Chapter 1152 – 1152. Pushing Through
Pushing through to the alchemy guild was the hardest challenge of the day. Walker found that so many people hade from far and wide to try and join so that they could participate in thepetition in a few months. They were sure that they would be able to fall under one of the best master alchemists and be the next great alchemist to walk the world.
Some were there because they had reached the limits of their current knowledge and experiments. They knew that they would be able to learn more and push through their hardships to discover their next path. Then there were the herbalists. Many had found that their city''s were too crowded or that the herbs they grew needed round the clock care. The alchemy guild allowed for other trusted and skilled herbalists to watch the important herbs. That alone was enough to attract skilled herbalists.
Many people filled the front hall discussing ideas and trying to trade things with each other. It was clear that Trish had hired more elves that respected her to work in the guild since they had a better understanding of herbs in general. Walker even spotted some of the appraisal experts from the Ga family helping with appraising various herbs. It seemed that the Ga family had cast off the idea that they would only be auctioning and working with merchants. They were not working with guilds causing them to be better known and more well rounded in general.
"Sir hero. How are you today? Do you need any assistance?" One of the staff members ran past the counter and right to Walker as soon as they noticed him fighting for a space to get in. Art first some in line were angry that they were ignored but when they heard how Walker was addressed they made room. They knew that it was best to curry favor with someone known as a hero since they could change the way the city treated them in a few words. Not that Walker was going to influence anyone any which way. He preferred to see the hard working and determined rise to greater heights. It was only fair.
"I was going to share some of the herbs and herb seeds that I found at the water elfkes with Remey, but maybe it is too busy for me to interrupt her. I didn''t expect things to be this crazy around here." The staff member hurriedly shook their head. They were sure that Remey would have their job if they didn''t bring Walker with them to give her the herbs and seeds.
"I will lead you there right away. Please just follow me. She is in the middle of a short ss that should be ending soon. I believe the topic was foraging for herbs and the equipment needed." It sounded like a good basic course for new alchemists and made a lot of sense. This was the first ce for alchemists toe together and learn proper techniques without the need to pay for a master alchemist to be their teacher. Many alchemists that were not supported by nobles could now learn.
The people in line let Walker go buy without any issue. Many actually made note of his face so that they could offer greetings and try to get in to a good rtionship with him. They wanted to be able to say that they had the support of a hero and one of the founders of Genesis. That alone would make them stand out over many of the other alchemists, merchants, and herbalists.
"Now, tell me. If you find purple thorns with yellow flowers, do you pick them bare handed? If not, what do you wear? Leather gloves? Chainmail gloves? Or do you coat your hands in grease?" Remey was sure that this was going to trip some people up. She had just distributed the basic alchemist guide the day before. She had spent a hefty sum of the guild funds to print arge number of copies to give out for free to every low level alchemist that came and sessfully registered.
"Grease! The poison is water soluble and will absorb in to your skin. But if you cover your hands in grease then even if the thorns pierce your skin the grease that touched the thorn with block the poison inside the thorn." The girl that answered Remey was very sure of herself.
"That is another correct answer for you. I expect you to keep up the hard studying. If you have the time I hope you form a study group with some of the other students here. Working together will get you much further than studying alone." The ss would have turned on this girl if Remey did not say this. The girl had answered many questions perfectly. Now that Remey guided her to start a group the other students could learn with them against each other.
The staff member managed to get Remey''s attention and Remey pointed at Walkering in the food. "As you all know, this is my party member Walker. He just returned from the water elfkes and I am sure he has something interesting to show off. You are all very lucky that he came in at the end of my lesson. That means you get to see what he wants to show off first hand. I expect you all to take notes!" Remey used this to her advantage. She also used it so that she would have an excuse to see the herbs and seeds first hand. It was a good way to hide her excitement and also get what she wanted sooner.
"I could never say no to my party''s alchemical brawler. She makes all the potions for the party and is an indispensable member. You should see her in action one day!" Walker threw some expectations right back at Remey before he started to pull more things from his storage.