walker also followed Gil''s train of thought and wanted to use this new skill to pass on skills that the less fortunate could use.
"With that aside, Midnight and Onyx are stuck at their levels. I don''t think we should be worried but we might also hit this around level fifty as Alma said. But we might now. I''m not sure. We are already much higher level than most guards in the city and the average person." This wasn''t a huge problem because Midnight and Onyx were more powerful due to being monsters. However, if it was one of the party it could severely limit them.
"No leader, we are at the perfect age. The level cap should stop us temporarily while we grow but we may not reach it at all since we should have our own natural growth spurts." Su was very adamant about this. In her mind, they would grow before their level hit a cap. It was the perfect bnce for them.
"That does make sense. Then the only thing we need to decide is how to distribute these stat points. I believe we all have ideas and desired. But the thing we need to focus on is what weck. Personally, I need mana and more attack and magical attack stats. I will also add some to my defenses and agility. I have the all around ability to change what I am doing and that should reflect in how I distribute them." Walker already had his n outlined and was prepared to put it in to action.