The king knew all too well that Walker was keeping him in the loop about the alchemy guild so that his party members would have a better and easier time when it was fully established. He also knew that his power would be needed along with other nobles to make it spread and grow properly.
One noble with more courage than the others stepped forward, "I''m curious on what the price to join the alchemy guild would be?" The noble had risen from the military to be one of the assistant strategists. He had a daughter that gained an alchemy based system and he had paid arge sum of gold for her to be allowed to study with the alchemy building and a low tier master. It was a big hit to his family but he had to take it to further his daughter''s education and future.
"Price? I''m sure there will be a small price to test whether they can join and perform the proper skills. But I do not believe there will be a price on the knowledge itself. Remey, my party member, has already spoken a few times about sses held by masters. The prices and such of herbs and potions may change and be more regted but the ess will increase. Throwing aside someones'' future forck of gold would be a loss for every race in need of potions." Walker stood firm on thisst statement. He was not one to let alchemists just run about and abuse their power. He had been fortunate not to meet such alchemists as of yet.
"How impressive…" The man mumbled in a daze. The other nobles also followed suit. They were used to sending any family members they had to the alchemy building at a price with the hopes that valuable gold would funnel in to their family yearster after the family member learned alchemy. It was just the way it had worked so far.
"I think that would be ideal, it sounds as if it will be much more supportive and reliant on the alchemist''s desire to learn than on gold. Is that fair to say?" The man wanted to hear it inly so he could begin to back it. The king watched with a smile. This was what Walker had wanted and what the king had in mind as well. Getting the support of other nobles that had wed their way to the higher ranks in the kingdom would only bolster the positive reputation of the alchemy guild.
"Yes. knowledge should not be hidden behind a wall of gold and power. It should be free to allow those who desire it to take it and use it to grow." Walker also had many other ns but didn''t want to push things further. "I also believe that a good project toe together with the other kingdoms would be a grand library. I''m sure it would be a project the schrs from every kingdom could contribute to. But that is something I will leave to those with more years behind them. I don''t have enough to contribute yet."
The nobles looked surprised and excited by this prospect. They all stored up books and records but the only real library of records was the castles. The king knew that the elves held many records and would fully support a grand library. The dwarves had many forging experiments they had recorded that could be added. The demi-humans held a massive amount of battle knowledge. And the demons had some rare ruins throughout theirnds.
"I will take that in to ount. I feel it is a very good idea. If you could excuse me, I have a few meetings to attend today still." The king had heard everything he needed and was ready to start to make some progress.
"I hope to see you soon. Thank you foring to help today." Walker said his farewell and looked for Midnight and Onyx. It wasn''t hard to find the two. Onyx had be a center for attention but now reverted to his smaller size and was curled up on Midnight''s back. The children they had been entertaining had been whisked away by parents when the guards guided the farmers to their temporary homes.
"Are you two ready to head home and see everyone? It looks like Elise has already moved there with her new friend too. I''m sure we will have more to do when the supplies get here from the demi-human kingdom." Walker thought it best to rest and eat now while they had the time.
Before he left he wanted to tell Su and the high priest but couldn''t see them anywhere. Walker assumed that Su had already left and that the high priest had taken his rest along with Alice since the two had already spent a great deal of mana. Walker couldn''t even find Ibis who he knew would be resting somewhere private. He had spent a great deal of mana and would not recover it for a year due to the cost of feeding the pure light griffin which would guard the city.
Onyx took up residence on Walker''s shoulder and Midnight slowly walked alongside him. "I think you and I can do some training soon. I know you have been patient about it. Having the other elemental fire breathing skills could be pretty amazing." Walker knew that he could chat with Midnight about this.
In reaction, Midnight huffed a few times and a slight ember came from her mouth. The golden coloration was her golden me heart skill showing itself and making Walker even more excited himself. He couldn''t imagine how strong certain elemental would be when fused with a dragon''s fire. Midnight would be one of the greatest dragons and little sisters there ever was. However, he knew that she would need to escape Lisa when they got him. She was sure to try and crush Midnight with a hug.