Walker shook off the strange glimpse as him just seeing the random mix of costumes. " I swear if you eat all the skewers and don''t save me one of the honey sauce skewers I will freeze everyone in an ice block!" Remey''s siblings thought this was a hrious threat and proceeded to copy Walker''s way of saying it.
"You know they will use that as a threat for a month now, right?" Remey pretended to be annoyed but Walker could tell she liked it since she had done the same and taught them her threats to punch people way too often.
"Hey, don''t me me if they take after the party leader. It just makes sense." Walker turned Remey and rushed ahead beating her to the stall. The aroma of charred chicken skewers was enough to get everyones'' stomach growling and before the others caught up he had ordered enough for them all to have one. Midnight had already mastered the use of the adventurers'' que and with Onyx along hermunicate she easily had already ordered herself two.
"I''m surprised you two are holding back. I thought Walker would be going to the guild because we ran out of gold." Gil was reying theical scene he thought would happen in his mind. .
"Sister says that she wants to try every stall here. It would be a waste to only eat at one." The knowing nod came from Su directly after Onyx tranted this.
"A wise woman always saves room. That''s why I can eat so many desserts, it''s called nning." Su may not be the best influence when it came to food. Normally she was very level headed but on days like today, her adoration for sweets seemed to be winning out. She had asked the stall owner for double honey ze on her chicken skewer which made Walker''s teeth hurt just thinking about it.
Since Gil had returned from his little purchase he had handed Walker the small box before getting ahead and grabbing a skewer with Midnight, "I really with that merchant had more of the spikes for new wither spike arrows. I want to show my fathers'' friends how to make them so we can all take advantage." Gil kept shaking his head since he couldn''t see any more simr monster materials nearby.
"I think I should take a look around. Maybe I will find something. Is everyone ready to keep walking? We are searching for gifts for your house mother too so keep an eye out." The children all became much more energetic with this while eating their snacks.
"You know you don''t need to help with that. We would have found something." Remey gave Walker a soft punch to the arm. Su also smiled slightly knowing that Remey was too embarrassed to say thank you for the thought.
"What about those silver things? They look like eggs." Walker nced at the table and used his all around appraisal skill after one of Remeys'' siblings called out.
'' painted chicken egg
Painted with silver paint so that it looks like an expensive ornament. The merchant selling these ismonly kicked out of kingdoms and markets for selling false items.''
"You have a very good eye. Keep walking with Remey and stay sharp. I will settle it." The children looked happy to help since Walker had listened to them.
The guard walking by was surprised t see Walker since he recognized him. "Hello sir hero, I hope you''re having a nice morning. Anything I can help with?" The guard appeared to be one of the castle guards that must have been assigned to help with the festival.
"Yes, actually we have a trouble maker that came in to the market ce…" Walker leaned in and whispered to the guard who called over another three and met the merchant. In just a few minutes the guards were escorting the shady merchant away and cleaning up the stall so that another person could take the ce.
"Thank you very much for pointing that out. It''s hard to keep track of all thate and go on festival weeks. Little things like that slip through." The guard was apologetic for the mistake.
"It''s expected. I''m just d I found you before he sold anything else. Maybe this time he will learn a lesson. My appraisal skill said he had been kicked out from kingdoms and markets before." The guard furrowed his eyebrows and said farewell while catching up to the other guards. He would make sure the fine and poster of the man was made public to prevent future incidents.
When Walker ran to catch up he could swear a girl in a blue dress had been standing by the nearby empty stall. But when he turned he saw a few darkness elemental spirits investigating the empty stall. They were enjoying the space for now and amused by the worried looks of nearby shoppers who thought they were some mischievous spirits. Which was notpletely false.
When Walker caught up the children looked sad that Walker didn''t have a silver egg so he put on his best face and started to talk loudly, "I can''t believe that guy was selling eggs that didn''t even taste good. He told me that they wouldn''t even hatch a silver chicken. Like what''s the point?" The children found this to be the most amusing thing in the world while Gil and Su had not missed the guards taking the man away.
"Fake silver eggs?" Gil whispered to Walker.
"Yes. But it''s fine." Walker then made an exaggerated movement to look about. "Does she happen to like tea? I see a tea stall over there. And knowing that Remey made tea for everyone a lot I can only think your house mother would like it too." This caught all of their attention and soon the group came before the tea leaf stall.
"She does need some good tea leaves to mix with the botter herbs. She has been taking care of orphans for years and her joints are a bit stiff." Remey mumbled to herself a little while picking through the best leaves.