The sun was barely starting to set when Walker made it inside. He was surprised to see that the ice elemental spirit was hanging out in the dining room with Su and the two earth elemental spirits. "Wee back. Did you go out to see ra? Some items have already been dropped off with a payment slip." Su pointed to the letter on the table which Walker took and would deal with in the morning.
"I did, she wants us to take it back a little and rx. I told her that we are all going to take care of personal things. But I really think we should all make a point to go to the harvest festival together. It will be a nice experience for everyone. We can start out with the family and then split up if we want." Walker knew that Su would pass on the message if he told her.
"I wanted to suggest the same thing. I think the spirits would really enjoy the experience since there will be a lot to see and do.." Su was visibly excited. This was the first harvest festival her mother was going to be able to experience in a long time since she had been ill and bedridden.
Midnight and Onyx also have never been to one. It should be very interesting. Midnight might eat the kingdom out of house and home if we let her but the odds are there will be enough food for her." Walker knew all too well that Midnight could always eat. He wondered how she didn''t have a skill that had to do with eating endlessly.
"So, what did you buy today?" Su was curious since she had not gone through the crates. She did have her suspicions since the elemental spirits were very interested in the crates. She wanted to respect what Walker may have purchased.
"I got a lot more elemental crystals since I want to awaken more of the dormant elemental spirits. Which look like they are in the longer crates. I just wonder how they moved themall the way in to the dining hall." Walker wasn''t sure why they made it here but realized that it was most likely because there was more room here than in the entry way.
"Will you awaken all of them? Or just some?" Su wasn''t sure what would happen if there were suddenly arge group of spirits ying about the mansion and the city in general.
"I was thinking I would awaken the water spirit I have carried with me and see what it wants to do. I think awakening the water spirits will be the best idea since the farnds need water to replenish what was burned up. Then I will work on fire elemental spirits since I want to see if I can find thest one to join me. After that I will see if there are other elemental spirits that we can awaken to help the kingdom. But if I find thest spirit to help me then I think it will be time to move on to the next part of the quest." Walker was still thinking hard about what the next steps would be but was willing to put his all in to it.
"Well, I might as well help you out. We can leave the end of the table for everyone to eat and the rst for the spirits." Su was standing up and opening the longer crates first. "Just tell me what goes where." As Su opened them the dark elemental spirit came out of her shadow and was already looking around the dormant spirits.
As if someone had summoned them the other spirits began to filter in from other ces in the mansion. The only one that was not ounted for was Zephyr who was either high in the sky or with Gil. "Now that everyone is here and the dormant spirits the Ga family auction house provided. How about we help this water spirit to awaken along with the others."
The reactions of the elemental spirits were varied but all had a great deal of energy. The fire spirit was not as excited and Walker swore that the alchemy first spirit couldn''t have left the room faster. It was only interested in fire spirits because it wanted to get another alchemy fire spirit to help in theb. Remey was sure to want it nearby again soon anyways.
Walker and Su popped open the crates that had the elemental mana crystal in them to find the water elemental crystals. She started to pull them out when she stopped with a confused look. "Walker, there is another note here. And a round crystal." She wasn''t sure what it was but knew Walker would want to see it.
"It reads; I did not have any materials that did not have elemental affinities for every element. However, I have six notes with six simr round crystals. They were strange and we did not have any interest in them from buyers so I sent them along free of charge. Thank you for your support. One of six." Walker looked at the blue crystal in his hands and saw Su pulling one from the other crates.
Walker used his all around appraisal skill to see what they were,
''Pure Water elemental crystal
This crystal has a single point of pure water elemental mana. It has never bonded with another elemental mana and can be used as a crafting material for a pure water item or in bnce with other pure elemental crystals. This is extremely rare but can not be used or crafted by an average cksmith or crafter. These are often deemed worthless by most races due to this fact.''
"So it''s often deemed worthless. I have a hard time believing that looking at how happy you are now." Su was almost blinded by the grin Walker had in his face. It spoke of ns in the future.