Chapter 1143 – 1143. Too Much
"Alice? Are you alright? Onyx?" Su had made her way to the cathedral to try and see how Onyx and Alice were doing. From what she had heard the p[air was very busytely due to some minor injuries around the city while building a mage quarters.
"We are here." Onyx allied to her and Su easily found them in a room full of light elemental crystals. It was not just an exaggeration. There were light elemental crystals on multiple shelves along the walls including some hanging from strings on the ceiling. The floor was littered with cracked crystal shards as well.
"Wow…what is all this." The egg was sitting on a pedestal in the middle of the room. It was clearly dragged from another room and had once held a book. Now it was holding a pillow with the heavenly serpent egg on it.
"We asked some of the carpenters to install shelves. Brother left me the crystals and we set them up. I have my identification que as well and had it updated so I could better use it. My share of the gold went to more crystals." Onyx had spent almost all of his gold in this way. It was only fair for him and Midnight to have ess to some of the gold since they were intelligent to use it themselves.
"Well, I am d you had your ques condensed in to the new Genesis identification but, this is a lot." Su had also had the ques, pins, and medals consolidated so he would only need one form of identification. The runesmiths had gotten together with a few extremely talented cksmiths to create a small metal card with many runes on it. They were able to store the mana of an individual and cause information to be saved. This allowed any guard, staff member of a guild, or other citizens to show and use the identification. Su''s showed her name, affiliations, and was even used to pay for things. It was a feat that would change how all races functioned.
"It was necessary for the growth of my friend. They will be able to live the way they need. I also would have used it for the crystals as well, I need them for food. We also will make more gold. It is not worth holding on to for all of time." While Onyx made good points, Su still felt that he had been a little too much. But Alice was singing softly to make the light elemental mana in the room even more pure, so she didn''t press the issue.
After Alice finished her song, she looked at Su and gave her a quick hug. She showed off the heavenly serpent egg which had been growing steadily. The shell was even more white and even had be somewhat ssy. It was soon going to change again and be clear so that more light could be absorbed by the serpent inside. Alice had been taking careful notes of every day''s changes so that she could pass them to Walker for the tamers'' guild records.
"You haven''t been working too hard, have you? I saw that a lot of people were hurt when that stone b fell. They tried to move it before the dwarven golems got there and that was foolish." Su had heard the story and been nearby to personally help and scold those that had done so. The mages that had caused this were not experienced enough to move such a heavy stone b.
"Not tired at all." Alice even pretended to flex her biceps to show Su that she was fine. She was actually d to have helped since she had been able to perform the first ever concert with the other healing musicians in the new cathedral. She had seen Su in the audience before but had avoided speaking with her since she was speaking to the boy that yed the harp and violin now. It was interesting seeing the boy try to impress Su by adding more string instruments to his skills. Alice also felt it was romantic since music yed for the soul in her eyes.
"If you aren''t tired do you want to help me with something? I have an idea for a skill that the dragonkin told me about. They said that the light elemental dragonkin can make a shield of light that can protect people and heal them at the same time. I don''t have much magic but I want to try it. If I can ovey it over my shields I can make a skill that heals those around me." Su had taken a lot of time to think about this and decided that Alice could be the best person to help.
Since Alice could both heal and shape light with her voice, she may be able to make a faux version of the skill. If so, then Su would try to get a feel for the way the mana flowed and how she would be able to learn such a skill. The idea was that she would use the twin shields to protect the party and heal them while they prepared to counter attack. It would be an ideal solution for an ambush from multiple monsters.
"I will watch over the egg. You have been here longer than I have so I will take some time." Onyx was sure that he would be able to train his own skills while the pair was going. He had also been very carefully training his dual elemental affinity with darkness and light. He wanted to perfectly meld them together and rise to be stronger even though his level was not rising so muchtely.
Alice and Su gave Onyx a smile and Su mentally promised to speak with him more about his spendingter. She also made a mental note to put some light elemental crystals aside in case he was hungry. She was, in practice, his older sister within the party after all.