The pale skin was only blemished by the tear stains on the girls'' cheeks. Her brown hair was smoother and braided making her look perfect for an event like the harvest festival. The blue dress she wore was a powder blue. The girl seemed to be ignored by everyone who walked past, even the children about her age.
"I think that''s the right person to dance with. Do you mind if I go and see what''s wrong?" Walker was given a nod of affirmation from Alice. She had stopped because she hated the sight of a girl crying during such a happy time. Alice just didn''t know how to fix it and pulled on Walker to do so since he was always able to fix things since she met him.
As Walker approached the girl she looked at him then away. It appeared that she did not believe he was actuallying to speak to her and instead of going to walk right over her. "You look like you need a dance partner." His outstretched hand was met with a stunned look. .
" one has danced with me. My daddy said that everyone would dance with me but now there is now one. My mommy isn''t here to dance. And my older brother isn''t here. It''s just me." The tears threatened to fall again and Walker could not allow it.
"Well, you see, I am here and so are my friends. We can dance with you as much as you want. Does that sound fun? Then We will personally walk you home at the end of the night." He swore he had seen this girl before but knew that the main issue at hand was that she was on the verge of tears. He could not rightfully leave someone alone without their parents to cry and be ignored by others.
Alice had moved aside and was watching Walker carefully. She had a confused look on her face but Walker did not pay it any mind. He pulled the little girl in the blue dress to the side square and started to dance. Slowly she began to brighten up and the color in her face became rosy and bright. Her powder blue dress began to turn a vibrant blue simr to the sky. Her brown hair became the same as golden wheat.
"We wereing for the festival and mommy and daddy said I could dance as much as I wanted. Big brother was going to buy me treats and a costume mask. But then...when I got here. No one was here. Mommy, daddy, and big brother were gone and it was just me. No one would dance with me. No one would give me anything to eat. No one."
Images flooded Walker''s mind. There was an older woman and an older man speaking to the little girl resting in a moving cart. Many supplies and bottles of wine were in the back with her and an older boy was sitting on the back checking on the girl constantly.
Walker had no idea what he was seeing but the images prevailed. There was a growling from the sides with a familiar snorting sound. Orcs. They burst through the grasses and smashed the cart to pieces in the ins outside of the kingdom. The wines stained the grass all around and a small whine was heard.
The next images that ran through Walker''s mind were of the older boy striking out with a spear only to be mmed in to the grass. Walker couldn''t hear the yelling and he knew that it was telling the little girl to run.
There was grass all around but nothing to properly hide in. The thundering footsteps came from behind the girl just as she saw the city. The goal they had. It was all there was before there was nothing.
"Excuse me, do you mind if I cut in? I have been looking for this littledy for some time now." The man that had separated Walker and the little girl was skinny, unbelievably so. His face was taught and it was closer to say he was all bones. The ck cloak he had on drifted in an unseen breeze.
There were no words to be said. The man took the girls'' hand and twirled her around. "Your family has been waiting for some time now. They asked me toe to find you. They can''t dance without you. But here you are, trying to dance with someone unlike yourself. If he hadn''t seen you and pulled out to the open, I may not have noticed a cute little one like yourself. Now, off you go."
The man opened his hands and the girl drifted in to the smoke. There was a warm feeling that overtook the square and the voices that Walker had tuned out became loud yet again. "Thank you for the help. I hope we do not meet again. Normally, it is a sad day." The man was gone in the smoke as well, but there was a single skeletal hand that waved as the smoke drifted away.
'' Harvest quest- Assist The lost Soul
Tragedy is often the cause for a soul to wander. The young are more so than others. Fulfill the lost soul''s wish and dance with her so that a guide may find her. Worry not, her fate is not to suffer further.
Dance with the right partner- the lost wine merchant''s daughter
One time use skill;
The skill walk of the spirits has been temporarily granted to the user.
The skill walk of the spirits can only be used during the harvest season.
Walk of the spirits- zero mana cost, temporary skill- single use''
The user calls upon the souls of those wandering the night of the first harvest. They will gain their bodies once again and join the warmth of life. Those who guide the spirits wille to take them on to their next path at the end. This skill can only be used by the seer of the dead.''